Our program supports your development of the knowledge, skills and values necessary for the practice of professional nursing in a complex health care system. The program is designed to educate nurses to work with individual clients, families and communities from a health-promotion perspective. You will learn the importance of understanding the client’s experience of health and healing and how to practice from an ethic of caring. You will learn through a combination of face-to-face academic, simulated and practical experiences.
There are certain skill sets and qualities that are unique to the nursing profession and demonstration of these is expected of every nursing student and RN. Adherence to these skills and qualities is one way of ensuring safe and competent care to the public. These necessary capabilities are called Requisite Skills and Abilities (RSAs). The information in this document can help prospective students gauge their personal fit for nursing practice.
We are in a degree-granting partnership with the University of Victoria (UVic), and students take the final continuous terms of third- and fourth-year UVic courses at Selkirk College. This partnership supports our delivery of a dynamic and responsive academic degree. Graduates are eligible to write the National Council Licensure Examinations, Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN) and qualified to pursue graduate education.