Board Committees

Human Resources Committee

The purpose of the Human Resources Committee is to:

  • Assist the Board of Governors in fulfilling its obligations relating to human resource and compensation matters and to ensure a plan of continuity and development of senior management is in place.

Finance & Audit Committee

The purpose of the Finance & Audit Committee is to:

  • Monitor significant financial planning, management, control and reporting matters of the college.
  • Monitor the systems of internal controls that the Leadership Team and the Board of Governors have established to oversee the internal external audit processes.
  • Make recommendations and deliver reports to the Board of Governors, as appropriate.

Governance Committee

The purpose of the Governance Committee is to:

  • Provide a focus on board governance that will enhance the board’s performance. The committee assesses and makes recommendations regarding board effectiveness and provides direction regarding ongoing board development.
  • Make recommendations, develops and oversees the implementation of board policies. The committee will take guidance from the College and Institutes Act. The committee will also work with the college’s Education Policy Committee where policy development intersects or impacts college policies.