Engineering Transfer - Certificate
Hide Overview
Engineers are thinkers and builders who apply science and math to every aspect of modern life. They design and develop the products and processes that we use every day. Engineering is a solid career path leading to high-paying jobs and satisfying work.
You’ll learn how to make your mark in physical structures in our first-year Engineering Transfer (Applied Science) program. By starting your studies with us, you’ll get a strong background in math and physics and a firm foundation for your degree’s remaining three years.
Successful completion of this certificate program allows you to transfer your credits towards an engineering degree at UBC, UBC Okanagan, SFU, UVic, or the University of Alberta. Students who achieve a minimum GPA of 2.7 and complete the program in two semesters may take advantage of a guaranteed entry agreement to the UBC Okanagan Engineering degree. These students will also be considered for entry to UBC Vancouver on the same basis as UBC Vancouver students.
*This program may be eligible for the post-graduation work permit (PGWP).
Hide Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:
- Explain terms, concepts and theories of introductory-level science and their potential engineering application
- Communicate professionally using discipline-specific technical language
- Read, write and communicate effectively and creatively across technical disciplines
- Demonstrate developing critical, creative and problem-solving thinking skills
- Follow laboratory guidelines, processes and protocols
- Demonstrate developing applied research skills
- Apply developing quantitative reasoning skills
- Apply the scientific method and explain its relationship to applied science
- Use current and emerging technology
- Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in academic and professional environments
Hide Admission Requirements
Admission to the one-year Engineering Transfer (Applied Science) program requires the completion of the following courses (or equivalents) with a minimum grade of 80% in each course unless otherwise stated:
- Chemistry 12
- Pre-calculus 12 or Principles of Math 12
- Physics 12
- English Studies 12 with a minimum of 67%
If you are interested in the program, but do not have the prerequisites, please contact the school chair. We will look at pathways for motivated students. This mode of entry may extend the length of your program. Completion within one year has some transfer benefits.
NOTE: Applicants may be required to complete the College Readiness Tool (CRT) in reading, writing and mathematics, which will be used for advising purposes to support student success in the program. Program chairs, advisors or counsellors, in consultation with Assessment Services, will determine which subtests of the CRT may be completed to support applicants' personal learning plans.
Applicants must submit a completed application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts, application package) to the Registrar’s office.
To achieve a credential in this program, you must complete all course requirements (36 credits) and achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.00.
1. Student academic progress is governed by Policy 8615. Students must meet all course pre-requisites.
2. Students who are found to be without the required graded in the pre-requisite course or who have not received permission from the instructor and School Chair may be withdrawn.
*Bachelor of Applied Science (engineering) degree programs may require two semesters of first-year English, or one semester of first-year College Composition and one semester of Technical Writing and Communications (TWC 130), or one semester of College Composition and Introduction to Programming II (CPSC 101), or one semester of College Composition and a humanities elective. Check the appropriate university calendar for details and/or see a Selkirk College counsellor.
Hide Courses
Show CHEM120 - Chemistry For Engineering
CHEM 120 Chemistry for Engineering is a one-semester general chemistry course fulfilling the chemistry requirement for transfer into engineering programs, emphasizing aspects of physical chemistry. The course begins with thermochemistry, followed by classical and quantum mechanical concepts used to discuss atomic and molecular structure. The course continues with an investigation of gases, and consideration of the intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. An investigation of reaction rates (kinetics) is followed with the principles of equilibria applied to pure substances and aqueous solutions of acids, bases and salts. The laws of thermodynamics applied to chemical systems are introduced. The course concludes with a unit on electrochemistry. The lab work stresses scientific observations and measurements using chemical syntheses and quantitative analyses.
Show CPSC100 - Introduction To Programming I
CPSC 100 Introduction to Computer Programming I is an introductory object-oriented (OO) programming course with emphasis on basic programming constructs, algorithms, program design, and good programming practices. This course will introduce a high-level language to illustrate programming basics. Students will develop and test small OO programs which loop, make decisions, access arrays, define classes, instantiate objects, and invoke methods.
Show ENGL110 - College Composition
ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.
Show ENGR100 - Engineering Design and Communication I
ENGR 100 Engineering Design and Communication I is an introduction to the principles of engineering design, engineering drawing and sustainable practice. This knowledge will be applied to practical projects to be undertaken by teams of learners. Learners experience integrated development and demonstrate writing, research, design and presentation skills through research and a design project.
ENGR 100 is a requirement for all students completing the First-Year Engineering Transfer program.
Show MATH100 - Calculus I
MATH 100 Calculus I is a course designed to provide students with the background in calculus needed for further studies. This course includes a review of functions and graphs; limits; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative including related rates, maxima, minima, velocity and acceleration; the definite integral; an introduction to elementary differential equations; and applications of integration including velocity, acceleration, areas, and growth and decay problems.
Show PHYS104 - Fundamental Physics I
Physics 104 Fundamental Physics I is a calculus based overview of the fundamentals of classical mechanics. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Classical mechanics describes the physical phenomena occurring in the real world around us. We study linear and rotational motion of objects, and then consider how forces cause motion, using Newton's laws. We next use conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to describe the motion of objects. Finally we investigate heat transfer and simple harmonic motion. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.
Show ENGR101 - Engineering Design and Communication II
ENGR 101 Engineering Design and Communication II integrates instruction and activities in technical communications (written and oral) with engineering design. The learner will be introduced to fundamental principles and practical aspects of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering and will apply this knowledge in developing and implementing designs. The design methodology first covered in the ENGR 100 Engineering Design and Communication I course will continue to be developed. Learners will work in teams to execute a design project. Major written assignments will be based primarily on the design work done in this course.
Show MATH101 - Calculus II
MATH 101 Calculus II is a sequel to Math 100 for students who wish to major in science, math or engineering and includes the definite integral, applications of the definite integral to volume, arc length and surface area of revolution; inverse trig functions; techniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; linear first order differential equations; and an introduction to infinite series; convergence and power series; Taylor Polynomials.
Show MATH221 - Introductory Linear Algebra
Math 221 Introductory Linear Algebra. Topics covered in the course include the solution of systems of linear equations through Gaussian elimination; matrices and matrix algebra; vector spaces and their subspaces; coordinate mappings and other linear transformations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; similarity and diagonalization; and constructions involving inner products such as orthogonal projections, the construction of Gram-Schmidt bases and least-square approximations. Although the course devotes a substantial amount of time to computational techniques, it should also lead the student to develop geometrical intuitions, to appreciate and understand mathematical abstraction, and to construct some elementary proofs.
Show PHYS105 - Fundamental Physics II
PHYS 105 Fundamental Physics II is a calculus-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Electricity and magnetism form the basis for all modern electrical devices we utilize today and design for the future. We first study electrostatics of particles and simple objects. Then we investigate circuits involving electrical devices such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. We next study how electricity and magnetism interact with each other both in circuits and in waves. Finally we look at modern subjects in physics such as semiconductors or nuclear physics. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.
Show PHYS200 - Principles of Mechanics
PHYS 200 Principles of Mechanics, is an introduction to equilibrium mechanics. It is the study of the forces required to maintain equilibrium of a rigid body. Vectors, free body diagrams, forces, and moments will be introduced to provide the mathematical framework for setting up equations to solve equilibrium problems in three dimensions. Some applications include analysis of beams, trusses, frames, distributed loads, dry friction, and centroids. This course is generally for students enrolled in the engineering transfer program.
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.
one (1) 100-level elective (Students are strongly advised to consult program policy for additional details regarding elective)
See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.
Show CPSC101 - Introduction To Programming II
CPSC 101 Introduction to Computer Programming II course is a continuation of CPSC 100 with emphasis on more advanced programming techniques and design, development and test of large applications. Students will write programs which make use of library functions to display graphical user interfaces, manage collections of data, access files and databases, and interact with other programs.
Show TWC130 - Technical Writing and Communications
TWC 130 Technical Writing and Communications aims to prepare engineering students to present complex information to a variety of audiences clearly, precisely and consistently using various formats, including correspondence (memos, letters, emails, text messages), reports, proposals, and presentations. The course is writing-intensive with informal in-class writing assignments aimed at giving the student consistent practice at writing and revision. Students will collaborate through teamwork on writing, research, design and presentations.
Hide Tuition & Fees
All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.
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