Office Administration & Technology
Hide Overview
Get qualified with business certificates designed for those new to or re-entering the workplace.
Courses are all online, including final exams. Courses are asynchronous, which means there is no weekly mandatory class time. There are weekly submissions requiring you to maintain the course schedule, but you have the flexibility within each week to complete course work when it suits you best.
Program Pathways
Full-time, online, six months—starts every September and completes in February
- Part-time study option available but lengthens completion time and affects student qualification for funding—ask us.
Part-time, online, nine months—starts every September and finishes by May
- Part-time means that you should schedule 20 hours per week for assignments and studying.
Bookkeeping Advanced Certificate
Full-time. Students complete the certificate in 3.5 months. Starts mid-February every year.
- This program is for those who already have an Office Assistant Certificate. Continue your education!
Bookkeeping Skills Associate Certificate
Part-time. Students complete the certificate in six months.
Five courses focused on developing bookkeeping skills. Course credits align with the requirements for the Bookkeeping Certificate.
Word Processing Skills Associate Certificate
Part-time. Students complete the certificate in four months.
Five courses focused on developing word processing skills. Course credits align with the requirements for the Office Assistant Certificate.
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Qualify for Funding
Determine your eligibility for funding through our partners:
- WorkBC (Contact your local centre by phone)
- StudentAidBC (for full-time studies)