Amongst the plethora of digital tools available to both instructors and students, Selkirk College is adding an exciting option that brings together technology with outcomes that ripple beyond graduation.
PebblePad is an e-portfolio platform that supports students from the classroom to work experience and beyond. Digital collections of artifacts that showcase an individual’s skills, achievements, experiences and reflections, an e-portfolio serves as a comprehensive and dynamic representation of a person’s work and capabilities. An assessment tool that meshes well with the career-ready focus of college programs on all campuses, PebblePad is now available for instructors looking to explore and build into their pedagogy.
“PebblePad stands out as an innovative digital tool designed for both students and instructors,” says Tyler Ballam, an education developer with the college’s Teaching & Learning Centre. “It offers a dynamic approach to teaching, particularly beneficial for courses and programs seeking a more student-centered and student-driven teaching environment.”
PebblePad helps boost learning design, goalsetting and planning, reflective learning, collecting and curating artifacts, sharing and showcasing achieved outcomes, and assessment and feedback. Extensive research by the Teaching & Learning Centre team included and a one-year pilot involving both students and instructors, spurred the purchase of an institutional licence. The educational toolbox is now available to instructors in all college programs.
Building Confidence and Realizing Opportunities
In a program with substantial focus on work integrated learning and field assessment, Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) Program instructor Becky Deane saw the potential with PebblePad. As one of the educators who worked on a pilot project with students starting in August 2022, she quickly realized the benefits for students.
One of the strengths of the platform is that it is portable. Students have the option to use it to enhance learning while at Selkirk College, but can continue to build on their e-portfolio when transferring to other institutions or entering their careers.
“I am interested in learning new ways to teach and new ways to approach being an instructor,” says Deane. “What attracted me to explore further is that the student can have it all organized for themselves outside of Selkirk College. Once they have completed the program with us, they still have access to PebblePad which means they can access it, they can share it with others, they can continue to add to it, they can develop in any way they wish. It makes it more robust and accessible.”
An alumna of the college’s Child & Youth Care Program in the Class of 2000, Deane finished her undergraduate degree at the University of Victoria before a career that included both ECCE and clinical counselling. Building on her own education that also includes a Master’s in Counseling Psychology from Yorkville University, Deane returned to teach at the college just prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In order to build a strong workforce of qualified ECCE professionals, the Selkirk College program has created several pathways for both new students and those with sector experience looking to formalize their education by earning a credential through blended learning options.
Beyond the classroom, Deane says a strength of PebblePad is that it allows an avenue for students to demonstrate acquired skills through the work they have done in the field. In a program that requires assessment from individuals and organizations outside the college, it showcases well achieved student outcomes and allows easier access to ongoing work by the instructor.
“Instructors need to honour that we need to take the time to be comfortable with these platforms before we offer it to our students,” Deane says of her experience with the pilot. “Instructors are full-up and may not have the capacity to learn something new, but you need to believe in it first. You do need to make space to be comfortable, but I see great potential for both students and myself.”
Incorporating Platform Assists Outcomes
PebblePad is now available to instructors in all programs and the Teaching & Learning Centre is offering a support network to help those interested in finding ways to utilize the multi-modal platform.
“Student buy-in will be key as we move forward with integrating PebblePad, but it starts with instructors,” says Ballam. “Though there is a learning curve, this is the best tool to come along in some time. It will ultimately save time with practicum supervisors, faculty and students on some of the more tedious work involved in outcomes. It creates more authentic assessments of student work which is another vital area instructors are working towards in today’s educational environment.”
To learn more about PebblePad, please contact Teaching & Learning Centre Support.
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all