Get Connected Nelson

Nelson Tenth Street, Mary Hall

Welcome New and Returning Students!

There’s more to a college experience than textbooks and classrooms. Achieve your goals and make unique memories that will last a lifetime. 

Join us at Get Connected to reconnect with old friends, meet new ones and enjoy a meal on us.

Please bring your own water bottle!


Get a ride to the Tenth Street Campus from our other Nelson campuses. 

The shuttle bus departs the Silver King Campus in front of the main Student Commons Building at 11:30 am. The bus will then head to the Victoria Street Campus and onto the Tenth Street Campus.

The bus departs the Tenth Street Campus from Mary Hall at 2:05 pm to return to the other campuses.

All students must sign in with the bus driver.


11:30 am–12 pm: Registration

11:30 am-1 pm: Information plaza

12:05 pm: Speeches

12:15-2 pm: Live music begins

12:15-1:05 pm: BBQ

1:20-1:50 pm: Games and activities

1:50 pm: Grand prize draws

2 pm: Bus leaves back to Silver King Campus and Victoria Street Campus