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Celebrate SDG Month
For SDG Month 2025, Sustainable Selkirk is hosting a student speaker series called Students for Sustainable Development across four campuses, highlighting talks from current or past Selkirk College students that address one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Open to anyone in the community, attendance is by donation to support the Giving Days sustainability cause of developing applied learning projects on-campus that enhance and protect biodiversity.
Selkirk College was the first Canadian post-secondary institutions to sign onto the SDG Accord for the world’s colleges and universities. The accord is designed to bring awareness to the SDGs, track progress and allow institutions to commit to working toward the Sustainable Development Goals.
Learn more about SDG Month.
March 7: Tenth Street Campus - Mary Hall
- Speaker application deadline: February 14
March 14: Castlegar Campus - The Pit
- Speaker application deadline: February 21
March 21: Silver King Campus - Student Commons Building
- Speaker application deadline: February 28
March 28: Trail Campus - Muriel Griffiths Room
- Speaker application deadline: March 7