Show What is a disability?
A disability can refer to a range of medical/health situations.
Students may experience physical, cognitive, developmental, learning, sensory or mental health-related disabilities or medical conditions that have an impact on the way they learn or their ability to demonstrate their knowledge.
Disabilities can be permanent or temporary. For example, a student may temporarily access services while they use a wheelchair to recover from a motor-vehicle accident.
Disabilities can be visible to others, such as someone who is visually impaired who uses a white cane or service dog, or invisible, such as someone who experiences anxiety or a learning disability.
Read Policy #3300: Accessibility Services for Students with Specific Disabilities.
Show What is an academic accommodation?
The goal of an academic accommodation is to give students with disabilities fair access to the learning environment. As disabilities are unique, academic accommodations will be specifically tailored to student’s unique situations. Academic accommodations may include changes to course instruction, classroom set up, exam or assignment procedures, or access to resources.
Academic accommodations are provided to ensure that students with disabilities are able to fully access the programs and services provided at the college and successfully demonstrate their knowledge.
Individualized accommodations are not designed to give students with a disability an advantage over other students, alter essential aspects of the course or change academic standards.
Show How do I find out if I'm eligible for academic accommodations?
To find out if you're eligible for academic accommodations, you will need to meet with an accessibility coordinator and provide appropriate medical documentation that outlines both the diagnosis and functional impacts of your disability.
In exceptional circumstances, temporary accommodations may be provided when there is sufficient evidence of a disability and documentation is being requested.
Show Who is responsible for determining a student’s eligibility for accommodations at the college?
The accessibility coordinator is responsible for reviewing disability-related documentation and recommending reasonable accommodations. Instructors are provided with an academic accommodation form that outlines these recommendations.
The implementation of academic accommodations is a collaborative process. If instructors have any concerns, they should contact the accessibility coordinator.
Show I receive academic accommodations. Do I need to meet all the essential learning outcomes for my course or program?
Yes. Academic accommodations should not interfere with the essential learning outcomes of a course or program.
If an instructor feels that a specific academic accommodation will not be appropriate for their course or program, they should contact us to discuss their concerns as early as possible.