The toxic drug crisis in BC is a public health emergency. Drug poisoning can happen to anyone, and any street drug can be poisoned. Find out how to recognize and respond to an overdose. Remember, the first step is always to call 911. Know the Signs Someone may be experiencing an overdose if : They not moving or are unresponsive They are not breathing or are breathing very slowly—less than one
Create a new satisfying active lifestyle by developing your interests or finding new ones. Browse courses in cake decorating, bike maintenance, owl prowl and winter birding, astrology and mushrooms.
The course contains five lessons and five assignments. Included with this is an introduction that contains all the necessary instructions to guide you through the course.
Join us to practice and improve your Spanish language skills. This class is designed for students who have already taken some beginner classes or have self-studied and are comfortable with basic beginner Spanish. We will have fun while learning how to express ourselves more effectively, expand our vocabulary and improve our conversational skills. Meet The Instructor: Xochilt Ramirez Raised in a
"I chose Psychology to help me transform myself... and as I travelled through the path, I learned more of it to facilitate transformation of others. I believe 'to give is to gain' and my profession has always proven this right." - Madhyastha All of Sahana's education has been completed in India and for over 13 years, she taught clinical psychology at Manipal University, India. Sahana's doctoral
In this three-part webinar series, join instructor Kate Mizenka, the creator of the Sustainable Apiary Model and the Habitat Restoration, Farm & Apiary Director at Elk Root Conservation, to learn tips and tools that will transform your garden.
Learn to identify basic hazards and controls, sling loads, check the set-up, and plan safe raising, moving, and lowering of loads through work areas. Students also gain in-depth advice on equipment and rigging problems.
MSK 02 Fundamental Math - Level 2 will give students a strong foundation of basic skills, concepts, mathematical vocabulary, and problem-solving strategies to prepare them to meet personal, career or further academic goals.
MSK 03 Fundamental Math - Level 3 will give students a strong foundation of basic skills, concepts, mathematical vocabulary, and problem-solving strategies to prepare them to meet personal, career or further academic goals.