Experience small class sizes, personalized one-to-one support and a nurturing environment designed to cultivate creativity and build confidence in your writing.
Our program offers dynamic, engaging opportunities for hands-on learning, tailored feedback and the opportunity for mentorship by award-winning writers who are deeply invested in your success. Nestled in the natural beauty of the West Kootenay, our program provides opportunities for place-based learning and quiet reflection in nature.
Writers complete the program with a strong understanding of the current literary landscape—and their place within it—while also gaining tangible industry experience by serving as editors for Black Bear Review, the West Kootenay's only literary magazine.
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to pursue a career in writing or publishing, get the inspiration and support you need to discover your voice and expand your creative abilities.
Pathways and Possibilities
Creative Writing - Associate of Arts degree is a pathway to a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Fine Arts and careers in the arts, research and publishing, technical writing, library science and education.
Courses at Selkirk College felt different than others I had taken in other places. From day one, I was immersed in a community of people who were just as passionate about creative writing as I was. My instructors, Leesa and Renée, were incredibly supportive and encouraging.
In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, as outlined in Policy 8600: Pre-Admissions Basic Skills Assessment (College Readiness Tool CRT), and Policy 8611: Admissions, Applicants to the University Arts and Sciences Program must meet the following requirements to be considered fully qualified:
a) Students entering UAS courses, with the exceptions in 2- below, require at least 60% or better in English Studies 12, or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.
b) French 102, Spanish 102, and English 51 do not require B.C. English Studies 12 or equivalent as a prerequisite. However, students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program wishing to take English 51 will be governed by the relevant policies and procedures of the International Education Program.
c) The English Studies 12 prerequisite may be waived for exceptional grade 12 students in the Transitions Program. Credit for transitions courses will be withheld until a grade of 60% or better in English Studies 12 is achieved.
d) Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
e) Additional admission requirements may be necessary for particular certificate programs, diploma programs or associate degrees. Course prerequisites and program admission requirements are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website www.selkirk.ca
f) Mature students must meet the English Studies 12 requirement and additional course requirements as specified in the college calendar.
Additional Requirements
Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the college’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
If you are a student who lacks the admission requirements, you may still gain entry to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses in your first year. This may extend the length of your program.
Graduation and Promotion
All Associate of Arts students are required to complete:
Two semester courses in first-year English
Six semester courses in first-year Arts in two or more subject areas
Three semester courses in UAS science and math at the 100 level or higher, of which, one must be a lab science and one must be a UAS math, statistics or computer science course
Biology 101, Geography 130 and 232, and Geology are considered lab sciences
Six semester courses in second-year Arts in two or more subject areas
Six additional UAS courses
Students must achieve a GPA of 2.00
Students are advised to meet with an academic counsellor and to ensure that their course selections will meet the degree requirements of the subsequent institution(s) they plan to attend.
Note: This is a suggested listing of courses for a two-year Associate of Arts degree in Creative Writing.
Associate Degrees
The Associate Degree is a formally established credential recognized province-wide. Graduation from this program requires the completion of sixty (60) credits of university-level study in selected areas with an overall GPA of 2.0. For details, see the B.C. Council of Admissions and Transfers at (www.bctransferguide.ca)
The School of University Arts and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts Degree program and an Associate of Science Degree program. It also offers specialized associate degree programs focusing on particular disciplines. The admission requirements, graduation requirements, and course of studies for each program are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website at www.selkirk.ca
CWRT 100 Introduction to Creative Writing I. This course offers an introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of poetry and creative non-fiction. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in poetry and creative nonfiction, as well as an objective appreciation of their own ''voice'' in the context of those aesthetics.
English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.
English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
Elective Courses
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
one (1) 100-level Arts-Social Sciences elective
At least one (1) 100- or 200-level Math/Statistics/Computer Science elective
ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.
CWRT 101 Introduction to Creative Writing II. This course offers an introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of fiction and drama. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in fiction and drama, as well as an objective appreciation of their own ''voice'' in the context of those aesthetics.
English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
Elective Courses
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
CWRT 200 Manuscript Development I. The emphasis of this second year creative writing course will be on portfolio development and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students will submit their own imaginative writing for workshop in any of the four genres – poetry, drama, fiction, or non-fiction. Students will also begin to develop professional practices through self-directed projects. Lectures will mirror the assigned readings and serve to initiate theoretical discussions on form, theory, and craft.
Two semesters of first-year University English or Creative Writing with a minimum of 60%.
ENGL 200 A Survey of English Literature I. ''In spring folk long to go on pilgrimage'' so begins Geoffrey Chaucerï's 14th century masterpiece of the English tradition, The Canterbury Tales. In English 200, we will set out on a pilgrimage which honours the living beauty of the English language and its greatest writers such as Spenser, Shakespeare and Donne, ending in the 17th century with Milton.
ENGL 202 Canadian Literature I: Indigenous Voices. From the earliest narratives, Euro Canadian writing has framed our understanding of Indigenous peoples. We will examine the works of Indigenous writers from across Canada. Reading and discussion will give us an opportunity to understand First People's literature, including the response to colonialism, and to experience the vitality of First People's cultures, imaginations, and ways of knowing.
ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Note: Pre-requisites may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.
ENGL 204 Children's Literature I - From Rags to Riches and Worlds of Magic. From folktales and urban legends to traditional and literary fairy tales, particularly the collections of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm as well as Hans Christian Andersen and others, this course explores the roots of children's literature, including modern fantasy, such as J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, Kenneth Graeme's The Wind in the Willows, and Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Note: Pre-requisites may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.
Elective Courses
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
CWRT 201 Manuscript Development II. The emphasis of this second year creative writing course will be on portfolio development and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students will submit for workshop their own imaginative writing in any of the four genres being taught – poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. Allowances for other genres will be made with the permission of the instructor. Lectures, both face to face and online, will mirror the assigned readings and serve to initiate theoretical discussions on form and theory, and principles and elements of craft.
Two semesters of first-year University English or Creative Writing with a minimum of 60%.
ENGL 201 A Survey of English Literature II. From the calm reason of the Enlightenment to the passion of the Romantics, we still live out the questions first asked by the brilliant writers of 18th and 19th Centuries. In the company of such authors as Pope, Swift, Wollstonecraft, Keats, Wordsworth, and Austen, we continue our pilgrimage into culture, belief, and literary achievement begun in the previous semester with English 200.
ENGL 203 Canadian Literature II: Contemporary Voices. In our multicultural society and globalized world, what is so Canadian about Canadian literature? In this course we trace the emergence of Canadian literature on the world stage and how such writers frame connections between literature, nation, identity and culture.
ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or written permission of the Instructor and School Chair.
ENGL 205 Children's Literature II: From Hell to Heaven and Everything in Between. From medieval to modern times, this course traces the development of literature enjoyed by and written for children. Early works include the ''Hell-fire'' tales of the Puritans to the Golden Age stories of the nineteenth century. We explore landmark novels such as Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, and Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. We'll also examine the social issues and controversies provoked by poetry, picture books, and prose.
ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.
Elective Courses
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options