Early Alert Support System

College can be challenging—we are here to help. Early Alert is an online referral system to our Student Access & Support team. Anyone can use it. Employees can refer students, or students can refer themselves or their peers.

Refer a Student to Early Alert

If you are referred to Early Alert, a member of the Student Access & Support team will contact you and offer to help you connect with supports. Early Alert is intended to help you be as successful as possible in your courses or program. Early Alert is not punitive or judgmental and participation is voluntary. 

Early Alert is completely confidential and will not appear on transcripts.

Students May Need Support for Different Reasons

  • Struggling with coursework
  • Absenteeism
  • Frequent lateness
  • Falling asleep in class
  • Overdue or incomplete assignments
  • Failed assignments or quizzes

Student Access & Support

Support for students is available: