Welcome! As your journey begins, we're here to help you every step of the way. Follow these steps to get set up for success—and reach out if you have any questions.
Access Your Accounts
Show Sign in to your student record
Enter your student number (your unique Selkirk College student number was sent to you) as your login name. Use your date of birth in the following format YYMMDD as your initial PIN.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
You can sign in as soon as you receive your acknowledgement letter.
Show Sign in to your student email
Access your student email through Microsoft 365. You will receive a message through your personal email with your username and password. If you're having trouble, get in touch with the IT Service Desk.
Remember, your student email is the place where we will communicate with you.
You can access your student email one month before classes start.
Show Register for emergency notifications
Download the Alertus app to get emergency notifications.
It's important to sign up as soon as you are on campus. That way, you'll be in the loop about closures and other important happenings—and you won't show up for class on a snow day!
Show Get your student card
Request your student card.
You can request your student card two weeks before you begin classes.
Prepare for Your Courses
Show Register for classes
Follow these steps to register for classes. Not sure what to register for? Connect with an academic counsellor.
For the Fall Term, register on June 1.
For the Winter Term, register on December 1.
If that date falls on a weekend, register on the following Monday.
Show Sign up for Moodle
Learn at Selkirk College is the Moodle site where you can access a course’s syllabus, calendar, assignments and other materials.
Keep in mind:
- The current version of Mozilla Firefox works best with Moodle. Other browsers may not support all the functionalities in Moodle.
- JavaScript must be enabled. See Mozilla support.
- Cookies must be enabled. See Mozilla support.
- The pop-up blocker must be turned off. By default, this setting is on. See Mozilla support.
If you need help, please contact IT Services.
Register for Learn 30 days before the start of classes.
Pay Your Tuition and Fees
Show Pay your seat deposit
Find out how to pay your deposit.
See the date listed in your conditional acceptance or acceptance letter.
Show Pay your tuition and fees
Find out how to pay your tuition and fees.
Tuition and fees are due on or before the first day of class.
Show Students' Union fees and extended health and dental coverage
Selkirk College Students' Union (SCSU) fees are set by the SCSU and include extended health and dental coverage. Check out all the benefits you get as part of the Selkirk College Students' Union (SCSU).
Extended Health and Dental Coverage
Information about extended health and dental coverage will be sent to your Selkirk College email.
Show Buy your course materials
Visit the bookstore for your booklists, and don't forget to pick up a sweatshirt!
The bookstore is open year-round—don't wait until the last minute and get caught in a line!
Get to Know Selkirk College
Show Join us at the Get Connected events
Meet new friends, reconnect with old ones and get to know Selkirk College at Get Connected events!
Kick-off of your term in Castlegar, Nelson, Trail or Grand Forks.
Show Make a note of important dates
Keep track of college-wide important dates.
Show Access services
Explore the many services available to help you succeed—in and out of the classroom.
Show Enjoy student life
Get involved in student life and explore our campus services.
Useful Regional Contacts
Show Castlegar
Castlegar & District Community Health Centre
- Contact: (250) 365-7711
Castlegar & District Public Library
- Contact: (250) 365-6611
City of Castlegar Curbside Waste Management Program
- Contact: (250) 365-5979, civicworks@castlegar.ca
City of Castlegar Snow & Winter Operations
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Options for Sexual Health Clinic
- Contact: (250) 608-7592
Show Grand Forks
City of Grand Forks Garbage, Organics & Recycling
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Show Kalso
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Options for Sexual Health Clinic
Village of Kaslo Transfer Station: Garbage & Recycling
Show Nakusp
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Options for Sexual Health Clinic
Show Nelson
City of Nelson Waste Management
City of Nelson Winter Snow & Ice Management
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Options for Sexual Health Clinic
- Contact: (250) 354-3894
Show Trail
City of Trail Garbage and Recycling
handyDART: A low cost accessible, door-to-door shared transit service for people with permanent or temporary disabilities that prevent them from using fixed-route transit without assistance from another person.
- Contact: 1 (855) 993-3100
Options for Sexual Health Clinic
- Contact: (250) 364-6218
Regional District of Kootenay Boundary (RDKB)
- Contact: (250) 368-9148
- Contact: (250) 364-0840