The Education Council (EdCo) has four standing committees. Together, these committees oversee the educational offerings at Selkirk College and ensure a high degree of quality.
To submit an agenda item request for any committee, please include the appropriate forms.
Education Council Committee Forms
Circle for Inclusive Indigenous Education
The purpose of this committee is to advance the goals and objectives of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People’s Act (DRIPA), the Truth and Reconciliation Council of Canada’s (TRC) Calls to Action, and the Selkirk College Indigenization Plan by providing advice to EdCo regarding the decolonization and Indigenization of the Council’s work—in particular regarding governance, curriculum and program development, and educational policies and processes.
Curriculum Committee
The Curriculum Committee plays a crucial role in supporting faculty in the development and revision of courses, contributing to the delivery of high-quality programming that promotes student success and teaching excellence. It prioritizes refining learning outcomes to ensure alignment with course goals and assessments.
The committee offers constructive feedback and support to curriculum developers, fostering coherence and transparency, thereby driving continuous improvement in the delivery of learning outcomes.
Show Members
Aanyta Fahrenbruch (Committee Chair)
Darcy Falkenhagen (EdCo Chair)
Karminder Singh (Student Representative)
Education Policy Committee
The goal of the Education Policy Committee is typically to ensure that the institution's policies and procedures are up-to-date, relevant and compliant with current regulations and legislation. It supports policy writers and/or holders to ensure that education policies support our instructors and students during their educational journey.
The committee aims to assist the policy writers and/or holders by guiding them to the resources needed to successfully update and/or create education policy.
Show Members
Darcy Falkenhagen (EdCo Chair)
Terri MacDonald (Committee Chair)
Program Quality Committee
The Program Quality Committee provides advice to EdCo on matters related to admission and standards and the development of program policies.