Modular Stream
Welder Foundation graduates who wish to follow the modular stream will look for work as an entry-level welder and obtain an additional 700 hours of work-based experience for a total of 1,000 hours before returning to the Welder B program. Those on the modular stream are not required to be indentured to their employer.
Welder B
The 16-week Welder B program offers more advanced training on the topics in the Foundation program and also includes training in tungsten arc welding and pipe welding. Upon successful completion of Welder B and 950 workplace hours, welders receive a Certificate of Qualification as a B Welder and the B Stamp in their logbook from Skilled Trades BC.
At the end of the Welder B program, students will write the interprovincial (Red Seal) welder exam. Upon passing the interprovincial exam and the accumulation of 4,500 workplace hours, welders receive Red Seal interprovincial certification.
Welder B (Modular) 16 Weeks
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding
- Semi-Automatic Welding
- Basic Metallurgy
- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
- Welding Drawings
- Layout & Fabricate Components
- Quality Control & Inspection
- Standards, Codes, Specs & Welder Qualification
- Specialized Processes