Resilience and Alternative Food Networks

Food systems around the world face many unprecedented threats and challenges. In the midst of this, alternative agrifood and seafood networks that deliver locally harvested products to communities are emerging.

Exploring the Roles of BC's Food Hubs

An interdisciplinary research team from across North America is studying the resilience of these emerging alternative networks. As part of this project, a BC-based study aims to explore and better understand the role of Food Hubs in the resilience of regional food systems. 

This BC study aims to respond to the following questions: 

  1. What roles do or could Food Hubs play within regional food systems?
  2. How do regional conditions impact the ability of Food Hubs to be resilient and sustainable?
  3. How have periods of stress or crisis (e.g., COVID-19, wildfires) impacted regional food systems?

This case study has four objectives:

  1. Mapping the evolving structure and function of the provincial British Columbia Food Hub Community of Practice. 
  2. Exploring the evolution and resilience of regional food systems through food supply chain modelling.
  3. Conducting a detailed exploration and understanding of two select food hubs and their contribution within two regional food systems. 
  4. Compiling and comparing the results of objectives 1-3 to build a more complete picture of Food Hubs as an alternative food network.

Find out more about Food Supply Models.

Findings and Resources

This case study is led by Dr. Sarah-Patricia Breen, Selkirk Innovates, in collaboration with Dr. Philip Loring, University of Guelph; Lindsay Harris, Kamloops Food Policy Council; and Damon Chouinard, Central Kootenay Food Policy Council.  

Find out more about the overarching project.

The research is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counsil.


Social Science and Humanities Council of Canada