Selkirk College strives to create a campus culture that is free of violence and discrimination and is supportive of student and staff mental wellness.
We offer a variety of anti-violence and mental health trainings. All trainings provide participants with the confidence and skills to support community members while increasing knowledge and reducing stigma around these important topics. These trainings are usually delivered in person.
To request a training or learn about when the next scheduled training is offered, please contact Katie Comrie.
Sexual Violence Prevention Training
Show Active Bystander Intervention
This training helps learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to recognize and intervene in an incident of sexual violence as well as discuss strategies for creating a safer campus community. Uses the 4Ds (Direct, Distract, Delegate, Delay) Active Bystander Intervention Model.
Show Supporting Survivors
This training helps learners respond supportively and effectively to disclosures of sexual violence. It includes a discussion of available supports and resources, the differences between disclosing and reporting, and opportunities to practice skills for responding to disclosures. Uses the Listen, Believe, Support model.
Show Consent & Sexual Violence
This training explores different understandings of consent, including the legal definition. Learners have the opportunity to develop skills related to asking for and giving consent in all relationships as well as discuss strategies for creating a “culture of consent” in campus communities.
Mental Health Training
Show Starting a Conversation about Mental Health: A Foundational Training for Students
This training covers foundational mental health and wellness information for post-secondary students and ways to respond to peers who are experiencing distress.
Show Starting a Conversation about Suicide: A Foundational Training for Students
This training offers sensitive, respectful, and detailed training on suicide awareness and response.
Safer Campuses for Everyone
This training is a 75-minute online, self-paced and non-facilitated training on preventing and responding to sexual violence in post-secondary institutions.
Certificates of Completion
Upon successful completion of every training, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
Guiding Principles
Selkirk College recognizes that harm does not affect all groups equally. As a result of harmful ideologies like colonization, patriarchy, racism, transphobia, homophobia and ableism, certain groups in our community are more at risk for violence and discrimination. With this understanding in mind, all of the above trainings are grounded in the following principals: accessibility, cultural safety, decolonial, experience-informed, gender-inclusive, intersectional, survivor centred, violence-informed and trauma-informed.
These open education resources were collaboratively created by BCcampus and a working group of students, staff and faculty from BC post-secondary institutions. The project was funded by the BC Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.