Sociology - Associate of Arts Degree
Hide Overview
Sociology is the analysis of human social relationships, cultures and institutions that profoundly shape both our lives and human history. Sociology helps us make sense of the rapidly changing world in which we live. At the same time, it helps us to know ourselves in new and exciting ways. If you are interested in how and why social constructs such as gender, race, class, ethnicity and religion influence our individual choices and social circumstances, consider an academic career in sociological study.
With your two-year associate of arts degree in sociology you’ll get most, if not all, of the requirements to enter third year of a major sociology degree program. Complete a specified two years (60 credits) of courses with us, and then finish your degree at the university of your choice.
Hide Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of an Associate of Arts program, learners will be able to:
- Explain terms, concepts and theories of the discipline(s)
- Read, write and communicate effectively and creatively across academic disciplines
- Ask informed questions to deepen the level of enquiry
- Use quantitative and qualitative evidence to support claims
- Research and analyze evidence from scholarly and professional publications
- Synthesize and summarize literature and data
- Demonstrate developing critical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills
- Use current and emerging technology
- Demonstrate collaborative skills in a multicultural environment
- Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in an academic environment
Hide Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, as outlined in Policy 8600: Pre-Admissions Basic Skills Assessment (College Readiness Tool CRT), and Policy 8611: Admissions, Applicants to the University Arts and Sciences Program must meet the following requirements to be considered fully qualified:
a) Students entering UAS courses, with the exceptions in 2- below, require at least 60% or better in English Studies 12, or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.
b) French 102, Spanish 102, and English 51 do not require B.C. English Studies 12 or equivalent as a prerequisite. However, students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program wishing to take English 51 will be governed by the relevant policies and procedures of the International Education Program.
c) The English Studies 12 prerequisite may be waived for exceptional grade 12 students in the Transitions Program. Credit for transitions courses will be withheld until a grade of 60% or better in English Studies 12 is achieved.
d) Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
e) Additional admission requirements may be necessary for particular certificate programs, diploma programs or associate degrees. Course prerequisites and program admission requirements are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website
f) Mature students must meet the English Studies 12 requirement and additional course requirements as specified in the college calendar.
- Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the college’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
- Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
- If you are a student who lacks the admission requirements, you may still gain entry to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses in your first year. This may extend the length of your program.
All Associate of Arts students are required to complete:
- Two semester courses in first-year English
- Six semester courses in first-year Arts in two or more subject areas
- Three semester courses in UAS science and math at the 100 level or higher, of which, one must be a lab science and one must be a UAS math, statistics or computer science course
- Biology 101, Geography 130 and 232, and Geology are considered lab sciences
- Six semester courses in second-year Arts in two or more subject areas
- Six additional UAS courses
- Students must achieve a GPA of 2.00
Note: This is a suggested listing of courses for a two-year Associate of Arts degree in
Sociology. Students are advised to ensure that their course selections will meet the
degree requirements of the subsequent institution(s) they plan to attend.
Associate Degrees
The Associate Degree is a formally established credential recognized province-wide. Graduation from this program requires the completion of sixty (60) credits of university-level study in selected areas with an overall GPA of 2.0. For details, see the B.C. Council of Admissions and Transfers at (
The School of University Arts and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts Degree program and an Associate of Science Degree program. It also offers specialized associate degree programs focusing on particular disciplines. The admission requirements, graduation requirements, and course of studies for each program are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website at
Hide Courses
Show ENGL110 - College Composition
ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.
Show SOC120 - Introduction to Sociology l
SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology I introduces students to the discipline. The sociological perspective is examined, along with the associated concepts and methods. Attention is directed to major areas such as culture, socialization, stratification and deviance. Students have an opportunity to research topics of interest.
Show STAT105 - Introduction To Statistics
STAT 105 Introduction to Statistics is intended for social, environmental science, and business students, or others who would benefit from a one-term statistics course. Topics include estimation of means and hypothesis testing. Applications are explored.
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
one (1) 100-level Arts elective (not Sociology)
one (1) 100-level Lab- Science elective
See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.
Show ENGL111 - Introduction to Literature
ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.
Show SOC121 - Introduction to Sociology ll
SOC 121 Introduction to Sociology II examines the social life as it occurs in families, formal organizations, religion, political movements and other social systems. Student research projects are part of the course.
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
one (1) 100-level Arts elective (Not Sociology)
one (1) 100-level Open Science elective
one (1) 100- or 200-level General elective
See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.
Show SOC200 - Deviance and Social Control
SOC 200 Deviance and Social Control analyzes the processes by which some behaviour comes to be identified as deviant and the social means of control of such behaviour through the criminal justice system are examined analytically.
Show SOC205 - Introduction to Social Research
SOC 205 Introduction to Social Research introduces students to research methods in the social sciences. Students will be introduced to the major procedures for carrying out systematic investigation of the social world. It will encourage students to critically evaluate the methods, strategies and data that are used by social scientists and provide training in analysis of a range of qualitative and quantitative data.
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
one (1) 200-level Arts elective (Not Sociology)
two (2) 100- or 200-level General electives
See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.
Show SOC215 - Canadian Social Structure
SOC 215 Canadian Social Structure is a macro level analysis of factors such as (but not limited to) ethnicity, region, gender and class as a basis for understanding contemporary Canadian society.
Show SOC225 - Introduction to Sociological Theory
SOC 225 Introduction to Sociological Theory is designed to introduce students to the major nineteenth and twentieth century thinkers who shaped the development of sociological theory. In exploring sociology's theoretical heritage, the course seeks also to foster an appreciation of what theory is and how necessary and useful it is for studying and understanding the social world.
The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options
one (1) 200-level Arts elective (Not Sociology)
two (2) 100- or 200-level General electives
See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.
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