Frequently Asked Questions: Selkirk College Transcripts

If you are applying to Selkirk College or taking your credentials to another institution, these questions could help you understand the transcript process.

Show How can I order an official transcript?

Transcript are ordered through your student record. Once you are logged in, you will see Order Official Transcript on the left, click to that screen and follow the prompts.

Show When is a transcript official?

A transcript is considered official by mail, in a sealed envelope either direct from institution to institution, or from student to institution, as long as the envelope is NOT opened by the student when they get it. It can then be placed into another envelope and mailed off to the institution of choice.

By email, a transcript is only considered official if its direct from institution to institution. If I was to email a copy of a transcript to a student, and they in turn emailed it to an institution, they may not consider it official.

Show Why can’t log I into my record?

To log into your student record, you will need your student number and PIN. If you cannot remember, you can email us for assistance.

Show How will I know if my transcript will show all programs/courses?

It is always good to view your unofficial transcript before placing your order. This option is in your student record, and it will also provide information on how to get certain programs like community education, BCEL to appear on the transcript. 

Show I cannot place an order, it says I have a hold on my record, can I get my transcript?

If you have any overdue fees, the system will prevent you from placing an order. You will need to settle the fees in order to move forward. 

Show Can I see the status of my order? 

Yes. On the main page of Order Official Transcript, you will see your order history at the top once an order is placed. You may have to click out and back into this screen. 

Show When will my order be completed?

It will be completed in five business days from the date of your order. For example, an order placed on a Monday will print the following Monday. From your Order Official Transcript page, you will see your order history and a heading that says, “Expected Production Date.” Once the date stated has changed to Completed, you know your order has been printed and placed in the mail.

Show What happens if it gets lost/delayed? Are tracking numbers provided?

Once a transcript leaves Selkirk College, it becomes the property of Canada Post and tracking numbers are not issued/provided. Unfortunately, Selkirk College will not be responsible for lost/delayed transcripts. This is stated on the transcript order page in red lettering. In this instance, you will need to place another order. 

Show How are transcripts sent?

Transcripts are sent via the request of the order. Mail and email are the sending options.

Show How many transcripts can I request at once? 

There is no limit on how many you can order.

Show How much does it cost?

Transcripts are $10. If you would like it to be emailed, it's an additional $6.50. 

Show Can someone else order on my behalf?

This is entirely up to you, for you will need to provide your student record details to that person and be comfortable that they can view anything in your record. Where we do not suggest this, we understand that every situation is different.

Show Can I pick up my transcript?


Currently this option is not available. You can email us to discuss options, and we will try our best to get you your transcript if mail is not an option. 


Show Can someone pick up my transcript on my behalf?

Yes, as long as you let the records department know. Email us with the full name of the person who is picking it up. They need to be aware that they will be asked to provide ID for confirmation. 

Show Why isn't my grade showing on the transcript, but I can see it in Moodle?

In this instance, your instructor has not yet updated your student record with your grade. Email us with your full name, student # and the course, and we will reach out to the instructor to update your record.

Show Do you offer etranscripts?

At this time Selkirk College is set up with Vancouver Island College (VIU) and University of Fraser Valley (UFV) to have transcripts sent electronically.

Show How long does it take for my transcript to arrive?

All transcripts are sent Canada Post. Once it has left the college you will need to refer to their web page for standard delivery times. 

Show Can you send me my unofficial transcript?

You can acquire this information yourself by logging into your student record and going to the Unofficial Transcript screen.

Show I don't think I took this course. Why is it showing up?

Courses such as Adult literature/Mother goose/Family Tutoring are sponsored by CBAL (Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy) and you most likely attended with your child at a local elementary school or community hall. CBAL has an agreement with Selkirk College which allows us to register all program participants in our student record system/database. This is why they are appearing on your transcript. 

Show I took Community Education & Workplace Traning courses or professional development. Why aren't they showing up?

Transcripts do not normally include information on professional development (PD) or community education (CE) courses such as, BC Electrical, Low Energy, Refrigeration Plant Operator, LIFT courses, Risk Management or any other CE course. If you wish to have these courses included on the transcript check the box below. You may use the "Unofficial Transcript" option to see which courses will be shown.

Show Can I pre-order my final official transcript?

Yes. Via your student record, on the left side panel, “Order Official Transcript.” Please choose preparation as “Hold for grades” or “Graduating Student.” Once your final grade(s) or notation(s) have been updated on your Student Record, the transcript will be released to print the next day (pending on when order was placed) and either be mailed or mailed or emailed, based on your order selection. 

Show How do I get a confirmation letter for my postgraduate work permit? (International students only)

After you have made the order for your final official transcript as a “graduating student,” please email us with your name and student number requesting a letter. The PGWP letter will be provided with your final transcript as per the delivery method selected in your transcript order. 

Show How long will it take to get my credential?

The credential process can take up to six to eight weeks upon program completion. Selkirk College will provide a one-time credential to you. If this credential is lost, you will need to request a reprint. 

Show Do all programs and courses apply to the hold for grades?

No, our system does not recognize Upgrading or Community Education type courses. Its only College programs that are applicable. Please connect with before placing your order if you are unsure.