I enjoy SCUBA diving when I get the chance and can't take enough pictures of the sea life to review and look at after. I am also qualified to teach people to SCUBA dive. I enjoy nature and would prefer to spend time outside of the city opposed to in it. In the summer I play softball in our local mixed league for the Nelson District Credit Union, which I've been a part of the team for 7 years. I enjoy a multitude of other sports when time allows. I hold a position of volunteer treasurer for the Grohman Creek Docking Society, a non-profit organization created to ensure continued access to the boat access only community of Grohman Creek.
I grew up in Nelson but lived elsewhere for many years before returning home. I have travelled to New Zealand, Thailand, Cambodia, all of Central America and spent a total of approximately 1.5 years abroad. My appreciation for the Nelson area was only magnified by exploring the world.