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Electrical - Apprenticeship Levels 1 to 4
Get the skills and knowledge you need to successfully complete your Red Seal Certification, BC certificate of apprenticeship and your BC Certificate of Qualification.
Selkirk College is endorsed by SkilledTradesBC to deliver all four levels of Construction Electrical Apprenticeship Technical Training as well as levels 1, 2 and 3 of Industrial Electrical Apprenticeship Technical Training to registered electrical apprentices.
Each level of training consists of a full-time, ten-week, on-campus program of study.
Activities include classroom sessions whereas an apprentice you will learn theoretical principals of electricity and applied concepts of the Canadian Electrical Code. Laboratory sessions help to reinforce electrical concepts covered by the theory classroom component.
Upon successful completion of the Level Four technical training session, apprentices challenge the Interprovincial Trade Qualification examination. Those who pass the exam and complete the work-based hours earn the BC Certificate of Apprenticeship, the BC Certificate of Qualification, and the Interprovincial Standard Red Seal Endorsement.
Apprenticeship Requirements
1,200 technical training hours, completed in four levels (10 weeks each)
The following admission requirements are specific to the Electrical Apprenticeship Program:
Indentured in Electrical Apprenticeship
Active Apprenticeship Work Sponsor
Successful completion of previous level
Additional Requirements
Physically fit, (mobility/lifting) good manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, balance, work at heights and in adverse weather.
An interview (in person or by telephone) with the school chair or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.
Applications will be separated into two levels as identified in Selkirk College Policy 8611: Admissions, namely "fully qualified" and "partially qualified".
1. Fully Qualified
The applicant meets all of the requirements stated in Part I, A, above.
2. Partially Qualified
The applicant is deficient in meeting Part I, A, 2, a) above.
3. Order of Selection see Policy 8611 section 5.2 (8) and (9)
1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:
a) Completed application form.
2. Applications for admission will be received until the program is full.
Graduation and Promotion
Minimum of 70% required to receive credential.
Students should keep records of their grades and strive to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better. Students should be aware of their Progress Grade at all times.
Completion Requirements
a) Completion of all courses required by SkilledTradesBC with a Cumulative Average of 70% or better. At the time of writing, the SkilledTradesBC required courses are:
All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.