Reach Your Goals
Every student has unique needs and abilities. We help students with documented disabilities get the support they need to reach their academic goals.
Meet With Us
Accessibility coordinators can meet with you in person, by phone or on Zoom. There are a few ways to make an appointment.
Book online
Give us a call
Call 1 (888) 953-1133 and ask for the Welcome Centre
Send us an email
Email the Welcome Centre
If possible, please bring your most recent documentation of disability to your appointment.
Show What is a disability?
A disability can refer to a range of medical/health situations.
Students may experience physical, cognitive, developmental, learning, sensory or mental health-related disabilities or medical conditions that have an impact on the way they learn or their ability to demonstrate their knowledge.
Disabilities can be permanent or temporary. For example, a student may temporarily access services while they use a wheelchair to recover from a motor-vehicle accident.
Disabilities can be visible to others, such as someone who is visually impaired who uses a white cane or service dog, or invisible, such as someone who experiences anxiety or a learning disability.
Read Policy #3300: Accessibility Services for Students with Specific Disabilities.
Show Documentation of a disability
You will need to provide current documentation of your disability or medical condition to access academic accommodations and supports.
We recommend that you provide this documentation well before classes start. This will help us confirm your eligibility for accommodation and make specific arrangements to support your learning in a timely manner.
If your records are available from your school or physician, please contact them to request a copy. If you do not have documentation of your disability, please contact us for guidance well in advance of your program start date.
How Can We Help?
Accessibility Services offers academic accommodations, exam booking, support and resources for students with a documented disability.
Show Services
- Information on student funding and grants for students with disabilities.
- Connections to learning and counselling supports.
- Facilitating conversations between you and your instructors to address disability-related barriers or concerns.
- Information on relevant community resources and supports.
- Information about assistive technology to help you learn, such as text to speech or voice dictation software.
- Supports and information for instructors, college staff members and families.
Show Possible academic accommodations
- Access to textbooks and study resources in different formats, like e-texts or audio.
- Exam supports to decrease distractions and support exam-writing success.
- Classroom supports, such as notetakers, audio recording lectures and specialized seating.
- Access to adaptive technology to assist you in completing course readings, assignments and exams.
What to Expect
We will work with you, instructors, college staff and community members to support your learning.
The information you share about your disability or medical condition is private and confidential.
Show Confidentiality
All disability-related information is confidential.
Information about diagnoses will not be shared with instructors or college staff.
With your permission, information regarding the impact of your disability will be shared with instructors to support academic and exam accommodations. For example, an instructor would be informed of your accommodation to write exams in a separate room to decrease distraction, but not your diagnosis of attention deficit disorder.
Your disability status and academic accommodations will not appear on your academic transcript.
If you have questions, please contact an accessibility coordinator.