Education Council

Education Council (EdCo) is an internal governance body of Selkirk College as required by the College and Institute Act that considers curriculum and educational policies. It comprises a diverse group of college employees that oversees educational offerings and ensures a high level of academic quality for all students.

Schedules, Agendas and Minutes

EdCo typically meets nine times per year on the second Tuesday of the month, either in person or online. 

DateLocation AgendaMinutes
October 8, 2024Castlegar Campus, Staff Lounge  
November 12, 2024Online  
December 10, 2024Online  
February 11, 2025Online  
March 11, 2025Online  
April 8, 2025Nelson   
May 13, 2025Trail Campus  
June 10, 2025Castlegar Campus, Staff Lounge  

Read past meeting minutes.

Governance Submission Schedule

Timelines for program and course change submissions are set to coincide with the academic schedule and are detailed in the governance submission schedule. For guidance on creating or updating courses or programs, see policies 8101: Academic Programs and 8102: Credentials, Recognition and Credit Standards


EdCo has 21 voting members, representing students, employees and leadership. Learn how you can take part

Member responsibilities include approving academic policies, guidelines for admissions and standards, and curriculum content for courses and programs. Members spend approximately four to six hours per month on EdCo responsibilities.

EdCo members exercise their best individual judgement in accordance with the college’s mission, vision, values and strategic directions. All eligible members vote freely on all issues considered by EdCo, regardless of their association with a particular portfolio or area of the institution.  

Current EdCo members

Resources for Members

Members are expected to read the entire meeting agenda package prior to each meeting. The agenda package is provided one week before each meeting.  

Education Council is an excellent group where a variety of perspectives can inform academic governance decisions as part of the college’s bicameral governance system. I love seeing all of the different programs and courses that flow through the council, where I can learn more about the value the college provides to its students.
Tiffany Snauwaert