Word Processing Skills - Associate Certificate
Hide Overview
Get specialized training in creating, formatting and managing digital documents efficiently. This targeted program ensures proficiency in utilizing word processing software for professional and personal use.
Through hands-on practical experience, you will learn:
- Touch typing
- Windows operating system features and customization
- File management
- Web navigation and research
- Outlook (personal information management) software
- Word processing software
- Professional document production
Hide Program Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:
- Key a minimum of 35 net words per minute with three or fewer errors in a three-minute timing.
- Utilize a Windows operating system, emphasizing the organization and customization of an environment.
- Use advanced email and communications tools in Microsoft Outlook.
- Create and professionally format standard business documents utilizing various word processing functions.
- Demonstrate standard administrative skills.
- Demonstrate workplace related collaborative skills.
- Demonstrate emerging employability skills.
- Use technology and software applications to industry standards.
Hide Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, the applicant must meet the following Office Administration & Technology Program requirements to be considered fully-qualified:
(i) English Studies 11 with 60% or higher, or equivalent.
(ii) For international applicants, IELTS 6.0 overall band score with no band below 5.5, or equivalent on other internationally recognized English Language Proficiency Tests.
(iii) Any Math 10 (or equivalent) with a minimum of 60%.
NOTE: Students that do not meet all admission requirements may complete the College Readiness Tool (CRT) to confirm required Math & English levels.
1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions Department:
a) Completed application form.
b) The appropriate official transcripts.
2. The deadline for receiving required documentation is stated in the student's admissions letter.
3. An interview (in person or by telephone) with the Program Coordinator (or designate) may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.
4. Where space permits students may be admitted up to the end of the first week of the course. Admission beyond this point will only be possible with the approval of the instructor(s) involved.
5. Entry may be limited by admission requirements, space limitations and/or completion of preadmission assessment.
6. Part-time Study.
Subject to space limitations, program admission requirements, and course prerequisites, all three programs accommodate part-time study.
1. To be promoted a student must achieve a minimum grade of "P" in every course.
2. Students must successfully complete the Office Administration & Technology Certificate with a minimum GPA of 2.67 to qualify for entrance to one of the Advanced Certificates.
3. Any student who has left the program because of unsatisfactory performance may be readmitted with the approval of the School Chair or designate after consultation with instructors.
1. To be eligible for an Associate Certificate, students must complete all requirements of the Associate Certificate within 2 years of entering in the program.
2. A student who has completed the graduation requirements with a cumulative GPA of 3.67 or better and no "B-" or lower grades in any subject will be designated as graduating with Honours.
3. The minimal requirement for graduation is a cumulative program GPA of 2.67 or equivalent standard.
4. College policy 8617: Credentials and Graduation, paragraph 7 (Dual and Multiple Credentials) will not apply to the Office Administration and Technology programs listed in this policy. Students are able to stack multiple credentials within this program policy.
Hide Courses
Show OTEC100 - Online Learner Success
OTEC 100 Online Learner Success (OLS) provides students with a working knowledge of the Moodle online learning platform utilized by all Selkirk College online courses. Students submit assignments, discussion postings, emails, and quizzes to gain experience in working in an online classroom environment. This course is essential for student success in online studies.
Show OTEC110 - Keyboarding I
OTEC 110 Keyboarding I provides students with the necessary techniques to keyboard accurately at a minimum of 35 net words per minute using the alpha and numeric keyboard. Starting with finger placement, students learn how to type alphabetic keys, numbers, punctuation and symbols quickly, accurately, and without looking at a keyboard. This course or the equivalent skill is essential for those interested in an office career and for subsequent computer courses where keyboarding is required.
Show OTEC115 - Administrative Computer Applications
OTEC 115 Administrative Computer Applications introduces essential computer skills required in any office career. Students learn terminology and how to use popular computer applications utilizing the Windows operating system. File Explorer, Windows Accessories, web browser basics, web navigation and research, internet security, blogs and social media are covered. Students also learn email etiquette and how to use Microsoft Outlook for composing, sending and receiving email messages, managing contacts, task creation, and calendar scheduling.
Show OTEC150 - Word Processing I
OTEC 150 Word Processing I is designed to teach students basic functions of a word processing program as well as how to properly format business documents including letters and memorandums. Business standards in all documents are upheld throughout the course. Microsoft Word software is utilized as the learning platform; however, skills can be transferred to most word processing programs.
Show OTEC151 - Word Processing II
OTEC 151 Word Processing II is a continuation of Word Processing I and is designed to progress students beyond the basic functions of a word processing program to further enhance documents. Students are introduced to some of the more advanced features of Word including automating formatting, utilizing special Word features, merging documents, and customizing documents. Business standards in all documents are upheld throughout the course. Microsoft Word software is utilized as the learning platform; however, skills can be transferred to most word processing programs.
Hide Tuition & Fees
All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.
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