Building Remarkable Futures: Strategic Plan 2019-2024 is the culmination of community consultation, employee engagement, student input and the core values that have steered the regional college for more than 50 years.
Read the Strategic Plan
Together, We Build Remarkable Futures
With the mission statement that “Together we build remarkable futures,” Selkirk College commits to its pledge of enhancing the lives of both students and members of the community.
Our Vision
Selkirk College provides personal experiences that build confident and imaginative learners ready to thrive in their community and in our dynamic world.
Our Values
Show Community
Community at Selkirk College means delivering education that builds relationships, culture, belonging, empowerment and opportunity. Selkirk College students and employees are part of an educational community that is integral to the well-being of the West Kootenay and Boundary regions and has provincial, national and global connections.
Show Access
Access at Selkirk College means an educational experience should be attainable to all, regardless of who or where they are or what challenges they face. Accessibility defines a culture of inclusion, considers the services provided to learners, develops innovations to program and course delivery formats and timing, and supports technological and physical infrastructure required for student success.
Show Respect
Respect at Selkirk College means we treat ourselves, each other, members of our college community, and the world around us with respect, dignity and integrity. Respect builds trust and includes respect for diverse people, ideas and perspectives, cultures and traditions, respect for the environment, and the modelling of respectful discourse and conversation in our work.
Show Excellence
Excellence at Selkirk College means everyone strives for the highest level of quality, accountability and professionalism. Excellence includes aspiring to the highest quality of instruction, services and operations for students, our employees, and communities. Excellence promotes creative and growth mindsets and approaches to our work that inspires innovation.
Our Commitments
Our work is guided by a commitment to five fundamental priorities: equity, diversity and inclusion, reconciliation, research and innovation, sustainability and wellness.
Our Strategic Directions
To achieve our mission and vision, and to live our values and commitments, Selkirk College is focusing on five areas: learner success, excellence in education, community development, healthy workplace, and modernization of facilities, technology and operations.
Show Learner success
- Enable transitions to the workforce by providing students with experiential and work integrated learning, co-op education and internships, student academic support and employment transitions programming.
- Expand educational pathways by increasing the number and quality of transfer and articulation agreements, educational partnerships with regional school districts, and study abroad opportunities with other post-secondary institutions in specific program areas.
- Improve recruitment, retention, completion and related supports for all students and students facing barriers to access, including Indigenous learners, international learners, learners with disabilities, elder learners and others.
- Develop a consistent relationship-focused student service standard across all campuses and learning centres.
- Enhance student health and wellness programming and supports.
- Expand offerings in priority program areas: technology and digital applications, skills development and workplace training for in-demand occupations, and cohort-based programs that are in key sectors of need in the labour market forecast and that are regionally relevant.
Show Excellence in education
- Expand access to learning through improved scheduling of offerings, increased availability of blended and online delivery, and increased program availability throughout the region.
- Advance innovations in teaching and learning through the achievement of institutional level learning outcomes, targeted professional development in the areas of educational technologies, Indigenous ways of knowing, innovative curriculum development, experiential learning, strategic partnerships and intercultural teaching strategies.
- Renew and implement strategic enrolment plans.
- Renew specific plans for education, Indigenization, international, student life and campus services, advancement, marketing, and educational technology; excellence in education.
- Support program renewal and development through policy and curriculum process improvements such as the Quality Assurance Process Audit (QAPA), alignment with accreditation, articulation and reporting requirements, student service improvements, and capacity building tools and training.
- Improve the quality and efficiency of programs and services through data-driven decision-making.
Show Community development
- Build strategic partnerships that enhance the student learning experience and contribute to socio-economic development in the communities we serve.
- Strengthen relationships with regional First Nations and Métis governments, Indigenous community services providers and Indigenous post-secondary partners to advance the educational goals of Indigenous communities.
- Integrate applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship into educational programs to respond to an evolving labour market.
- Collaborate with our community partners to ensure student experiences outside of the college and in the community are effective, inclusive and supportive.
- Support regional socio-economic development through collaborative, innovation-driven projects that address shared challenges and opportunities.
Show Healthy workplace
- Improve employee orientation, inclusion, health and safety, and wellness programming.
- Develop improved plans and approaches to supporting Indigenization, diversity and inclusion in employee recruitment, career development, and leadership development.
- Expand performance monitoring and related improvement processes for career fulfilment, professional growth, retention and succession planning for employees.
- Enhance programming for employee training and development, sharing of best practices, and professional development for faculty and staff.
- Diversify and improve communication, and employee engagement processes.
Show Modernization of facilities, technology and operations
- Renew and utilize the Facilities Master Plan for Selkirk College to reflect the strategic directions envisioned for the facilities, both owned and leased, at the college.
- Ensure the efficient operation and effective use of the existing facilities, and continue to modernize our infrastructure and make investments in technology, connectivity, facilities, welcoming spaces, learning commons spaces and capital equipment.
- Modernize finance, human resources and student records, and education technology and online delivery systems, plans and processes to improve efficiency, effectiveness, measurement and reporting, and accountability; including the completion and effective implementation of Project Aurora.
- Further reduce the college’s carbon emissions and waste production, and invest in new approaches and technologies to model and contribute to climate change mitigation.