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Academic Upgrading

Looking to upgrade your skills? Want to get into that awesome first-year course or program? Improve subject understanding, study skills and complete prerequisite courses.
Program at a Glance
There is no specific program length, courses run every term and certificates can be completed on any timeline
All Campuses
Intake Dates
Upgrading Assistant
1 (250) 365-7292
1 (250) 354-3230
Andrea Maxie
School Chair
1 (250) 365-7292
1 (250) 354-3216

    Get started on a new path. If you’re looking to develop your skills, complete prerequisite courses for entry into college or university, or get your BC Adult Graduation Diploma—the “Adult Dogwood”—upgrading can help you get there. Upgrade in Castlegar, Grand Forks, Kaslo, Nakusp, Nelson (Silver King) or Trail.

    Learn in a Supportive Atmosphere

    • Take the courses you need to meet your goals. 
    • Get help with difficult concepts from other courses.
    • Attend classes or work on your own.
    • Understand the way you learn best.
    • Get instruction and support when you need it to improve basic skills, like reading, writing and math.

    Pathways to High-Demand Careers

    Ready for a change? Our pathways to high-demand careers offer as much or as little support as you need. Access advising, funding, prerequisites, study skills and more to pursue the future you've always wanted. 

    Explore Pathways

    Tuition Free

    Upgrading courses are tuition free. The BC government funds Adult Basic Education. You can also apply for the Adult Upgrading Grant (AUG), a government grant to help you cover any additional costs of returning to school. It can help with transportation, unsubsidized daycare and the cost of supplies and student fees.

    For more information, or to register get in touch!

     Contact Us

    Program Outcomes

    Learners participating in Academic Upgrading courses at Selkirk College will finish their studies being able to demonstrate a number of the program outcomes:

    1. Demonstrate increased self-confidence
    2. Manage financial matters by applying principles of numeracy, accounting and integration of relevant technology
    3. Use appropriate verbal, non-verbal and written skills to communicate
    4. Develop effective learning strategies and adapt them to new situations
    5. Create realistic personal, work and educational goals and plans to achieve them
    6. Exhibit positive professional behaviour and employment related skills that maximize opportunities for success
    7. Demonstrate resilience, creativity and critical thinking in challenging situations
    8. Participate effectively as part of a team and in society
    9. Identify personal values, make decisions and balance responsibilities to increase well-being
    10. Practice appropriate safety procedures
    11. Use current and emerging technology effectively

    Students applying to Academic Upgrading are not subject to the general admission requirements for Selkirk College.

    • All applicants will meet with an instructor to discuss past education and current academic goals and choose an appropriate set of courses.

    The College Readiness Tool is used for advising on course level placement. Students will write the CRT assessment prior to course registration to help instructors determine ideal course level placement. Program Chair or designate, in consultation with Assessment Services, will determine which subtests of the CRT will be required and the cut off scores for each subtest, in order to verify an applicant's potential for success and program admission.

    Students must be 18 years of age or over at the time of registration.

    • Notwithstanding the above, students 16 or 17 years of age may be considered for admission. Students will be assessed for admission based on referral to the program by a parent/guardian, a secondary school or other professional (e.g., social worker, counsellor).
    • In addition, the instructor who met with the student must be satisfied that the underage student can perform in an adult learning environment. Such admission decisions will be made by the intake instructors under the supervision of the school chair.

    Note: It is Selkirk College’s intention to work collaboratively with our local school districts to ensure an underaged student’s needs are best met by programming in the post-secondary system.

    Additional Requirements

    Before an applicant’s file is considered to be complete, a student must:

    • Meet with an instructor (in person or by telephone)
    • Complete a Selkirk College Application for Admission Form
    • Sign their completed Course Registration Form
    • Complete funding paperwork: forms for either an Adult Upgrading Grant, Supplemental Adult Upgrading Bursary or a funding Opt Out form, including any associated documentation required (childcare subsidy form, appendices, proof of income)
    Graduation and Promotion

    Selkirk College awards certificates of completion at the Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced Levels, and the Adult Dogwood Diploma.

    The British Columbia Adult Graduation Diploma (BCAGD) is recognized by colleges, institutes and universities in the British Columbia public post-secondary system. To be eligible to graduate with an "Adult Dogwood," students 18 years of age or over must have completed five courses.

    BC Adult Graduation Diploma Requirements

    A provincial-level English or higher

    An advanced-level or higher mathematics

    Three additional courses at the provincial level or higher


    Advanced social sciences and two provincial-level courses or higher

    Courses and credits can be counted from post-secondary institutions, secondary schools and often from workplace or other learning establishments.

    Upgrading instructors and college counsellors can help to determine which courses count toward the Adult Dogwood.

    Selkirk College also awards certificates of completion at the Fundamental, Intermediate and Advanced levels.

    A principle of delivery of education at the fundamental and intermediate level is that students must demonstrate mastery of the learning outcomes associated with a section of the course.

    1. Fundamental level courses

    a) Students in Fundamental Level courses will create an Academic Plan, which includes the student’s education goals and the education pathway, timeline and courses to achieve it.

    b) Progress through Fundamental level courses is competency-based and requires the following:

    i. achieving 80% or more on formative evaluations

    ii. achieving 70% or more on summative evaluations

    iii. passing final examination

    iv. achieving the learning outcomes set out in each course outline

    2. Intermediate level courses

    a) Progress through Intermediate level courses is competency-based and requires the following:

    i.) achieving 80% or more on formative evaluations

    ii. achieving 70% or more on summative evaluations

    iii. passing final examination

    iv. achieving the learning outcomes set out in the course outline


    Students in good standing are eligible to attempt an Academic Upgrading course a second time without special permission. Third or more course attempts are possible with the approval of the Academic Upgrading School Chair or Dean. Approval is granted based on the rationale provided in the student’s Academic Plan.

    In the Academic Upgrading program it is not necessary to obtain a level certificate in order to take courses at the next level. However, some courses in the subject areas are sequential and must be completed in order.

    Provincial Level Courses

    BIOL 60 Biology - Provincial Level provides an introduction to cell biology and human physiology. Students will learn about cell biology, mitosis and meiosis, bioenergetics, homeostasis, genetics, respiration, excretion, bones and muscles, nerves and immunity. This course is designed to help students build laboratory and field skills, scientific communication skills and critical thinking skills. Upon completion, students are prepared for post-secondary studies in Biology, Physiology and Health Sciences. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma. This course is equivalent to Biology 12.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills.

    CHEM 60 Chemistry - Provincial Level is a study of practical chemistry. Students will study reaction kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base reactions, oxidation-reduction, and gas laws. The lab portion of this course develops student skills in laboratory safety, chemistry lab procedures and techniques, data collection, analysis, and scientific communication. Upon completion of this course, students are prepared for academic post-secondary science studies. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma. This course is equivalent to Chemistry 12.

    Recommended CHEM 50 and MATH 50 or equivalent skills

    CPSC 60 Computer Science - Provincial Level is designed to prepare students for a career or program of studies where logical thought and structured design processes are required. Students will develop problem-solving skills whereby they are able to analyze a problem, devise an algorithm or process to solve the problem, use this process to write a computer implementation of the solution using the Python (or other as appropriate) Programming Language, and test the solution.

    This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    Recommended MATH 50 or equivalent skills

    CPST 60 Computer Studies: Provincial Level – This course provides students with an opportunity to showcase their skills in areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) that interest them. Students collaborate with instructors to develop three projects that meet the required provincial learning outcomes. For each project, students develop a proposal, write an interim progress report and present their finished project.  Independent thinking and strong research skills are needed to complete the course successfully.


    Upon completion of this course, students are prepared for post-secondary studies in multimedia. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.


    CPST 60 is equivalent to Computer Studies 12.

    Recommended CPST 50 or equivalent skills

    EDCP 60 Education and Career Planning - Provincial Level is intended to enhance skills for further education and employment.  Topics covered include personal awareness, communication, cultural diversity, education and career exploration, job search, study skills, and financial management.


    This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills

    EDSS 60 Student Success, Provincial Level is for students to develop the learning skills, study strategies and self-awareness necessary for students to experience success as life-long learners.


    This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills

    ENGL 60 English - Provincial Level is for students to upgrade their English skills. Students will develop academic English reading, writing, research, critical thinking and communications skills through studying Canadian literature. Various works of short fiction, poetry, plays and a novel are explored through discussion and analysis, while academic essay skills are developed throughout the course.

    Upon completion of this course, students are prepared for academic post-secondary studies. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    ENGL 60 is equivalent to English 12.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills

    ENGL 66 Essential English - Provincial Level is for students to upgrade their English skills. Students will develop practical skills in reading, writing and communicating. These skills will enable students to perform the tasks required by their occupation and other aspects of daily life.


    This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.


    ENGL 66 is equivalent to Communications12.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills

    GEOG 60 Geography – Provincial Level provides an introduction into physical and human geography. Specifically, students will develop an understanding of geomorphology, gradational processes, meteorology, climate change, and demography. An important component of this course is the interconnection between human activities and the earth’s physical systems and resources. Students will develop skills in analyzing and interpreting data from maps, tables, graphs and text.


    This course prepares students for further studies in social sciences at the post-secondary level. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.


    GEOG 60 is equivalent to Grade 12 Geography.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills

    HIST 60 History – Provincial Level examines the major social, economic and political movements from the late 1900's into the 21st century. Students develop an understanding of global events, from war to social movements to economic crises as presented through text, video and lecture/discussion. Students learn how global issues are interconnected geographically and politically. Skills to analyze events and to write brief synopses for presentations are developed.

    This course prepares students for further studies in social sciences at the post-secondary level. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    HIST 60 is equivalent to History 12.

    ENGL 50 or equivalent skills

    INDG 60 Indigenous Ways Through Art - Provincial Level. Under the guidance and mentorship of local Elders, artists and facilitators, and drawing on the collective knowledge of the participants, the course will explore topics including: colonization, reconciliation, traditional knowledge, and identity how these concerns manifest physically and aesthetically in contemporary art practices. Students will become more aware of Indigenous peoples and their ways of knowing, their relationship with community and the land, their history before and after European contact in an arts-based teaching and learning environment.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills

    MATH 60 Algebra and Trigonometry - Provincial Level is for students to upgrade their mathematics skills. Students will review basic algebra and study the following topics: functions and graphs including transformations, polynomial and rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, trigonometric functions, and arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. This course will help prepare students for academic or technical post-secondary studies in mathematics, engineering or sciences. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma. This course is the equivalent to Pre-calculus 12.

    Recommended MATH 50 or equivalent skills

    PHYS 60 Physics - Provincial Level further develops physics' core concepts, building upon introductory material. In this course students explore the nature, scope, relevance and limitations of physics. Students will study two-dimensional kinematics and dynamics, electrostatics, electromagnetism, waves and optics. Upon completion of this course, students are ready to enter further post-secondary studies in physics. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma. This course is equivalent to Physics 12.

    Recommended PHYS 50 and MATH 50 or equivalent skills
    MATH 60 or equivalents skills

    PORT 60 Portfolio – Provincial Level guides students through the creation of a comprehensive portfolio to showcase past and current knowledge, skills, and abilities within a specific theme. Students examine types and purposes of portfolios, document and reflect upon their own experiences, and design and present their portfolio. Portfolios help students in a variety of settings, for example to gain employment or admission to post-secondary programs or to capture experiential learning.

    This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills.

    SOST 60 Social Studies: Introduction to Psychology – Provincial Level provides an exploration of the foundations of modern psychology. Students study emotion, perception, personality, intelligence, motivation, learning and memory. The influence of heredity, culture, gender and age on psychological health is investigated by the students. Current psychological research is incorporated throughout the course.

    This course prepares students for further studies in social sciences at the post-secondary level. This course qualifies for the BC Adult Graduation Diploma.

    This course is equivalent to Psychology 12.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills.

    WORK 60 Workplace Experience - Provincial Level is intended to provide students with a framework to recognize previous work experience. The course includes opportunities to demonstrate knowledge about the workplace and skills and experience gained at work. Students prepare a job posting and participate in all aspects of applying for the posted job in order to show their awareness of workplace health and safety, effective communication, workplace ethics, and labour relations, as well as mastery of technical and applied skills, knowledge, and attitude for success in the workplace.


    ADGD 60 Certificate(s) Earned – Provincial level is a course enabling representation of previously-completed external learning completed as an adult. Proof of learning in non-credential courses or training is assessed by an Academic Upgrading instructor to be at least 100 hours in duration, to have delivered and assessed explicit learning outcomes, and to have assigned some grade that indicates to what degree the learner has met the learning outcomes. Examples include workplace certifications like Level 3 First Aid and Class 1 Driver’s License, micro-credentials like Anti-racism or Drone operator training. The upgrading instructor will assess the external learning to ensure it meets the criteria.

    *Minimum requirements are listed; higher-level courses may be substituted

    **ADGD 60 – Adult Graduation course representing learning completed as an adult that is at least 100 hours in duration and delivers and assesses explicit learning outcomes to determine to what degree the learner has met the learning outcomes (eg. assigned a letter grade, pass or completion). Examples include workplace certifications like Level 3 First Aid and Class 1 Driver’s License, micro-credentials like Anti-racism or Drone operator training.

    To acquire this credential, students must

    · be a minimum of 18 years of age,

    · complete at least three courses after entering an adult learning program (by enrolling in courses or by Prior Learning Assessment. See Policy 8614)

    · use no more than two high school-level courses toward the BCAGD.

    The BC government oversees adult education and graduation credentials. Information is found here.

    Advanced Level Courses

    BIOL 50 Biology - Advanced Level introduces students to biology: the study of living organisms and life processes. Students will study the diversity of life, plant and animal cells, ecology, and evolution, exploring concepts in the classroom, laboratory and in field. Building upon life experiences, students improve their understanding of the natural world and their role in it. The course is designed to build a student's laboratory and field skills, scientific communication skills, and critical thinking skills. This course prepares the student for further studies in biology, natural resources and earth sciences. This course is equivalent to Biology 11.

    Recommended ENGL 50 or equivalent skills.

    CHEM 50 Chemistry - Advanced Level is a course for students with little or no previous experience in chemistry. Students will study basic chemical properties, principles and procedures, nomenclature, and chemical reactions, acids and bases, and an introduction to organic chemistry. Lab experiments provide an opportunity to work with standard lab ware and apparatus, observe a variety of chemical compounds and reactions, and perform some quantitative measurements.

    Recommended MATH 49 or equivalent skills.
    MATH 50

    CPST 50 Computer Studies - Advanced Level is an introduction to word processing using Word, spreadsheets using Excel, and databases using Access. Students will learn about computer security (viruses and other malware) and critical thinking as applied to computers. Practical exercises and projects are used to apply new concepts throughout the course, including an internet research report project.

    Students will develop an understanding of computers and concepts to aid the students’ employment opportunities, personal productivity, and enjoyment. This course will provide students with a survey of the major applications of computers and enable the students to acquire skills to contribute and participate productively in society.

    Upon completion of Computer Studies 50, students are ready to enter Computer Studies 60 - Provincial Level or further post-secondary studies in office or business administration, or computer applications.

    Computer Studies 50 is equivalent to Computers 11.

    Recommended CPST 40 and ENGL 40 or equivalent skills

    ENGL 50 English - Advanced Level is for students to upgrade their English skills. Through reading and writing, students will focus on critical and creative thinking, demonstrate oral and written communication, and develop reading, research, and cooperative learning. This course is designed to help students become natural, confident communicators. Students will engage in discussions and activities which will cover a diversity of topics, including: pre-writing strategies, essay development, summarizing, critical reading, plagiarism, grammar, and dictionary use.


    Upon completion of ENGL 50 students are ready to enter ENGL 60: English – Provincial Level.


    ENGL 50 is equivalent to Grade 11 English.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills

    PHYS 50 Introduction to Physics - Advanced Level introduces students to physics as a study of the fundamental laws of nature. Students will study measurement, kinematics, dynamics, electricity, heat, waves and optics. This course aims to foster and develop a scientific way of thinking and a basic knowledge of scientific ideas. This course prepares the student for further studies in physics and provides groundwork for further academic or career training. This course is equivalent to Physics 11.

    Recommended MATH 49 or equivalent skills
    MATH 50 or equivalent skills

    SOST 50 Social Studies – Advanced Level is for students to upgrade their social studies skills. Students begin by focusing on the emergence of Canada as an autonomous nation before World War I and changes in the Canadian identity up to the present day. Students will also study the government of Canada and Canadian political trends as well as an analysis of global issues and how these affect Canadians. The course aims to advance the learner toward five goals: global citizenship, broadened perspectives, critical thinking skills, analysis of values, and lifelong learning skills.

    Upon completion of SOST 50, students are ready to enter SOST 60.

    This course is equivalent to Social Studies 11.

    Recommended ENGL 40 or equivalent skills.
    Intermediate Level Courses

    CPST 40 Computer Studies - Intermediate Level is designed to help students develop a range of computer skills to use in everyday life, including personal, work, and educational environments. Students will develop a practical knowledge of computer technology, customize their physical and digital workspaces, learn how to stay safe online, improve their keyboarding technique, create professional quality word processing documents, and develop basic presentations or spreadsheets. The practical skills and understanding in this course can help students become more confident and work more efficiently with a computer.

    Upon completion, students are prepared to enter CPST 50 Computer Studies - Advanced level

    Recommended CPST 02 or equivalent skills

    EDCP 49 Education and Career Planning – Intermediate level aims to enhance the life and employment readiness skills of adult learners.  Students develop a set of core skills to help them meet their personal, career, and educational goals.  Specifically, students will investigate and practice a variety of communications skills applied to workplace settings.  Students will also explore personal skills and values, workplace ethics and safety, and job search methods.  The course will culminate with the creation of a sample career portfolio.


    This course can be used to complete the Intermediate Level Foundation for Work Certificate.


    Math 44 Intermediate Mathematics provides a solid foundation in number operations. Topics include estimation, measurement, fractions, ratio and proportion, percent, geometry, statistics, signed numbers, exponents, and algebra. This course is a terminal math course; students looking for a trades prerequisite need Math 46 and students looking for an algebra pre-requisite need Math 49.

    Recommended MSK 04 or equivalent skills

    MATH 46 Mathematics - Intermediate Level is for students to upgrade their mathematics skills. This math course provides a solid foundation in number operations. Topics include estimation, measurement, fractions, ratio and proportion, percent, geometry, statistics, signed numbers, exponents, algebra, trigonometry, graphing and polynomials. This course prepares students for most trades programs with the exception of Electrical Foundation.

    This course is equivalent to grade 10 developmental mathematics.

    Recommended MSK 05 or equivalent skills

    MATH 49 Introductory Algebra - Intermediate level provides an introduction to algebra. Topics include a review of number functions, followed by an introduction to real numbers, equations and inequalities, polynomials, rational expressions, graphing linear equations and inequalities and systems of equations. A brief introduction to trigonometry completes this course. Completing this course prepares students for Math 50.

    Recommended MATH 46 or equivalent skills

    This course introduces adults to social science in a Canadian context. Topics include history, cultural diversity, the role of First Nations, economics and Canadian government, law, and citizenship. This course provides a solid foundation for understanding Canadian society.

    SCIE 40 Science Intermediate Level introduces adult learners to the study of science in general, the scientific method, and to the three major areas of scientific study: biology, chemistry and physics. One additional topic, such as astronomy, geology, nutrition, infectious diseases, or disabilities is included. Hands-on experiments in each area of study develop science laboratory techniques and skills while increasing understanding of course topics.

    SCIE 40 prepares students for courses in biology, physics, and chemistry at the Advanced (50) level.

    Fundamental Level Courses

    CPST 02 Computer Studies: Fundamental Level course helps students develop basic computer skills, essential to education, work and personal life. Students will gain confidence performing basic computer operations, working online, using email and video conferencing software, and creating word processing documents. Students will also learn about computer systems and uses in society, develop touch-typing technique, and manage their digital files.


    Upon completion, students are prepared to enter CPST 40 Computer Studies: Intermediate Level—Computer Skills.


    EDCP 02 Education and Career Planning – Fundamental level aims to enhance the life and employment readiness skills of adult learners. Students develop a set of core skills to help them meet their personal, career, and educational goals.  Students begin with an exploration of personal qualities, develop communication skills, explore email etiquette and safety. Working with others, problem solving and decision-making all contribute to the development of their core skills.  They will also study education and career planning, goal setting, and personal finances.


    Students will be ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level Education & Career Planning course, upon completion of this course.


    ESK 01 Fundamental English Level 1 is for students who are ready to develop their skills with the printed word. This course is designed to foster learners' basic reading and writing abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    ESK 02 Fundamental English Level 2 is for students who are ready to build on their existing skills to start reading simple passages and writing complete sentences. This course is designed to foster learners - basic English abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    ESK 03 Fundamental English Level 3 is for students who are ready to build on their existing skills to read longer written passages and write short passages and messages. This course is designed to develop learners' basic English abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    ESK 04 Fundamental English Level 4 is for students who are ready to read longer passages on less familiar topics and write in paragraphs using complex sentences. This course is designed to foster learners' English abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    ESK 05 Fundamental English Level 5 is for students who are ready to expand their reading comprehension skills, and to write longer passages. This course is designed to foster learners' English abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    ESK 06 Fundamental English Level 6 is for students who are ready to read and analyze short stories and other forms of literature and to write long paragraphs on abstract topics. This course is designed to foster learners' English abilities and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and educational situations. Throughout the six levels of Fundamental English, students will improve their reading and writing skills. Students begin at the level that is right for them. Upon completion of Fundamental English Level 6, students are ready to enter an Intermediate (Grade 10) level English course.


    MSK 01 Fundamental Math Level 1 is a course for adults who need to learn about the number system, about adding and subtracting numbers (without carrying or borrowing), about simple geometry and about time.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    MSK 02 Fundamental Math Level 2 is a course for adults who need to learn about the number system, about adding (with carrying) and subtracting numbers (without and with borrowing), about making change from a $1.00, about simple geometry (perimeter) and about time.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    MSK 03 Fundamental Math Level 3 is a course for adults who need to learn multiplying and dividing numbers, making change from a $100, simple geometry, time and the metric system.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    MSK 04 Fundamental Math Level 4 is a course for adults who need to learn about decimals (place value), rounding, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals, metric system, Imperial system and perimeter and area using decimals.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    MSK 05 Fundamental Math Level 5 is a course for adults who need to learn about fractions, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions, and calculating perimeter and area using a formula.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    MSK 06 Fundamental Math Level 6 is a course for adults who need to learn about ratio, proportion and percents; converting between decimals, fractions and percents; calculating using percent; and graphs.

    Ability to speak and understand English

    SSK 01 Skills and Strategies for Learning Level I is for adults who have had some practice with the printed word. It is designed to meet the basic skills and strategies for learning and to help students gain the skills to cope well in personal, work and education situations.






    SSK 01-06 Skills and Strategies for Learning are available for students to take. Please see your program advisor for information on these tutorial courses.

    Effective Term:

    Fall, Winter, Spring

    Effective Year:


    Advanced Standing:


    A student may obtain credit for a maximum of 80% of certificate requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment or combination thereof. For more information, see Policy 8614: Advanced Standing.


    Re-Entry Instructions:

    1. Students in good standing who must interrupt their program of studies may apply for readmission.

    2. Re-entry to the Academic Upgrading program is permitted as space becomes available.




    a) Fundamental level courses will be based on Competency Based Grades Table found in Selkirk College Policy 8612: Competency Based Grades Table.

    b) Intermediate, Advanced and Provincial level courses follow the College’s letter grade system found in Policy 8612: Academic Upgrading Grading Table.

    c) No GPA is calculated for upgrading courses.


    Grading Table:

    Standard Academic Upgrading Programs

    Types of Assessments:


    a) Students are expected to complete the course outcomes independently and with original work unless otherwise specified by the instructor.

    b) Students are assessed and graded for each course outcome as indicated in the respective course outline.

    c) Exams, labs, group or individual projects, assignments, presentations, professionalism and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.

    d) Missed assignments and tests will receive a zero mark if not submitted. However, in some courses it may be mandatory to submit all assignments to an acceptable level and/or to write all exams in order to receive credit for the course.

    e) Individual course outlines may have other specific requirements for assignments, grades, and/or

    f) If accepted, late assignments may be subject to penalty as indicated in the respective course outline.


    a) Students in an upgrading course must receive a passing grade on the final exam in order to pass the course.

    b) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements, with the appropriate instructor, for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

    c) Tests and exams will be retained by the instructor. Students wishing to review a final exam should make arrangements with their instructor.

    d) Students who have not completed all assigned work and exams must obtain the instructor’s approval to write the final exam before the exam date. The instructor may require the student to prepare a plan for completion of outstanding work.


    Other Regulations:

    Cheating and Plagiarism See Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism



    Biochemistry - Associate of Science Degree

    Program at a Glance
    2 years
    Associate Degree
    Delivery Method
    On Campus
    Intake Dates
    Duff Sutherland
    UAS School Chair, Instructor
    1 (888) 953-1133
    1 (250) 365-1318
    University Arts & Sciences Contact
    1 (888) 953-1133
    1 (250) 365-1205

      Are you fascinated by living organisms and their biological molecules? Also called “biological chemistry,” this growing field of scientific study explains how living organisms survive and thrive through their internal chemical processes. Biochemical research is one of the most successful fields at examining living processes and today is part of almost all areas of life sciences research. As a professional biochemist you will make valuable contributions to this vital research and set your path for career success.

      Take this program if you are fascinated by living organisms and how their biological molecules contribute to the functioning of their entire beings. Take this program if you are fascinated by life in general and want to understand its complex scientific inner workings and play an active role in discovering more about living beings’ interconnectedness.

      Program Outcomes

      Upon successful completion of an Associate of Science program, learners will be able to:

      1. Explain terms, concepts and theories of introductory-level science
      2. Read, write and communicate effectively and creatively across academic disciplines
      3. Demonstrate developing critical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills
      4. Follow laboratory guidelines, processes and protocols
      5. Demonstrate developing research skills
      6. Apply developing quantitative reasoning skills
      7. Apply the scientific method
      8. Use current and emerging technology
      9. Demonstrate collaborative skills in a multicultural environment
      10. Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in an academic environment

      In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, as outlined in Policy 8600: Pre-Admissions Basic Skills Assessment (College Readiness Tool CRT), and Policy 8611: Admissions, Applicants to the University Arts and Sciences Program must meet the following requirements to be considered fully qualified:


      a) Students entering UAS courses, with the exceptions in 2- below, require at least 60% or better in English Studies 12, or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.

      b) French 102, Spanish 102, and English 51 do not require B.C. English Studies 12 or equivalent as a prerequisite. However, students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program wishing to take English 51 will be governed by the relevant policies and procedures of the International Education Program.

      c) The English Studies 12 prerequisite may be waived for exceptional grade 12 students in the Transitions Program. Credit for transitions courses will be withheld until a grade of 60% or better in English Studies 12 is achieved.

      d) Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.

      e) Additional admission requirements may be necessary for particular certificate programs, diploma programs or associate degrees. Course prerequisites and program admission requirements are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website

      f) Mature students must meet the English Studies 12 requirement and additional course requirements as specified in the college calendar.

      • Minimum grade of 67% in Math 12 or Pre-Calc 12
      • Minimum grade of 60% in English 12 or English 12 First Peoples or equivalent.
      • Biology 12, Chemistry 12, and Physics 11 with a minimum grade of 67%
      Additional Requirements
      • Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the college’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
      • Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.
      • Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
      • Students who lack the admission requirements may still gain admission to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses during the first year. This mode of entry may extend the length of their program.
      Graduation and Promotion

      All Associate of Science students are required to complete:

      • Six semester courses in science at the 100-level or higher
      • Six semester courses in second-year science in two or more subject areas
      • Of the above, at least one course must be a lab science. Geology courses and Geography 130 and 232 are considered lab sciences.
      • Two semester courses in math. At least one math course must be in calculus. Students may choose statistics for the second math course.
      • Two semester courses in first-year English
      • Two semester courses in Arts other than first-year English
      • Two semester courses in Arts, Sciences or other areas*
      • Students must achieve a GPA of 2.00

      * Each course must transfer for three or more credits to at least one of SFU, UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan), UNBC or UVIC. See the BC Online Transfer guide at

      Associate Degrees

      The Associate Degree is a formally established credential recognized province-wide. Graduation from this program requires the completion of sixty (60) credits of university-level study in selected areas with an overall GPA of 2.0. For details, see the B.C. Council of Admissions and Transfers at (

      The School of University Arts and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts Degree program and an Associate of Science Degree program. It also offers specialized associate degree programs focusing on particular disciplines. The admission requirements, graduation requirements, and course of studies for each program are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website at

      Term 1

      BIOL 104 Biology I is a course designed for those students who require first year Majors biology in their program of study or who wish to go on to further study in biology. The course includes cell biology, biochemistry, and an examination of the processes of life in the plant and animal body. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, a scientific research proposal, and laboratory analysis.

      Biology 12 and Chemistry 11 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

      CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have taken CHEM 11 (or equivalent) or who need improvement to their chemistry background. It provides an extensive review of the fundamentals of chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry involving solids, gases and solutions. Current theories for atomic and molecular structure are introduced. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab portion of this course is the same as CHEM 122.

      Chemistry 11 and Pre-calculus Math 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      CHEM 122 General Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have a solid chemistry background, including Chemistry 12 or equivalent. After a short review of fundamental chemistry, classical and quantum mechanical concepts are used to discuss atomic and molecular structure. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab work stresses scientific observations and measurements using chemical syntheses and quantitative analyses.

      Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110 and Pre-calculus 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Pre-calculus 12 or equivalent is recommended.

      ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.

      English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      MATH 100 Calculus I is a course designed to provide students with the background in calculus needed for further studies. This course includes a review of functions and graphs; limits; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative including related rates, maxima, minima, velocity and acceleration; the definite integral; an introduction to elementary differential equations; and applications of integration including velocity, acceleration, areas, and growth and decay problems.

      Pre-Calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      Physics 102 Basic Physics I is an algebra-based survey of mechanics. Course material includes basic concepts of vectors, particle kinematics and dynamics, energy, momentum, circular and rotational motion, thermal properties of matter, vibrations and sound, and fluids.

      Physics 11 or Math 12 or equivalent

      Physics 104 Fundamental Physics I is a calculus based overview of the fundamentals of classical mechanics. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Classical mechanics describes the physical phenomena occurring in the real world around us. We study linear and rotational motion of objects, and then consider how forces cause motion, using Newton's laws. We next use conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to describe the motion of objects. Finally we investigate heat transfer and simple harmonic motion. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

      Physics 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
      MATH 100
      Term 2

      BIOL 106 Biology II. Along with BIOL 104 (Biology I), this course provides an overview of the study of living things. Biology 106 presents topics in population, community and ecosystem ecology, and classical and molecular genetics. Evolution provides a unifying theme for the course. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, case studies and laboratory investigation.

      Biology 12 and Chemistry 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

      CHEM 125 Fundamentals of Chemistry II is the continuation for either CHEM 110 or CHEM 122. The course consists of two major units: physical chemistry and organic chemistry. The study of physical chemistry begins with an investigation of reaction rates (kinetics), followed by the principles of equilibria applied to pure substances and aqueous solutions, and an introduction to the laws of thermodynamics. The second major unit is a survey of the field of organic chemistry; topics include the physical and chemical properties of alkanes and alkenes, stereochemistry, and addition, substitution, and elimination reactions. The laboratory work involves the measurement of physical and chemical properties as well as chemical syntheses.

      CHEM 110 or CHEM 122, or equivalent with a minimum of 60 %

      ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.

      English 110, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      MATH 101 Calculus II is a sequel to Math 100 for students who wish to major in science, math or engineering and includes the definite integral, applications of the definite integral to volume, arc length and surface area of revolution; inverse trig functions; techniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; linear first order differential equations; and an introduction to infinite series; convergence and power series; Taylor Polynomials.

      MATH 100, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      PHYS 103 Basic Physics II is an algebra-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism and modern physics. This course is suitable for those pursuing studies in the life sciences or others who do not plan to pursue careers in the physical sciences or engineering. We first study electrostatics of particles. This leads into electric circuits involving resistors and capacitors. Next we look at magnetism. Finally we investigate topics applicable to life sciences, such as electromagnetic waves, sound, and nuclear physics. The lab component of the course is an opportunity to reinforce concepts and content from the course, and to develop experimental method and reporting results.

      PHYS 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      PHYS 105 Fundamental Physics II is a calculus-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Electricity and magnetism form the basis for all modern electrical devices we utilize today and design for the future. We first study electrostatics of particles and simple objects. Then we investigate circuits involving electrical devices such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. We next study how electricity and magnetism interact with each other both in circuits and in waves. Finally we look at modern subjects in physics such as semiconductors or nuclear physics. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

      PHYS 104 and MATH 100 with a minimum of 60%
      MATH 101
      Term 3
      Required Courses

      BIOL 204 Cell Biology provides the student with a thorough knowledge of cell structure and function. Topics covered include biomolecules, membranes, organelles, cell movement, cell signaling, gene regulation, and transcription and translation. Experimental techniques used in modern cellular and molecular biology are also introduced.

      BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry I explores the relationship between the structures of carbon-containing molecules and their physical and chemical properties. Some topics from 1st-year general chemistry are reviewed briefly: alkanes, stereochemistry, alkenes, and nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides. The correlation between structure and acidity is investigated, and the chemistry of alkynes and alcohols is examined. Structure-determination techniques, including IR and NMR, are explored. The laboratory work for this course provides practical experiences with separation/purification techniques, molecular synthesis, and qualitative analytical methods applied to organic compounds.

      CHEM 125 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
      Elective Courses

      The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.


      two (2) 100- or 200-level Arts elective

      one (1) 100- or 200-level General elective

      See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

      Students transferring to SFU or TRU should choose CPSC 100 as their elective.

      Term 4

      BIOL 202 Principles of Genetics. This course provides the student with a knowledge of classical and reverse genetics. Topics covered include Mendelian inheritance, chromosome theory of heredity, sex determination, mutation, the structure and function of genes, molecular genetics, and the genetic structure of populations. Experimental techniques used in molecular genetics are also introduced.

      BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

      BIOL 206 Introductory Biochemistry provides an introduction to biochemistry including protein structure and function, and representative catabolic and anabolic pathways. Topics covered include water, enzyme kinetics and enzyme structure and function. Experimental techniques used in biochemistry and molecular biology are also introduced.

      BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. NOTE: Students are advised to take CHEM 212 as a prerequisite and CHEM 213 concurrently with BIOL 206.

      BIOL 212 Introduction to Microbiology is a survey of the microbial world, with discussions of the medical and ecological significance of key organisms. The biology of micro-organisms (including bacteria and viruses) is a key focal point, but there will also be discussions of immunology and pathology. The laboratory component will build basic skills necessary to perform and interpret research in the fields of medical microbiology, industrial microbiology, environmental microbiology, immunology and virology. A basic knowledge of biology will be presumed, including basic cell biology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism.

      BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or another six credits of 100-level Biology.

      CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry II is a continuation of CHEM 212. The survey of organic families is continued with a study of aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acid derivatives, aromatics and amines. The chemistry of a variety of compounds of biological interest is also discussed. The laboratory work involves synthesis and organic structure determination.

      CHEM 212, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

      STAT 206 Probability and Statistics is an introductory applied statistics course for math, science, and engineering students. Topics include: set theory, probability, discrete and continuous variables and their distributions, joint probability distributions, point estimates, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing based on one or two samples. If time permits, we will discuss ANOVA tests as well as correlation and regression.

      MATH 100

      Effective Term:

      Fall, Winter, Spring

      Effective Year:


      Advanced Standing:


      1. Transfer credit in first and second year UAS courses will be given for equivalent courses taken in the last ten years (five years recommended for Biology) from an accredited post-secondary institution. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of 60%. Students who have completed such course(s) more than ten years earlier (five years recommended for Biology) require permission from the School Chair to receive transfer credit at Selkirk College.

      B. PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT (PLA) Selkirk College Policy 8614 Advanced Standing: Course Challenge, and Transfer Credit.

      1. Students may apply to prove their currency in an individual course by challenging the course(s) in question under the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process.

      2. The School Chair in consultation with the appropriate faculty member(s) will decide whether a student may undertake a course challenge through PLA. Students should be aware that some universities may not accept credits received through the PLA process.

      3. Students must apply for transfer credit or PLA in a timely manner so that they may register for the course in question if transfer credit(s) is denied or PLA is unsuccessful.




      a) Grading will be as defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612. The grading table applicable to each course will be identified on the course outline.

      a) Students need to complete all the components of a course as indicated on the course outline. Students failing to meet this criterion will receive a maximum grade of 49 percent.

      b) Courses with a lab/seminar and lecture may require passing both lecture and lab/seminar in order to pass the course. If this requirement applies to a course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

      c) For some online courses, students must pass the final exam to receive a passing grade in the course regardless of their grade to date, and students who fail the final exam will receive a maximum grade of 49%. If this requirement applies to an online course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

      d) If an assignment is not submitted by the due date identified on the course outline, the mark for the assignment could be reduced by as much as 100%. Students seeking an extension must consult with their instructors. It is the right of individual instructors to implement this policy. All instructors will outline their policies with respect to missed or late assignments in their current course outlines.


      Grading Table:

      Standard Academic and Career Programs

      Types of Assessments:

      Types of Evaluations (i.e., exams, seminar assignments, essays, reports, group projects, presentations, demonstrations, etc.)

      a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

      b) Exams, essays, projects, reports, assignments, and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.


      Program Specific Regulations:

      A. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM (Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism)

      The School of University Arts and Sciences values true academic endeavour, and believes that evaluative events including examinations, essays, reports, and other assignments should honestly reflect student learning. All students are governed by Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with content of this policy and to seek clarification from an instructor when needed.

      B. ACADEMIC PROGRESS (Promotion)

      Students academic progress is governed by Policy 8615:

      a) Students must meet all course prerequisites.

      b) Students who are found to be without the required grade in the prerequisite course or who have not received permission from the instructor and School Chair may be withdrawn.

      C. PROBATION (Policy 8619: Student Probation)

      Students may be placed on academic probation, behavioural probation, or both in accordance with Policy 8619: Probation is not intended to be punitive; however, the conditions of the probation must be met to be removed from probation and failure to meet the conditions will have consequences that may include withdrawal from a course or program.


      Students may choose to, or be required to withdraw from, the course(s), the program or the College as per Selkirk College Policy 8616: Withdrawal. This policy governs procedures, deadlines, refunds, and the consequences of withdrawing.

      E. APPEAL (Policy 8400: Student Appeals)

      The educational process at Selkirk College incorporates the joint efforts of students and the services provided to the students by the institution. Although in most instances students and the College faculty, administration and staff cooperate during the learning process, Selkirk College recognizes that occasional disputes between students and the College can arise. To every extent possible, disagreements should be resolved through informal discussions between the parties involved. If this discussion does not bring resolution, the procedures outlined in Policy 8400 apply.



      1. Attendance at scheduled lectures, laboratories, field trips, seminars, tutorials, and examinations is mandatory.

      2. Students absent from class for any reasons are responsible for the work they have missed. They must make up assignments as required, usually within two weeks of the missed class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor when an absence is required.


      Other Regulations:

      Examination Policy

      a) Final examinations are held in most courses during the examination period at the end of each semester. The dates of the examination period are listed on the Selkirk College Website.

      b) Students will not be permitted to write final examinations at alternate times unless there is a compelling reason. Examples of compelling reasons include: illness (documented), death in the family (documented), jury duty and traffic accident. Examples of non-compelling reasons: family vacation/reunion, previously arranged travel plans (e.g., seat sales).

      c) Academic honesty is expected. Therefore, the following will not be tolerated during exams:

      (i) Making use of any books, notes or materials other than those authorized by the examiners.

      (ii) Communicating with other candidates.

      (iii) Exposing written papers to the view of other candidates.

      (iv) Leaving the examination room unescorted during an exam.

      (v) Unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices.

      (vi) Disciplinary action would, at a minimum, result in the examination paper being given a grade of zero.

      (vii) Supplemental examinations are not available for School of University Arts and Science courses.


      Business Administration Professional Management - Diploma

      Program at a Glance
      2 years
      Delivery Method
      On Campus
      Intake Dates

        Advancement with Professional Management

        Today’s professional managers perform delicate balancing acts of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring to achieve their company’s fullest potential. Business Administration Professional Management teaches you how to master these concepts and advance your career to maximize your salary earning potential.

        This concentration provides students with the tools to function competently in the management environment. Graduates develop skills in physical resource and operations management, marketing, sales, financial systems, human resource management and strategic management. A number of credits extend to professional designations.

        Leadership Delivers

        Our well-balanced curricula of business management fundamentals trains you to successfully lead your team and deliver measurable workplace results. With a focus on essential professional management knowledge and skills, we train you for successful careers in:

        • Marketing and sales
        • Human resource management
        • Operations management
        • Financial systems
        • Entrepreneurship
        • Project management
        A photo of alum Mitch Rosko smiling
        This program provided me with real-world lessons. I was able to meet folks from all corners of Canada and even made friends from across the globe and those friendships are still going strong today.
        Mitch Rosko, Business Administration Professional Management

        Common first-year courses must be completed before moving into second-year courses. For first-year courses and admission requirements, see Business Administration.

        Program Outcomes

        Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

        1. Explain and apply terms, concepts, and theories relevant to Canadian business

        2. Communicate effectively in various formats to a variety of stakeholders

        3. Demonstrate management thinking and problem-solving at the foundational level

        4. Use a range of contemporary digital technologies effectively

        5. Apply multi-stakeholder perspectives in decision-making

        In addition to meeting the general entrance requirements for admission to Selkirk College, applicants must meet the following Business Administration requirements:

        • English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60% or higher required. For international applicants, IELTS 6.0 overall band score with no band below 5.5, or equivalent on other internationally recognized English Language Proficiency Tests.
        • Any Math 11 with a minimum of 60%. Note that students who may pursue a university degree in Business should complete a pre-calculus course.
        Additional Requirements

        The deadline for receiving required documentation is stated in the student’s admissions letter.

        An interview (in person or by telephone) with the program advisor may be required before entry to the program.

        Students are required to complete an orientation at the beginning of the program.

        Where space permits, students may be admitted up to the end of the first week of the semester.

        The program may be taken on a full-time or part-time basis.

        1. Early Entry

        a) Subject to Chair approval applicants who lack the specific English or Math entrance admission requirements may still gain admission to the program through a multi-level entry system which allows students to take a combination of program and upgrading courses in the first year.

        b) Early Entry students will not be able to advance beyond their first year (30 credit hours) until any and all upgrading requirements are met.

        c) This mode of entry can extend the duration of the program accordingly as not all courses are offered every term.

        2. General

        a) Applicants must submit a completed application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts, application package) to the Registrar's office.

        b) Program Chairs, Advisors or Counsellors, in consultation with Assessment Services, will determine which subtests of the CRT may be completed to support applicants' personal learning plans.

        c) Entry to the Program may be made at the commencement of the Fall, Winter, or Spring semesters. However, normal entry is at the beginning of the Fall semester. The progression of courses may be different dependent on which semester the student commences studies.

        d) Where space permits students may be admitted up to the end of the first week of the Fall and Winter semesters, and first week of the Spring semester. Admission beyond this point will only be possible with the approval of the instructor(s) involved.

        e) Entry may be limited by prerequisites, space limitations and/or completion of preadmission assessment. International students' entry may be limited where international student enrolment targets or limits have been met.

        f) Accepted applicants may be placed in particular classes and/or sections by the School Chair or designate.

        g) No class or section switches will be permitted after the first week of the Fall, Winter, or Spring semester. All class or section switches require the approval of the School Chair or designate.

        h) Students admitted to a specific program will be given preferred access to that program's courses.

        3. Part-time Study

        a) The Program accommodates part-time study. Special consideration has been given to the integration of part-time students into the program. However, only full-time students are eligible for Co-op work term experiences.

        b) Subject to space limitations and prerequisites, students who wish to take fewer than the maximum number of courses in any semester may do so.

        c) International students are responsible to determine whether part-time studies will affect one's study permit, ability to work and future status in Canada post-graduation.

        Graduation and Promotion


        This program is eligible for co-op education opportunities. Details under Program Specific Regulations.

        In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.

        A. PROMOTION

        1. To be promoted in good standing, a student must achieve a minimum program GPA of 2.00.

        2. Early Entry students must complete upgrade courses before registering beyond 30 program credit hours or receive prior approval from the School Chair or designate.

        3. To be qualified for automatic admission into a course which stipulates a prerequisite, a minimum grade of "C" or better must be achieved in the prerequisite course, unless the course concerned requires a higher grade.

        4. Students will not be permitted to exceed a full semester course load except with the permission of the School Chair or designate.

        5. Two (2) failures in a non-elective course is cause for withdrawal from the program. A third attempt at a course may be made at the discretion of the School Chair or designate.

        6. Any student who has left the program because of unsatisfactory performance may be readmitted with the approval of the School Chair or designate after consultation with instructors.

        1. A student who has completed the Diploma graduation requirements with a cumulative program GPA of 3.50 or better and no "C+" or lower grades in any subject will be designated as graduating with Honours.

        2. A student who has complete coop requirements as stated above will be designated as graduating with Coop.

        3. Requirements: see Policy 8617: Graduation

        Term 1

        ADMN 170 Introduction to Business is a course that introduces students to the management and operation of business, including the principles, concepts, ideas and tools used by managers. In addition, the course exposes students to international and local business issues, and to large companies as well as to smaller, entrepreneurial firms. This course also provides an introduction to Career exploration and preparation

        Program admission requirements.

        COMM 240 Financial Accounting I is an introductory course in accounting from the basic accounting equation to the preparation of the income statement, statement of owner's equity and balance sheet. This course covers merchandise operations, valuation and control of cash, temporary investments and receivables, inventories and cost of goods sold, principles of internal control and capital assets. Includes important accounting principles and concepts as well as the classification of accounts. The use of special journals, worksheets and computerized accounting is also covered.

        Program admission requirements.

        ECON 106 Principles of Macroeconomics covers: national income accounts, national income determination model, monetary system, monetary and fiscal policy, problems with the Macro System, inflation, unemployment, etc.; international trade - balance of payments, exchange rates, capital flows.

        English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        MATH 125 Business Mathematics is intended for first year students enrolled in the Business Administration program. It stresses the mathematics required in financial processes. The course starts with a review of basic arithmetic and algebra. With these skills the student will solve several practical business problems. Topics include (but are not limited to) ratio and proportion, merchandising, break-even analysis, simple interest and promissory notes, compound interest and effective rates, equivalent payment streams, simple and general annuities, annuities due and deferred annuities, amortization of loans and payment schedules.

        Any Math 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        MATH 140 Calculus I for Social Sciences is an introductory course in calculus designed to provide students majoring in business, the life sciences or the social sciences with the necessary mathematical background for further study in these areas. The course includes functions, limits, the derivative and its application, anti-differentiation and the indefinite integral and an introduction to differential equations.

        Pre-calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        TWC 164 Business Communications I is an introduction to the fundamentals of effective written business communication and their application to workplace communication. Additionally, students will solidify and advance their skills in researching and presenting ideas and reports.

        NOTE: PGBM students must complete BUS 300 or BUS 301 with a minimum of 68%, before taking this course. No prerequisites required in other programs.

        ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.

        English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        Students who may pursue a university degree should take ENGL 110 instead of TWC 164.

        Term 2

        ADMN 181 Marketing introduces students to basic concepts and principles of marketing. Topics include Canadian entrepreneurship, small business management, evaluation of business opportunities, and marketing management. Market planning will be emphasized as well as practical decision making in regards to evaluating the business environment, market segmentation, market research, and strategy choices. The marketing mix or product, price, place of distribution, and promotion will be discussed in depth.

        ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        COMM 241 Financial Accounting II is the second financial accounting course, reviewing and enlarging upon concepts and principles, their application to and effect upon financial statements. Topics include: capital and intangible assets, current and long-term liabilities, partnership accounting, accounting for corporate transactions, notes and bonds payable, the cash flow statement, and financial statement analysis.

        COMM 240 and ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ECON 107 Principles of Microeconomics usually taken following Economics 106 Principles of Macroeconomics. Topics covered include: supply and demand - price supports, the agricultural problem, value theory, theory of the firm - competition, pollution, industrial organization - monopoly, public utilities, advertising, income distribution - labour unions, productivity.

        English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        STAT 105 Introduction to Statistics is intended for social, environmental science, and business students, or others who would benefit from a one-term statistics course. Topics include estimation of means and hypothesis testing. Applications are explored.

        Math 11 at any level or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        TWC 165 Business Communications II focuses on developing oral presentation skills by practice and application. Students will develop these skills by planning and delivering speeches, pitches, interviews, and informative reports created through a rigorous research and pre-writing process.

        ENGL 110 or TWC 164, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        Business Co-op Work-term I, COOP 101 is a (paid) work-term which fosters partnerships between students, employers and institution; to bring classroom learning into the workplace. Co-op Education is a process of education that formally integrates students' academic study with periods of related work experience. By connecting with employers, COOP 101 students will gain valuable hands-on experience related to their area of study within the School of Business.
        The student must have completed a minimum of one semester in the School of Business with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, completion of all courses. Any student with one (1) or more failing grades must have Advisor approval to enter into a Co-op Work Term.

        COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term is an optional course.

        COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term (worth 6 credits) can replace any second-year course except ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship. In this option, the net increase in program credits is three.

        Term 3

        COMM 220 Principles of Organizational Behaviour is an introduction to the behaviour, relationships, and performance of individuals and groups in work organizations as well as the nature of organizational structure and processes. Organizational dynamics are examined with a view to creating an effective working environment from a human perspective.

        ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 230 Project Management is designed as a first course in project management. Building foundation skills in project management is of value to anyone who is currently facing project planning and management challenges at work or to students in Business Administration Professional Management or technology programs. ADMN 230 Project Management gives you the foundation, experience, techniques and tools to: - Learn the 10 Project Management Knowledge Areas - plan a project effectively and successfully - manage each stage of the project life cycle successfully - work with organizational constraints - set goals and objectives tied directly to stakeholder needs - get the most from your project management team - utilize state-of-the-art project management tools to get the work done on time, within scope and on budget.

        ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 250 Managerial Accounting examines how accounting information is used within organizations to plan, monitor and control. Managers in all functional areas will have to deal with the management accounting system of the organization they work for. The purpose of this course is to ensure that you have a basic understanding of how such systems operate, the language they use and their limitations. CPA Adapted

        COMM 241 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 252 Financial Management course examines the role of finance and the tools and environment of financial decision making. Topics include: time value of money, foundations for valuation, financial analysis and planning, management of current assets and liabilities, capital budgeting, risk and return, and personal finance. Together with ADMN 255 this course will enable the student to acquire the needed skills and knowledge to analyze common corporate financial decisions. These two courses will also provide a basis for further advanced studies.

        COMM 241 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 272 Commercial Law is an introduction to law as it applies to business. The development of the courts and the machinery of justice will be outlined. A study will then be made of torts and negligence, and of contracts including their formation, interpretation, breach, assignment and discharge. Methods of carrying on business such as employer/employee, proprietorship, partnership, agency and incorporation will be introduced and compared.

        ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or successful completion of Year 1 of Law and Justice Studies.
        Term 4

        ADMN 265 Operations Management studies business operations fundamentals such as demand management, forecasting, inventory control, the EOQ model, scheduling, project management, aggregate planning, materials management, value analysis, supplier management, quality management and service center management. The concepts of sustainability and sustainable business practices will be integrated into the different topics.

        ADMN 170 and STAT 105, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

        ADMN 286 Human Resource Management is an examination of how to most effectively utilize and manage the human element in work organizations including staffing, training and development, appraisal and compensation, industrial relations and human resources planning.

        ADMN 170 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce for Professional Management majors in the Business Administration diploma program. This course may also be of interest to students who are interested in learning about implementing e-commerce strategies in an organization. ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce is an introduction to the business models, strategies, marketing design and analytic systems of electronic commerce business solutions. The role of electronic commerce in changing society is also an important topic. The primary aim of ADMN 293 Electronic Commerce is to identify key management considerations required in implementing e-commerce business solutions.

        ADMN 181 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 296 International Business offers an in-depth review of basic concepts, institutional practices and developments in the global business environment. The course also offers an introduction to international business management. Core management topics will be examined within an international framework.

        ADMN 181 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

        ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship examines the process of researching and developing a business plan. A business plan provides a comprehensive framework for a firm's marketing, financing, and operational activities. Students will research and develop a business plan to assess the viability of a proposed business venture. Students will also learn to critically assess the viability of a business plan through completing a due diligence process.

        ADMN 250, ADMN 181 and TWC 165, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

        Business Co-op Work-term I, COOP 101 is a (paid) work-term which fosters partnerships between students, employers and institution; to bring classroom learning into the workplace. Co-op Education is a process of education that formally integrates students' academic study with periods of related work experience. By connecting with employers, COOP 101 students will gain valuable hands-on experience related to their area of study within the School of Business.
        The student must have completed a minimum of one semester in the School of Business with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, completion of all courses. Any student with one (1) or more failing grades must have Advisor approval to enter into a Co-op Work Term.

        COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term is an optional course.

        COOP 101 Co-op Education Work Term (worth 6 credits) can replace any second-year course except ADMN 297 Entrepreneurship. In this option, the net increase in program credits is three.


        ADMN 399 Directed Studies Business involves students engaging in independent study, research, and practice related to a topic in business under faculty supervision.

        Program CGPA of 3.0 or above. Approval by School Chair.

        ADMN 399 Directed Studies (3) can replace second-year course with school chair approval.

        1. For students who started the program prior to Fall 2020, credit toward the graduation requirements will not be given for both ADMN 295 and ADMN 297, ADMN 170 and 171, or ADMN 291 and ADMN 259.
        2. ADMN 399 Directed Studies (3) can be used as an elective as described above. Alternatively, it can be added to the program to increase the total credit count. Replacing any course with ADMN 399 will not support any block transfer agreement. If adding ADMN 399 to the total program credit count, some block transfer agreements may limit block transfer to 60 credits. See program coordinator for details and implications.

        All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

        Effective Term:

        Fall, Winter, Spring

        Advanced Standing:

        1. For this program, students may obtain credit for a maximum of 75% of program requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) or combination thereof.

        2. Students who enter the Business Administration diploma program with a minimum grade of 73% in Accounting 12 (taken in British Columbia in the three years prior to starting the program) may receive credit for COMM 240. Processes as outlined in Policy 8614 will be adhered to.

        3. During the entire time in the program, a student may only perform one PLA for a course already attempted at Selkirk College.

        4. For more information, see Policy 8614: Advanced Standing.


        Re-Entry Instructions:

        See Policy 8615: Standards of Academic Progress



        a) This Program uses Grading Table 1.

        b) For COOP course, use the Competency Based grading table. To view all College grading tables, see Policy 8612: Grading.


        Grading Table:

        Standard Academic and Career Programs

        Types of Assessments:

        a) Students are expected to complete the course outcomes independently and with original work unless specified otherwise by the instructor.

        b) Students are assessed and graded for each course outcome as indicated in the respective course outline.

        c) Exams, labs, group or individual projects, assignments, presentations, professionalism and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.

        d) Missed assignments and tests will receive a zero mark if not submitted. However, in some courses it may be mandatory to submit all assignments to an acceptable level and/or to write all exams in order to receive credit for the course.

        e) Individual course outline may have other specific requirements for assignments, grades, and/or examinations.


        Program Specific Regulations:

        Co-op Education

        a) Co-operative education courses provide students with documented experience and possible designation based on the number of COOP courses taken. A co-op semester may be taken within a program or in the semester immediately after all academic courses have been completed.

        b) Each co-op course consists of a minimum 420 working hours. A co-op course may occur in any of the three academic semesters (fall, winter, spring) and are recorded at 6 credits each.

        c) Students can elect to take one or more COOP courses to augment their academic studies. COOP 101 can be used as an elective as described in the Part II.E.3 table. A maximum of 3 COOP credits can be applied towards program graduation requirements as listed in this document. COOP 101 may also be taken as additional credits to program course requirements.

        d) Students should know that in a situation where co-op course credits are used to meet program graduation requirements, this may affect existing block transfer agreements and should consult with the receiving institution for details. Students will be required to acknowledge in writing this information with the COOP department.



        (i) Acceptance into one of the Business Administration diploma programs.

        (ii) Completion of at least 15 credits at Selkirk College towards the Business Administration program with a minimum Program GPA of at least 2.33.

        (iii) School Chair approval.

        (iv) Follow Selkirk COOP Education requirements, process, and timelines.

        (v) Successfully completes COOP Workplace Readiness Training.

        (vi) Pay the COOP tuition fee.


        Co-op Designation

        Students wishing to pursue a COOP designation on their credential must complete a minimum of 12 COOP credits in total, which comprises of COOP 101 and COOP 201.COOP 301 course is also available upon request.

        Academic Courses while on a work term

        Students are strongly discouraged from taking any academic courses while on a work term. Students must have COOP program and School Chair approval to pursue additional academic courses during a work term.


        Courses and Credits

        A standard co-op term is equivalent to a 6-credit course and can be taken as an elective as described in Part II.E.3 table below. However, only a maximum of three credits can be applied to the Business Administration diploma program graduation requirements. COOP credits are not included in GPA calculation.


        Co-op education courses will provide students with documented, program relevant work experience that is recognized with a designation on their transcript.

        Please refer to Policy 8370 Selkirk College Co-operative Education and Selkirk College Co-operative Education Procedures for additional information regarding Co-op Education at Selkirk College.

        In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00.



        Attendance and Punctuality Responsibilities

        a) Punctual and regular attendance for scheduled classes, laboratory sessions and all of the scheduled learning activities is expected of all students.

        b) Where absenteeism adversely affects a student’s progress and performance, behavioural probation and/or withdrawal from the program may result.

        c) Students planning to be absent from class must notify or make prior arrangements with their instructor in advance. Instructors are not obligated to provide alternative instructional or assessments in order to accommodate student absences. Failure to notify the instructor may result in withdrawal from the course.

        d) See individual course outlines for any additional attendance and punctuality requirements.



        1. Assignments

        a) Students will normally receive at least one week notice of dates and times when assignments and/or tests are to be submitted and/or written.

        b) If accepted, late assignments may be subject to penalty.

        c) Students are normally expected to complete all assignments using a word processor, spreadsheet, or other computer application as applicable. See individual course outlines for specific requirements.


        2. Examinations

        a) In some courses, students must receive a passing grade on specified exams in order to pass the course. The details will be explained in the applicable course outlines.

        b) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements, with the appropriate instructor, for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

        c) Any alternate arrangements for final examinations must be approved by the School Chair or designate.

        d) Tests and exams will ordinarily be retained by the instructor for no less than 6 months.

        e) Students who have not completed all assigned work and exams must obtain the instructor's approval to write the final exam before the exam date. The instructor may require the student to prepare a plan for completion of outstanding work.


        Professional Requirements:

        1. Student Conduct

        a) Students are expected to behave in a professional manner while in class and on Moodle. This includes being respectful of and contributing to the learning environment in accordance with the student code of conduct. For additional information, see Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct-Rights and Responsibilities.

        b) Students are expected to be prepared for all classes prior to entering the classroom. Assigned materials are to be completed by students; such materials and textbooks are not necessarily reviewed page by page in class by the instructor.

        c) The student is responsible for researching and obtaining notes of missed sessions. Instructors will not provide personal reviews to students who miss a class.

        d) See individual course outlines for any additional professional requirements.


        2. Student Conduct

        a) Students are expected to behave in a professional manner while in class and on Moodle. This includes being respectful of and contributing to the learning environment in accordance with the student code of conduct. For additional information, see Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct-Rights and Responsibilities.

        b) Students are expected to be prepared for all classes prior to entering the classroom. Assigned materials are to be completed by students; such materials and textbooks are not necessarily reviewed page by page in class by the instructor.

        c) The student is responsible for researching and obtaining notes of missed sessions. Instructors will not provide personal reviews to students who miss a class.

        d) See individual course outlines for any additional professional requirements.


        Other Regulations:


        1. If a student has a term or cumulative program GPA less than 2.00, the student will be placed on academic probation for at least the next semester.

        2. The maximum number of semesters on Academic Probation, consecutive or otherwise is two (2). A student will be withdrawn from the program if they exceed the maximum.

        3. Notwithstanding paragraph C.2 above, a student who fails to meet the requirements in the letter of probation may be required to withdraw from the course or program.

        4. For additional information: See Policy 8619: Probation


        Cheating and Plagiarism See Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism



        Chemistry - Associate of Science Degree

        Program at a Glance
        2 years
        Associate Degree
        Delivery Method
        On Campus
        Intake Dates
        Duff Sutherland
        UAS School Chair, Instructor
        1 (888) 953-1133
        1 (250) 365-1318
        University Arts & Sciences Contact
        1 (888) 953-1133
        1 (250) 365-1205

          Combine in-class theory with hands-on experiments in the lab to get the experience you need for success. Learn the basics of using chemical equipment to measure physical and chemical properties. Working in the laboratory while you study chemistry fundamentals will ensure you will be ready for success in further education as you work towards your degree in chemistry, medicine, dentistry, engineering, nutrition, pharmacy and much, much more.

          What is the structure of DNA, and how does that allow it to replicate? Why is carbon added to iron to make steel? How do plants transform sunlight to energy? Do solar panels use the same trick? Why do manufacturers put additives in food, and should we worry? An understanding of the basic structure of matter is important not only to chemistry majors, but to biologists, physicists, and engineers and physicians as well. Chemistry is truly the “central science.”

          An Associate Degree in Chemistry provides excellent preparation for students looking to complete university science degrees, and for those who are just looking to strengthen their problem-solving skills.

          Program Outcomes

          Upon successful completion of an Associate of Science program, learners will be able to:

          1. Explain terms, concepts and theories of introductory-level science
          2. Read, write and communicate effectively and creatively across academic disciplines
          3. Demonstrate developing critical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills
          4. Follow laboratory guidelines, processes and protocols
          5. Demonstrate developing research skills
          6. Apply developing quantitative reasoning skills
          7. Apply the scientific method
          8. Use current and emerging technology
          9. Demonstrate collaborative skills in a multicultural environment
          10. Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in an academic environment

          In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, as outlined in Policy 8600: Pre-Admissions Basic Skills Assessment (College Readiness Tool CRT), and Policy 8611: Admissions, Applicants to the University Arts and Sciences Program must meet the following requirements to be considered fully qualified:


          a) Students entering UAS courses, with the exceptions in 2- below, require at least 60% or better in English Studies 12, or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.

          b) French 102, Spanish 102, and English 51 do not require B.C. English Studies 12 or equivalent as a prerequisite. However, students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program wishing to take English 51 will be governed by the relevant policies and procedures of the International Education Program.

          c) The English Studies 12 prerequisite may be waived for exceptional grade 12 students in the Transitions Program. Credit for transitions courses will be withheld until a grade of 60% or better in English Studies 12 is achieved.

          d) Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.

          e) Additional admission requirements may be necessary for particular certificate programs, diploma programs or associate degrees. Course prerequisites and program admission requirements are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website

          f) Mature students must meet the English Studies 12 requirement and additional course requirements as specified in the college calendar.

          • Minimum grade of 67% in Math 12 or Pre-Calc 12
          • Minimum grade of 60% in English 12 or English 12 First Peoples or equivalent.
          • Biology 12, Chemistry 11, and Physics 11 with a minimum grade of 67%. Physics 12 is recommended and Chemistry 12 is STRONGLY recommended.
          Additional Requirements
          • Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the college’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
          • Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.
          • Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
          • Students who lack the admission requirements may still gain admission to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses during the first year. This mode of entry may extend the length of their program.
          Graduation and Promotion

          All Associate of Science students are required to complete:

          • Six semester courses in science at the 100-level or higher
          • Six semester courses in second-year science in two or more subject areas
          • Of the above, at least one course must be a lab science. Geology courses and Geography 130 and 232 are considered lab sciences.
          • Two semester courses in math. At least one math course must be in calculus. Students may choose statistics for the second math course.
          • Two semester courses in first-year English
          • Two semester courses in Arts other than first-year English
          • Two semester courses in Arts, Sciences or other areas*
          • Students must achieve a GPA of 2.00

          * Each course must transfer for three or more credits to at least one of SFU, UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan), UNBC or UVIC. See the BC Online Transfer guide at

          Associate Degrees

          The Associate Degree is a formally established credential recognized province-wide. Graduation from this program requires the completion of sixty (60) credits of university-level study in selected areas with an overall GPA of 2.0. For details, see the B.C. Council of Admissions and Transfers at (

          The School of University Arts and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts Degree program and an Associate of Science Degree program. It also offers specialized associate degree programs focusing on particular disciplines. The admission requirements, graduation requirements, and course of studies for each program are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website at

          Term 1

          BIOL 104 Biology I is a course designed for those students who require first year Majors biology in their program of study or who wish to go on to further study in biology. The course includes cell biology, biochemistry, and an examination of the processes of life in the plant and animal body. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, a scientific research proposal, and laboratory analysis.

          Biology 12 and Chemistry 11 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

          CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have taken CHEM 11 (or equivalent) or who need improvement to their chemistry background. It provides an extensive review of the fundamentals of chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry involving solids, gases and solutions. Current theories for atomic and molecular structure are introduced. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab portion of this course is the same as CHEM 122.

          Chemistry 11 and Pre-calculus Math 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          CHEM 122 General Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have a solid chemistry background, including Chemistry 12 or equivalent. After a short review of fundamental chemistry, classical and quantum mechanical concepts are used to discuss atomic and molecular structure. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab work stresses scientific observations and measurements using chemical syntheses and quantitative analyses.

          Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110 and Pre-calculus 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Pre-calculus 12 or equivalent is recommended.

          ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.

          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          MATH 100 Calculus I is a course designed to provide students with the background in calculus needed for further studies. This course includes a review of functions and graphs; limits; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative including related rates, maxima, minima, velocity and acceleration; the definite integral; an introduction to elementary differential equations; and applications of integration including velocity, acceleration, areas, and growth and decay problems.

          Pre-Calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          Physics 102 Basic Physics I is an algebra-based survey of mechanics. Course material includes basic concepts of vectors, particle kinematics and dynamics, energy, momentum, circular and rotational motion, thermal properties of matter, vibrations and sound, and fluids.

          Physics 11 or Math 12 or equivalent

          Physics 104 Fundamental Physics I is a calculus based overview of the fundamentals of classical mechanics. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Classical mechanics describes the physical phenomena occurring in the real world around us. We study linear and rotational motion of objects, and then consider how forces cause motion, using Newton's laws. We next use conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to describe the motion of objects. Finally we investigate heat transfer and simple harmonic motion. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

          Physics 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
          MATH 100
          Term 2

          BIOL 106 Biology II. Along with BIOL 104 (Biology I), this course provides an overview of the study of living things. Biology 106 presents topics in population, community and ecosystem ecology, and classical and molecular genetics. Evolution provides a unifying theme for the course. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, case studies and laboratory investigation.

          Biology 12 and Chemistry 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

          CHEM 125 Fundamentals of Chemistry II is the continuation for either CHEM 110 or CHEM 122. The course consists of two major units: physical chemistry and organic chemistry. The study of physical chemistry begins with an investigation of reaction rates (kinetics), followed by the principles of equilibria applied to pure substances and aqueous solutions, and an introduction to the laws of thermodynamics. The second major unit is a survey of the field of organic chemistry; topics include the physical and chemical properties of alkanes and alkenes, stereochemistry, and addition, substitution, and elimination reactions. The laboratory work involves the measurement of physical and chemical properties as well as chemical syntheses.

          CHEM 110 or CHEM 122, or equivalent with a minimum of 60 %

          ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.

          English 110, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          MATH 101 Calculus II is a sequel to Math 100 for students who wish to major in science, math or engineering and includes the definite integral, applications of the definite integral to volume, arc length and surface area of revolution; inverse trig functions; techniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; linear first order differential equations; and an introduction to infinite series; convergence and power series; Taylor Polynomials.

          MATH 100, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          PHYS 103 Basic Physics II is an algebra-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism and modern physics. This course is suitable for those pursuing studies in the life sciences or others who do not plan to pursue careers in the physical sciences or engineering. We first study electrostatics of particles. This leads into electric circuits involving resistors and capacitors. Next we look at magnetism. Finally we investigate topics applicable to life sciences, such as electromagnetic waves, sound, and nuclear physics. The lab component of the course is an opportunity to reinforce concepts and content from the course, and to develop experimental method and reporting results.

          PHYS 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          PHYS 105 Fundamental Physics II is a calculus-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Electricity and magnetism form the basis for all modern electrical devices we utilize today and design for the future. We first study electrostatics of particles and simple objects. Then we investigate circuits involving electrical devices such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. We next study how electricity and magnetism interact with each other both in circuits and in waves. Finally we look at modern subjects in physics such as semiconductors or nuclear physics. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

          PHYS 104 and MATH 100 with a minimum of 60%
          MATH 101
          Term 3
          Required Courses

          CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry I explores the relationship between the structures of carbon-containing molecules and their physical and chemical properties. Some topics from 1st-year general chemistry are reviewed briefly: alkanes, stereochemistry, alkenes, and nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides. The correlation between structure and acidity is investigated, and the chemistry of alkynes and alcohols is examined. Structure-determination techniques, including IR and NMR, are explored. The laboratory work for this course provides practical experiences with separation/purification techniques, molecular synthesis, and qualitative analytical methods applied to organic compounds.

          CHEM 125 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          CHEM 225 Physical Chemistry for Biosciences presents the basic concepts of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics that apply to biological systems. Students will explore why gases would behave differently at different conditions (e.g. deep sea diving, high altitude, other planets), how ideal engines function, why some reactions spontaneous, how do we explain the effect of salting roads in winter, how batteries and our metabolism generate energy, how kinetics is related to thermodynamics (why diamonds do not break down into graphene) and how we use of spectroscopy to explore biological structures. In the laboratory, quantitative properties of systems are measured, to illustrate the theory discussed in lectures.

          CHEM 125 and MATH 101, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
          Elective Courses

          The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.


          one (1) 100- or 200-level Arts elective

          one (1) 200-level Science elective

          one (1) 100- or 200-level General elective

          See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

          Term 4
          Required Courses

          BIOL 206 Introductory Biochemistry provides an introduction to biochemistry including protein structure and function, and representative catabolic and anabolic pathways. Topics covered include water, enzyme kinetics and enzyme structure and function. Experimental techniques used in biochemistry and molecular biology are also introduced.

          BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. NOTE: Students are advised to take CHEM 212 as a prerequisite and CHEM 213 concurrently with BIOL 206.

          CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry II is a continuation of CHEM 212. The survey of organic families is continued with a study of aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acid derivatives, aromatics and amines. The chemistry of a variety of compounds of biological interest is also discussed. The laboratory work involves synthesis and organic structure determination.

          CHEM 212, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

          Math 221 Introductory Linear Algebra. Topics covered in the course include the solution of systems of linear equations through Gaussian elimination; matrices and matrix algebra; vector spaces and their subspaces; coordinate mappings and other linear transformations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; similarity and diagonalization; and constructions involving inner products such as orthogonal projections, the construction of Gram-Schmidt bases and least-square approximations. Although the course devotes a substantial amount of time to computational techniques, it should also lead the student to develop geometrical intuitions, to appreciate and understand mathematical abstraction, and to construct some elementary proofs.

          Math 100 or equivalent, with a minimum of 60%
          Elective Courses

          The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.


          two (2) 100- or 200-level Arts elective

          See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

          Effective Term:

          Fall, Winter, Spring

          Effective Year:


          Advanced Standing:


          1. Transfer credit in first and second year UAS courses will be given for equivalent courses taken in the last ten years (five years recommended for Biology) from an accredited post-secondary institution. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of 60%. Students who have completed such course(s) more than ten years earlier (five years recommended for Biology) require permission from the School Chair to receive transfer credit at Selkirk College.

          B. PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT (PLA) Selkirk College Policy 8614 Advanced Standing: Course Challenge, and Transfer Credit.

          1. Students may apply to prove their currency in an individual course by challenging the course(s) in question under the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process.

          2. The School Chair in consultation with the appropriate faculty member(s) will decide whether a student may undertake a course challenge through PLA. Students should be aware that some universities may not accept credits received through the PLA process.

          3. Students must apply for transfer credit or PLA in a timely manner so that they may register for the course in question if transfer credit(s) is denied or PLA is unsuccessful.




          a) Grading will be as defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612. The grading table applicable to each course will be identified on the course outline.

          a) Students need to complete all the components of a course as indicated on the course outline. Students failing to meet this criterion will receive a maximum grade of 49 percent.

          b) Courses with a lab/seminar and lecture may require passing both lecture and lab/seminar in order to pass the course. If this requirement applies to a course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

          c) For some online courses, students must pass the final exam to receive a passing grade in the course regardless of their grade to date, and students who fail the final exam will receive a maximum grade of 49%. If this requirement applies to an online course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

          d) If an assignment is not submitted by the due date identified on the course outline, the mark for the assignment could be reduced by as much as 100%. Students seeking an extension must consult with their instructors. It is the right of individual instructors to implement this policy. All instructors will outline their policies with respect to missed or late assignments in their current course outlines.


          Grading Table:

          Standard Academic and Career Programs

          Types of Assessments:

          Types of Evaluations (i.e., exams, seminar assignments, essays, reports, group projects, presentations, demonstrations, etc.)

          a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

          b) Exams, essays, projects, reports, assignments, and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.


          Program Specific Regulations:

          A. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM (Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism)

          The School of University Arts and Sciences values true academic endeavour, and believes that evaluative events including examinations, essays, reports, and other assignments should honestly reflect student learning. All students are governed by Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with content of this policy and to seek clarification from an instructor when needed.

          B. ACADEMIC PROGRESS (Promotion)

          Students academic progress is governed by Policy 8615:

          a) Students must meet all course prerequisites.

          b) Students who are found to be without the required grade in the prerequisite course or who have not received permission from the instructor and School Chair may be withdrawn.

          C. PROBATION (Policy 8619: Student Probation)

          Students may be placed on academic probation, behavioural probation, or both in accordance with Policy 8619: Probation is not intended to be punitive; however, the conditions of the probation must be met to be removed from probation and failure to meet the conditions will have consequences that may include withdrawal from a course or program.

          D. WITHDRAWING

          Students may choose to, or be required to withdraw from, the course(s), the program or the College as per Selkirk College Policy 8616: Withdrawal. This policy governs procedures, deadlines, refunds, and the consequences of withdrawing.

          E. APPEAL (Policy 8400: Student Appeals)

          The educational process at Selkirk College incorporates the joint efforts of students and the services provided to the students by the institution. Although in most instances students and the College faculty, administration and staff cooperate during the learning process, Selkirk College recognizes that occasional disputes between students and the College can arise. To every extent possible, disagreements should be resolved through informal discussions between the parties involved. If this discussion does not bring resolution, the procedures outlined in Policy 8400 apply.



          1. Attendance at scheduled lectures, laboratories, field trips, seminars, tutorials, and examinations is mandatory.

          2. Students absent from class for any reasons are responsible for the work they have missed. They must make up assignments as required, usually within two weeks of the missed class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor when an absence is required.


          Other Regulations:

          Examination Policy

          a) Final examinations are held in most courses during the examination period at the end of each semester. The dates of the examination period are listed on the Selkirk College Website.

          b) Students will not be permitted to write final examinations at alternate times unless there is a compelling reason. Examples of compelling reasons include: illness (documented), death in the family (documented), jury duty and traffic accident. Examples of non-compelling reasons: family vacation/reunion, previously arranged travel plans (e.g., seat sales).

          c) Academic honesty is expected. Therefore, the following will not be tolerated during exams:

          (i) Making use of any books, notes or materials other than those authorized by the examiners.

          (ii) Communicating with other candidates.

          (iii) Exposing written papers to the view of other candidates.

          (iv) Leaving the examination room unescorted during an exam.

          (v) Unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices.

          (vi) Disciplinary action would, at a minimum, result in the examination paper being given a grade of zero.

          (vii) Supplemental examinations are not available for School of University Arts and Science courses.




          Electrical - Apprenticeship Levels 1 to 4

          Get the skills and knowledge you need to successfully complete your Red Seal Certification, BC certificate of apprenticeship and your BC Certificate of Qualification.
          Program at a Glance
          10 weeks
          Delivery Method
          On Campus
          Silver King
          Intake Dates
          Rob Schwarzer
          School Chair
          1 (250) 352-6601
          1 (250) 354-3212

            Selkirk College is endorsed by SkilledTradesBC to deliver all four levels of Construction Electrical Apprenticeship Technical Training as well as levels 1, 2 and 3 of Industrial Electrical Apprenticeship Technical Training to registered electrical apprentices.

            Each level of training consists of a full-time, ten-week, on-campus program of study.

            Activities include classroom sessions whereas an apprentice you will learn theoretical principals of electricity and applied concepts of the Canadian Electrical Code. Laboratory sessions help to reinforce electrical concepts covered by the theory classroom component.

            Upon successful completion of the Level Four technical training session, apprentices challenge the Interprovincial Trade Qualification examination. Those who pass the exam and complete the work-based hours earn the BC Certificate of Apprenticeship, the BC Certificate of Qualification, and the Interprovincial Standard Red Seal Endorsement.

            Apprenticeship Requirements

            • 1,200 technical training hours, completed in four levels (10 weeks each) 
            • 6,000 work-based training hours 
            Program Outcomes

            Level 1

            Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

            1. Use safe work practices
            2. Apply circuit concepts
            3. Use test equipment
            4. Read and interpret drawings and manuals
            5. Install low voltage distribution systems
            6. Install electrical equipment
            7. Install control circuits and devices

            Level 2

            Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

            1. Use essential mathematical skills
            2. Apply circuit concepts
            3. Use test equipment
            4. Read and interpret drawings and manuals
            5. Install low voltage distribution system
            6. Install electrical equipment
            7. Install control circuits and devices

            Level 3

            Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

            1. Apply circuit concepts
            2. Use test equipment
            3. Read and interpret drawings and manuals
            4. Install low voltage distribution systems
            5. Install electrical equipment
            6. Install control circuits and devices

            Level 4

            Upon successful completion of this course, learners will be able to:

            1. Apply circuit concepts
            2. Use test equipment
            3. Read and interpret drawings and manuals
            4. Install low voltage distribution systems
            5. Install electrical equipment
            6. Install control circuits and devices
            7. Install signal and communication systems
            8. Install high voltage systems

            The following admission requirements are specific to the Electrical Apprenticeship Program:

            • Indentured in Electrical Apprenticeship
            • Active Apprenticeship Work Sponsor
            • Successful completion of previous level
            Additional Requirements
            • Physically fit, (mobility/lifting) good manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, balance, work at heights and in adverse weather.
            • An interview (in person or by telephone) with the school chair or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.





            Applications will be separated into two levels as identified in Selkirk College Policy 8611: Admissions, namely "fully qualified" and "partially qualified".

            1. Fully Qualified

            The applicant meets all of the requirements stated in Part I, A, above.

            2. Partially Qualified

            The applicant is deficient in meeting Part I, A, 2, a) above.

            3. Order of Selection see Policy 8611 section 5.2 (8) and (9)



            1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:

            a) Completed application form.

            2. Applications for admission will be received until the program is full.



            Graduation and Promotion

            Minimum of 70% required to receive credential.



            Students should keep records of their grades and strive to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better. Students should be aware of their Progress Grade at all times.



            Completion Requirements

            a) Completion of all courses required by SkilledTradesBC with a Cumulative Average of 70% or better. At the time of writing, the SkilledTradesBC required courses are:

            All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

            Effective Term:

            Fall, Winter, Spring

            Effective Year:



            a) Grading will be based on the categories defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612: Grading.

            Grading Table:

            Standard Trades Programs

            Types of Assessments:

            1. Types and Frequency of Evaluation (Selkirk College Policy 8613: Student Evaluation)

            a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the Program Outline.

            (i) Students will complete a series of weighted Subject Exams occurring as indicated in the Program Outline.

            (ii) Students will complete the Program Final Examination at the conclusion of the program.

            (iii) Students will complete an ongoing series of Laboratory Assignments to be evaluated on a day-to-day basis.


            2. Examination Policy

            a) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements with the appropriate instructor for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

            b) Any alternate arrangements for Final Examinations must be approved by the School Chair or designate.

            c) Requests for supplemental Subject Examinations will not be approved.

            d) Where the BC Industry Training Authority provides access to apprenticeship level Challenge Examinations, requests for Supplemental Final Exams at Selkirk College will not be approved. Otherwise, Supplemental Final Exam requests will be approved only under extenuating circumstances.

            e) All tests and exams are the property of the College and will be retained by the College.


            Program Specific Regulations:

            A. STUDENT CONDUCT (Refer to Policy 3400 Student Code of Conduct)

            1. Health and Safety

            • Students are required to follow the safety directions of Selkirk College staff and the safety guidelines specific to their program. Additionally, students must wear prescribed personal protective equipment (PPE) in all designated areas. Failure to follow safety directions may result in the suspension of shop access. Only the School Chair may reinstate access.
            • Students are encouraged to complete the Voluntary Disclosure of Health History form for any health (physical and/or mental) conditions (e.g., anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies), or prescription medications which could lead to concerns in an industrial environment. This information is for safety reasons only and will be kept confidential.
            • Students are required to complete all mandatory safety training prior to using program equipment. Students are responsible for adhering to correct usage of equipment and for informing staff when the equipment is damaged or unsafe to operate.
            • Students who are unsafe or impact the safety of others will be required to leave the class or shop area until remediation has been met.
            • The use of personal electronic devices in a learning environment can be disruptive and is unsafe in an industrial setting. Usage and restrictions will be identified in the program safety guidelines.
            • No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or cannabis products are to be consumed on the college property during or before a college activity. If a student appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be required to leave the premises and subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct.
            • When participating in program field trips or other off-campus college-related activities, students are required to comply with the health and safety guidelines of both Selkirk College and those of their hosts. See College Policy 8350: Educational Field Trips.



            A student whose absenteeism exceeds 7.5% at any time, may be required to withdraw from the program.



            1. All Subject Exams and the Program Final Examination must be written at the time designated by the program instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero percentage (0%) grade on that examination. Except in extenuating circumstances, requests for rescheduling exams will not be granted.


            2. All Lab Assignments must be completed and submitted at the time designated by the program instructor.


            Other Regulations:

            A. PROBATION (Policy 8619: Student Probation)

            1. Purpose

            The purpose of probation is to create an awareness of the seriousness of unsuitable student conduct and/or performance, as well as to reinforce that students have obligations above and beyond those specified in the course outlines.


            2. Criteria for placement on academic probation

            A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory academic performance in the first two-thirds of the term (or 2/3 of the training time i.e apprenticeship training), under the following circumstances:

            a) Failure to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better.

            b) Failure to complete shop assignments as assigned.


            3. Criteria for placement on behavioural probation

            A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory behaviour at any time during the program, Refer to Policy 3400 Student Code of Conduct- Rights and Responsibilities.


            4. Criteria for removal from probation

            a) Conditions for removal from probation will be specified in the written Notification of Probation.

            b) Any student assigned probationary status must meet the following requirements:

            (i) Complete attendance.

            (ii) Complete and submit course work as assigned.

            (iii) Acceptable academic performance in all courses.

            (iv) Satisfactory behaviour.

            (v) Any other conditions specified in the Notification of Probation.


            5. Failure to meet conditions of probation

            A student placed on probation who does not meet the requirements specified by the letter of probation may be required to withdraw.


            6. Number of probationary periods.

            a) Students are limited to two probationary periods. A student whose behavioural or academic performance necessitates a third probationary period will be required to withdraw.


            B. PROGRAM EXCLUSION/DISMISSAL (Refer to Policy 3400 Student Code of Conduct - Rights and Responsibilities)

            1. An instructor may exclude a student from participating in a class, lab, field trip, shop session, or other learning opportunities for violating Policy 3400 or if s/he lacks appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as required in the program outline.


            C. APPEAL (Refer to Policy 8400 Student Appeals for procedures and timelines)


            Electrical Foundation - Certificate

            This 24-week program will provide students, even those with little or no experience, the necessary skills to seek employment in the trades as an apprentice electrician.
            Program at a Glance
            6 months (24 weeks)
            Delivery Method
            On Campus
            Silver King
            Intake Dates
            Rob Schwarzer
            School Chair
            1 (250) 352-6601
            1 (250) 354-3212

              The program teaches aspects of residential, commercial and industrial wiring with a focus on residential. The curriculum follows the Skilled Trades BC, BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development guidelines for the first year of the "in class" component of the electrical apprenticeship, which includes installation of electrical equipment in compliance with the Canadian Electrical Code.

              Students engage in a variety of classroom, lab and shop activities. Students learn theoretical principals of electricity in the classroom, test their knowledge in the lab, and apply their knowledge in the shop where they design, install and construct electrical power, lighting and control systems in compliance with provincial and national codes.

              Students earn credit for the Level One technical training component of the electrical apprenticeship as well as advance credit for 350 work-based hours of the practical on-the-job component of an apprenticeship.

              Graduates of the Electrical Foundation Program at Selkirk College find employment as electrical apprentices engaged in the installation and maintenance of electrical power, lighting, heating, control, alarm, data and communication systems in residential, commercial and industrial settings as well as numerous other related fields.

              Learn Vital Industry Standards

              • Canadian Electrical Code Regulations and Standards 
              • Circuit concepts and basics
              • Control circuit installation 
              • Low voltage distributions systems installation 
              • Read and interpret drawings and manuals 
              • Safe work practices 
              • Test equipment usage 

              The program addresses the need to cultivate relevant skills such as teamwork, effective communications, problem solving, quality of workmanship and the ability to adapt to ever evolving workplace conditions.

              Youth Train in Trades

              The Youth Train in Trades program is designed to help secondary school students get a head start on careers in the trades while earning credit towards their high school graduation. Learn more online at Skilled Trades BC.

              For more information, speak with your high school guidance counsellor or get in touch with Selkirk College’s Industry and Trades administrative assistant.

              Program Outcomes

              Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

              1. Use safe work practices
              2. Apply circuit concepts
              3. Use test equipment
              4. Read and interpret drawings and manuals
              5. Install low voltage distribution system
              6. Install electrical equipment
              7. Install control circuits and devices
              • Graduation from a British Columbia Senior Secondary School or equivalent
              • Pre-Calculus 11, or Selkirk AUD Math 50, with a minimum of 60% or better
              • Consideration will be given to mature individuals (19 years or older) who are not senior secondary school graduates, provided they are working to complete the recommended education:
                - Grade 11 or equivalent including English 11, Mathematics 11
                - Grade 12 preferred
              • All applicants are required to complete a computerized placement test using the College Readiness Tool (CRT) in reading, writing and mathematics once they have submitted their application
              • Employers may require higher level of Math as part of their hiring policies
              Additional Requirements
              • A refundable tool deposit of $100 will be required at the start of the program.
              • Physically fit, (mobility/lifting) good manual dexterity, hand-eye coordination, balance, work at heights and in adverse weather.
              • Basic computer are skills highly recommended.


              a) Applicants must submit a completed admission application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts) to the admissions office, Selkirk College.

              b) Consideration will be given to mature students (see below).

              Mature Student (see 8610 Admissions and Standards)

              a) A "mature student" is at least 19 years and has been out of the school system for at least one year on or before the first day of classes of the program.

              b) A mature student with reasonable potential for success on the basis of work experience or other criteria may be admitted, notwithstanding some deficiency in prior formal education.

              c) A mature student shall normally meet the specific program or course prerequisites.


              Applications will be separated into two levels as identified in Selkirk College Policy 8610 (Admissions and Standards), namely "fully qualified" and "partially qualified".

              1. Fully Qualified

              The applicant meets all of the requirements stated in Part I, A, above.

              2. Partially Qualified

              The applicant is deficient in meeting some or all of the admission requirements stated in Part I, A, above.

              3. Order of Selection

              Selection and acceptance of applicants will proceed in the following order:

              a) Within the fully-qualified level, preference shall be given to those with earlier-completed applications.

              b) Within the partially-qualified level, preference shall be given to those considered best qualified.


              1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:

              a) Completed application form.

              b) Official transcripts of high school grades (an interim statement of grades is acceptable if applicant is currently a student).

              c) Official transcripts of all post secondary education grades.

              d) The results of Computer Placement Test (CPT).

              2. Applications for admission will be received until program is full.

              3. An interview (in person or by telephone) with the School Chair or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.

              Graduation and Promotion

              1. Students should keep records of their grades and strive to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better. Students should be aware of their Progress Grade at all times.


              Certificate Requirements

              Completion of all courses required by the Industry Training Authority (ITA) with a Cumulative Average of 70% or better. (Refer to ITA web site). At the time of writing the ITA required courses are:

              NOTE: A student who attains a Cumulative Average of 70% or better but does not complete Electrical Shop will not receive a Selkirk College Certificate of Completion. However, the student may be eligible for BC Industry Training Authority credit for the in-class, technical component of the Construction Electrician apprenticeship.

              NOTE: Courses of study, course content, course weightings, and learning outcomes for all Electrical Foundation Program classes are prescribed by the BC Industry Training Authority (ITA) and subject to change without notice.

              All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

              Effective Term:

              Fall, Winter

              Effective Year:



              a) Grading will be based on the categories defined in Selkirk College Policy 8610 (Admissions and Standards.

              Grading Table:

              Standard Trades Programs

              Types of Assessments:

              1. Types and Frequency of Evaluation (Selkirk College Policy B3009 Final Examinations)

              a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as detailed in the Program Outline.

              (i) Students will complete a series of weighted Subject Exams as scheduled in the Program Outline.

              (ii) Students will complete the Program Final Examination at the conclusion of the program.

              (iii) Students will complete an ongoing series of Practical Competencies to be evaluated on a day-to-day basis.

              2. Examination Policy

              a) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements with the appropriate instructor for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

              Any alternate arrangements for Final Examinations must be approved by the School Chair, or designate.

              a) Requests for supplemental Subject Examinations will not be approved.

              b) Where the BC Industry Training Authority provides access to apprenticeship level Challenge Examinations, requests for Supplemental Final Exams at Selkirk College will not be approved. Otherwise, Supplemental Final Exam requests will be approved only under extenuating circumstances.

              a) All tests and exams are the property of the College and will be retained by the College.

              Program Specific Regulations:

              1. Health and Safety

              • Students are required to follow the safety directions of Selkirk College staff and the safety guidelines specific to their program. Additionally, students must wear prescribed personal protective equipment (PPE) in all designated areas. Failure to follow safety directions may result in the suspension of shop access. Only the School Chair may reinstate access.
              • Students are encouraged to complete the Voluntary Disclosure of Health History form for any health (physical and/or mental) conditions (e.g., anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies), or prescription medications which could lead to concerns in an industrial environment. This information is for safety reasons only and will be kept confidential.
              • Students are required to complete all mandatory safety training prior to using program equipment. Students are responsible for adhering to correct usage of equipment and for informing staff when the equipment is damaged or unsafe to operate.
              • Students who are unsafe or impact the safety of others will be required to leave the class or shop area until remediation has been met.
              • The use of personal electronic devices in a learning environment can be disruptive and is unsafe in an industrial setting. Usage and restrictions will be identified in the program safety guidelines.
              • No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or cannabis products are to be consumed on the college property during or before a college activity. If a student appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be required to leave the premises and subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct.
              • When participating in program field trips or other off-campus college-related activities, students are required to comply with the health and safety guidelines of both Selkirk College and those of their hosts. See College Policy 8350: Educational Field Trips.


              1. A student whose absenteeism exceeds 7.5% at any time, may be required to withdraw from the program.



              1. All Subject Exams and the Program Final Examination must be written at the time designated by the program instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero percentage (0%) grade on that examination. Except in extenuating circumstances, requests for rescheduling exams will not be granted.

              2. All Lab Assignments and Shop Assignments must be completed and submitted at the time designated by the program instructor.

              Other Regulations:

              PROBATION (8610 Admissions and Standards)

              1. Purpose

              The purpose of probation is to create an awareness of the seriousness of unsuitable student conduct and/or performance, as well as to reinforce that students have obligations above and beyond those specified in the course outlines.


              2. Criteria for placement on academic probation

              A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory academic performance in the first two-thirds of the term (or 2/3 of the training time i.e apprenticeship training), under the following circumstances:

              a) Failure to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better.

              b) Failure to complete shop assignments as assigned.

              c) Criteria for placement on behavioural probation

              A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory behaviour at any time during the program, Refer to Policy 3400 Student Code of Conduct- Rights and Responsibilities.


              3. Criteria for removal from probation

              a) Conditions for removal from probation will be specified in the written Notification of Probation.

              b) Any student assigned probationary status must meet the following requirements:

              (i) Complete attendance.

              (ii) Complete and submit course work as assigned.

              (iii) Acceptable academic performance in all courses.

              (iv) Satisfactory behaviour.

              (v) Any other conditions specified in the Notification of Probation.


              4. Failure to meet conditions of probation

              A student placed on probation who does not meet the requirements specified by the letter of probation may be required to withdraw.


              PROGRAM EXCLUSION/DISMISSAL (Refer to Policy 3400 Student Code of Conduct - Rights and Responsibilities)

              1. An instructor may exclude a student from participating in a class, lab, field trip, shop session, or other learning opportunities for violating policy 3400 or if s/he lacks appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as required in the program outline.


              5. Number of probationary periods.

              a) Students are limited to two probationary periods. A student whose behavioural or academic performance necessitates a third probationary period will be required to withdraw.


              Plagiarism and Cheating: Definitions (policy 8618)



              General Studies - Associate of Science Degree

              Program at a Glance
              2 years
              Associate Degree
              Intake Dates
              Duff Sutherland
              UAS School Chair, Instructor
              1 (888) 953-1133
              1 (250) 365-1318
              University Arts & Sciences Contact
              1 (888) 953-1133
              1 (250) 365-1205

                Get freedom of choice with your general associate of science degree. The world of science is diverse and expansive, touching almost every industry in today’s global economy, meaning you will be at the top of the list for high-demand and well-paying careers. You will not have to decide on a specialty right away, but you will open the doors of possibility and have plenty of career options, plus be prepped for further education. Choose this program if you love figuring out how things work and want to give yourself time to decide on the future path that is right for you.

                Designed to give you a balanced variety of courses, you will have your pick of biology and chemistry classes, including lab sessions. In addition, your associate degree lets you explore other subject areas like English Studies 12, mathematics and general arts.

                Program Outcomes

                Upon successful completion of an Associate of Science program, learners will be able to:

                1. Explain terms, concepts and theories of introductory-level science
                2. Read, write and communicate effectively and creatively across academic disciplines
                3. Demonstrate developing critical, creative thinking and problem-solving skills
                4. Follow laboratory guidelines, processes and protocols
                5. Demonstrate developing research skills
                6. Apply developing quantitative reasoning skills
                7. Apply the scientific method
                8. Use current and emerging technology
                9. Demonstrate collaborative skills in a multicultural environment
                10. Conduct themselves in a professional and ethical manner in an academic environment

                In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, as outlined in Policy 8600: Pre-Admissions Basic Skills Assessment (College Readiness Tool CRT), and Policy 8611: Admissions, Applicants to the University Arts and Sciences Program must meet the following requirements to be considered fully qualified:


                a) Students entering UAS courses, with the exceptions in 2- below, require at least 60% or better in English Studies 12, or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.

                b) French 102, Spanish 102, and English 51 do not require B.C. English Studies 12 or equivalent as a prerequisite. However, students enrolled in the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program wishing to take English 51 will be governed by the relevant policies and procedures of the International Education Program.

                c) The English Studies 12 prerequisite may be waived for exceptional grade 12 students in the Transitions Program. Credit for transitions courses will be withheld until a grade of 60% or better in English Studies 12 is achieved.

                d) Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.

                e) Additional admission requirements may be necessary for particular certificate programs, diploma programs or associate degrees. Course prerequisites and program admission requirements are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website

                f) Mature students must meet the English Studies 12 requirement and additional course requirements as specified in the college calendar.

                • Minimum grade of 67% in Math 12 or Pre-Calc 12
                • Minimum grade of 60% in English 12 or English 12 First Peoples or equivalent. Students who do not meet this requirement must write the Language Proficiency Index (LPI) test and achieve a minimum of level 4 to attain equivalency.
                Additional Requirements
                • Students whose first language is not English must fulfill the college’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
                • Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
                • Students who lack the admission requirements may still gain admission to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses during the first year. This mode of entry may extend the length of their program.
                Graduation and Promotion

                All Associate of Science students are required to complete:

                • Six semester courses in science at the 100-level or higher
                • Six semester courses in second-year science in two or more subject areas
                • Of the above, at least one course must be a lab science. Geology courses and Geography 130 and 232 are considered lab sciences.
                • Two semester courses in math. At least one math course must be in calculus. Students may choose statistics for the second math course.
                • Two semester courses in first-year English
                • Two semester courses in Arts other than first-year English
                • Two semester courses in Arts, Sciences or other areas*
                • Students must achieve a GPA of 2.00

                * Each course must transfer for three or more credits to at least one of SFU, UBC (Vancouver or Okanagan), UNBC or UVIC. See the BC Online Transfer guide at

                Associate Degrees

                The Associate Degree is a formally established credential recognized province-wide. Graduation from this program requires the completion of sixty (60) credits of university-level study in selected areas with an overall GPA of 2.0. For details, see the B.C. Council of Admissions and Transfers at (

                The School of University Arts and Sciences offers an Associate of Arts Degree program and an Associate of Science Degree program. It also offers specialized associate degree programs focusing on particular disciplines. The admission requirements, graduation requirements, and course of studies for each program are defined in the appendices at the end of this document, in the Selkirk College calendar, and on the College website at

                Term 1

                BIOL 104 Biology I is a course designed for those students who require first year Majors biology in their program of study or who wish to go on to further study in biology. The course includes cell biology, biochemistry, and an examination of the processes of life in the plant and animal body. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, a scientific research proposal, and laboratory analysis.

                Biology 12 and Chemistry 11 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have taken CHEM 11 (or equivalent) or who need improvement to their chemistry background. It provides an extensive review of the fundamentals of chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry involving solids, gases and solutions. Current theories for atomic and molecular structure are introduced. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab portion of this course is the same as CHEM 122.

                Chemistry 11 and Pre-calculus Math 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                CHEM 122 General Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have a solid chemistry background, including Chemistry 12 or equivalent. After a short review of fundamental chemistry, classical and quantum mechanical concepts are used to discuss atomic and molecular structure. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab work stresses scientific observations and measurements using chemical syntheses and quantitative analyses.

                Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110 and Pre-calculus 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Pre-calculus 12 or equivalent is recommended.

                ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.

                English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                MATH 100 Calculus I is a course designed to provide students with the background in calculus needed for further studies. This course includes a review of functions and graphs; limits; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative including related rates, maxima, minima, velocity and acceleration; the definite integral; an introduction to elementary differential equations; and applications of integration including velocity, acceleration, areas, and growth and decay problems.

                Pre-Calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                Physics 102 Basic Physics I is an algebra-based survey of mechanics. Course material includes basic concepts of vectors, particle kinematics and dynamics, energy, momentum, circular and rotational motion, thermal properties of matter, vibrations and sound, and fluids.

                Physics 11 or Math 12 or equivalent

                Physics 104 Fundamental Physics I is a calculus based overview of the fundamentals of classical mechanics. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Classical mechanics describes the physical phenomena occurring in the real world around us. We study linear and rotational motion of objects, and then consider how forces cause motion, using Newton's laws. We next use conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to describe the motion of objects. Finally we investigate heat transfer and simple harmonic motion. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

                Physics 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
                MATH 100
                Term 2

                BIOL 106 Biology II. Along with BIOL 104 (Biology I), this course provides an overview of the study of living things. Biology 106 presents topics in population, community and ecosystem ecology, and classical and molecular genetics. Evolution provides a unifying theme for the course. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, case studies and laboratory investigation.

                Biology 12 and Chemistry 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                CHEM 125 Fundamentals of Chemistry II is the continuation for either CHEM 110 or CHEM 122. The course consists of two major units: physical chemistry and organic chemistry. The study of physical chemistry begins with an investigation of reaction rates (kinetics), followed by the principles of equilibria applied to pure substances and aqueous solutions, and an introduction to the laws of thermodynamics. The second major unit is a survey of the field of organic chemistry; topics include the physical and chemical properties of alkanes and alkenes, stereochemistry, and addition, substitution, and elimination reactions. The laboratory work involves the measurement of physical and chemical properties as well as chemical syntheses.

                CHEM 110 or CHEM 122, or equivalent with a minimum of 60 %

                ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.

                English 110, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                MATH 101 Calculus II is a sequel to Math 100 for students who wish to major in science, math or engineering and includes the definite integral, applications of the definite integral to volume, arc length and surface area of revolution; inverse trig functions; techniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; linear first order differential equations; and an introduction to infinite series; convergence and power series; Taylor Polynomials.

                MATH 100, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                PHYS 103 Basic Physics II is an algebra-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism and modern physics. This course is suitable for those pursuing studies in the life sciences or others who do not plan to pursue careers in the physical sciences or engineering. We first study electrostatics of particles. This leads into electric circuits involving resistors and capacitors. Next we look at magnetism. Finally we investigate topics applicable to life sciences, such as electromagnetic waves, sound, and nuclear physics. The lab component of the course is an opportunity to reinforce concepts and content from the course, and to develop experimental method and reporting results.

                PHYS 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                PHYS 105 Fundamental Physics II is a calculus-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Electricity and magnetism form the basis for all modern electrical devices we utilize today and design for the future. We first study electrostatics of particles and simple objects. Then we investigate circuits involving electrical devices such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. We next study how electricity and magnetism interact with each other both in circuits and in waves. Finally we look at modern subjects in physics such as semiconductors or nuclear physics. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

                PHYS 104 and MATH 100 with a minimum of 60%
                MATH 101
                Term 3
                Elective Courses

                The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.


                three (3) 200-level Science electives

                one (1) 100-level Arts elective

                one (1) 100- or 200-level General elective

                See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

                Required Courses
                Term 4
                Elective Courses

                The following is a suggested selection of courses. Students are advised to meet with a Selkirk College counsellor to discuss course options.


                three (3) 200-level Science electives

                one (1) 100-level Arts elective

                one (1) 100- or 200-level General elective

                See the UAS Courses by discipline page for course selections.

                Required Courses

                Effective Term:

                Fall, Winter, Spring

                Effective Year:


                Advanced Standing:

                A. ADVANCE CREDIT

                1. Transfer credit in first and second year UAS courses will be given for equivalent courses taken in the last ten years (five years recommended for Biology) from an accredited post-secondary institution. All prerequisite courses require a minimum grade of 60%. Students who have completed such course(s) more than ten years earlier (five years recommended for Biology) require permission from the School Chair to receive transfer credit at Selkirk College.

                B. PRIOR LEARNING ASSESSMENT (PLA) Selkirk College Policy 8614 Advanced Standing: Course Challenge, and Transfer Credit.

                1. Students may apply to prove their currency in an individual course by challenging the course(s) in question under the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) process.

                2. The School Chair in consultation with the appropriate faculty member(s) will decide whether a student may undertake a course challenge through PLA. Students should be aware that some universities may not accept credits received through the PLA process.

                3. Students must apply for transfer credit or PLA in a timely manner so that they may register for the course in question if transfer credit(s) is denied or PLA is unsuccessful.




                a) Grading will be as defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612. The grading table applicable to each course will be identified on the course outline.

                a) Students need to complete all the components of a course as indicated on the course outline. Students failing to meet this criterion will receive a maximum grade of 49 percent.

                b) Courses with a lab/seminar and lecture may require passing both lecture and lab/seminar in order to pass the course. If this requirement applies to a course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

                c) For some online courses, students must pass the final exam to receive a passing grade in the course regardless of their grade to date, and students who fail the final exam will receive a maximum grade of 49%. If this requirement applies to an online course, the requirement will be noted in the course outline.

                d) If an assignment is not submitted by the due date identified on the course outline, the mark for the assignment could be reduced by as much as 100%. Students seeking an extension must consult with their instructors. It is the right of individual instructors to implement this policy. All instructors will outline their policies with respect to missed or late assignments in their current course outlines.


                Grading Table:

                Standard Academic and Career Programs

                Types of Assessments:

                Types of Evaluations (i.e., exams, seminar assignments, essays, reports, group projects, presentations, demonstrations, etc.)

                a) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

                b) Exams, essays, projects, reports, assignments, and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.


                Program Specific Regulations:

                A. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM (Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism)

                The School of University Arts and Sciences values true academic endeavour, and believes that evaluative events including examinations, essays, reports, and other assignments should honestly reflect student learning. All students are governed by Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism. It is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with content of this policy and to seek clarification from an instructor when needed.

                B. ACADEMIC PROGRESS (Promotion)

                Students academic progress is governed by Policy 8615:

                a) Students must meet all course prerequisites.

                b) Students who are found to be without the required grade in the prerequisite course or who have not received permission from the instructor and School Chair may be withdrawn.

                C. PROBATION (Policy 8619: Student Probation)

                Students may be placed on academic probation, behavioural probation, or both in accordance with Policy 8619: Probation is not intended to be punitive; however, the conditions of the probation must be met to be removed from probation and failure to meet the conditions will have consequences that may include withdrawal from a course or program.

                D. WITHDRAWING

                Students may choose to, or be required to withdraw from, the course(s), the program or the College as per Selkirk College Policy 8616: Withdrawal. This policy governs procedures, deadlines, refunds, and the consequences of withdrawing.

                E. APPEAL (Policy 8400: Student Appeals)

                The educational process at Selkirk College incorporates the joint efforts of students and the services provided to the students by the institution. Although in most instances students and the College faculty, administration and staff cooperate during the learning process, Selkirk College recognizes that occasional disputes between students and the College can arise. To every extent possible, disagreements should be resolved through informal discussions between the parties involved. If this discussion does not bring resolution, the procedures outlined in Policy 8400 apply.



                1. Attendance at scheduled lectures, laboratories, field trips, seminars, tutorials, and examinations is mandatory.

                2. Students absent from class for any reasons are responsible for the work they have missed. They must make up assignments as required, usually within two weeks of the missed class. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor when an absence is required.


                Other Regulations:

                Examination Policy

                a) Final examinations are held in most courses during the examination period at the end of each semester. The dates of the examination period are listed on the Selkirk College Website.

                b) Students will not be permitted to write final examinations at alternate times unless there is a compelling reason. Examples of compelling reasons include: illness (documented), death in the family (documented), jury duty and traffic accident. Examples of non-compelling reasons: family vacation/reunion, previously arranged travel plans (e.g., seat sales).

                c) Academic honesty is expected. Therefore, the following will not be tolerated during exams:

                (i) Making use of any books, notes or materials other than those authorized by the examiners.

                (ii) Communicating with other candidates.

                (iii) Exposing written papers to the view of other candidates.

                (iv) Leaving the examination room unescorted during an exam.

                (v) Unauthorized use of cell phones or other electronic devices.

                (vi) Disciplinary action would, at a minimum, result in the examination paper being given a grade of zero.

                (vii) Supplemental examinations are not available for School of University Arts and Science courses.


                Geographic Information Systems - Advanced Diploma

                Flexible and adaptable, GIS can be used in a variety of different scenarios, to make evidence-based decisions, understand trends and analyze data, effectively communicate a message and visually tell a story.
                Program at a Glance
                1 year
                Delivery Method
                On Campus
                Intake Dates
                Rena Vandenbos
                School Chair, Researcher, Instructor, Geographic Information Systems
                1 (250) 365-7292
                1 (250) 365-1279
                Allison Lutz
                Student Coordinator, Instructor
                1 (888) 953-1133
                1 (250) 365-1276

                  GIS allows experts to map any type of spatial data so that it is interactive, complex and layered with valuable information. Be a specialist in demand in this field that touches a variety of industries from business to health care and environmental sciences. It can be used as a tool within almost every industry, including:

                  • Businesses like market-driven banking, ultimate client service and asset management
                  • Engineering like transportation planning, disaster management, use of historical data and terrain analysis
                  • Urban, rural and community planning
                  • Climate research, flood damage estimation
                  • Wildlife conservation, natural resource planning, water management
                  • Resource development and land management
                  • News and entertainment support, telecom and network services
                  • Government administration, taxation
                  • Health and medical research
                  • Law enforcement, accident analysis

                  Professional Training & Hands-on Experience

                  Within our state-of-the-art facilities, you'll get powerful, progressive hands-on experience and classroom instruction in subjects like: 

                  • GIS applications and automation
                  • Remote sensing 
                  • Internet mapping
                  • Database development and management
                  • Customized application programming 
                  • Global positioning systems (GPS) 
                  • 3D visualizations
                  • Data management techniques
                  • Open source, open data, and related software applications 
                  • Drone data collection and utilization

                  Enrol in Co-op!
                  Take your learning out of the classroom with co-op education. Earn school credit while you gain real-world work experience. Geographic Information Systems students must enrol in a Co-op Education work-term in Semester 3.
                  Program Outcomes

                  Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

                  1. Engage and communicate effectively and ethically with diverse audiences in a professional context
                  2. Apply critical thinking and diverse problem-solving approaches to address technical issues
                  3. Organize project resources into a coherent framework that includes data, technologies, systems and participants
                  4. Apply automation and data analysis processes, and leverage GIS and Remote Sensing capabilities to address diverse challenges and provide decision support, including real world scenarios related to sustainable development.
                  5. Apply processes of spatial data creation and acquisition by utilizing a range of methods
                  6. Create visually appealing, accurate, and intuitive representations of spatial data through maps, 3D models, apps and various types of portals to effectively communicate with specific audiences.
                  7. Apply data management best practices relating to data standardization, database design, ethics, workflows, interoperability and sharing
                  8. Utilize learning experiences that enhance self-sufficiency and future opportunities
                  9. Recognize the diversity of Indigenous culture and traditions as distinct knowledge systems that are valid when building respectful engagement, consultation and collaborative relationships.
                  10. Acknowledge the Calls to Truth and Reconciliation and the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as inclusive and informed constructs for Indigenous rights and title in the stewardship.

                  In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, the applicant must meet the following program requirements to be considered fully-qualified:Academic

                  a) Program Chairs will determine, in consultation with Assessment Services, which components of the CRT will be required and the cut off scores for each component, in order to verify an applicant's potential for success and program admission.

                  • The minimum requirement for entry into the Advanced Certificate, ADGIS, or Year 3 of the BGIS program is successful completion of 60 credits from a diploma/associate degree or applied/academic degree from an accredited post-secondary institution with an average GPA of at least 2.33.
                  • Successful completion (“C” grade) of a 100 or 200 level introductory statistics course is required for students planning to complete the BGIS.
                  • International students will be expected to provide documentation of English proficiency as per Policy 8611.
                  Additional Requirements

                  Minimum entry is also possible with equivalent education or work experience, such as a background doing research or using GIS and/or other computer software.

                  Letter of intent, not exceeding 500 words, stating your background and interest in the field of geographic information systems.

                  Demonstrated competency in computer technology, including spreadsheet use, word processing, computer graphics and presentations is required. In addition, international students will be expected to provide documentation of English proficiency (refer to the college calendar for requirements).

                  Applicants may be required to complete modules in mathematics, writing and computer technology skills if knowledge gaps in one or more of these areas are identified by the school chair.


                  a) Applicants must submit a completed application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts, application package) to the Registrar’s office.

                  b) Personal Reference (only ADGIS and BGIS)

                  (i) All applicants must have two academic or professional references. Students must ensure that referees complete and submit the form provided in the application package. Both references must indicate a favourable chance of applicant success in the program (i.e., must score over 3.5 in the reference answer rating system)

                  c) Letter of intent (all programs)

                  (i) Applicants should highlight experience in GIS and/or computer skills in this letter. Demonstrated competency in computer hardware and software technology, including, spreadsheet use, word processing, computer graphics and presentations is recommended.

                  Note: An applicant with reasonable potential for success on the basis of work experience or other criteria may be admitted, notwithstanding some deficiency in prior formal education.

                  Applicants with no accredited post-secondary credential may require academic upgrading prior to starting the program. They are urged to apply for the program at least one year in advance. All applicants wishing to enroll in the BGIS must have completed 60 post-secondary credits, as outlined in 1. a. above.

                  APPLICATION PROCESS

                  1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:

                  a) completed application form;

                  b) official transcripts of all relevant post-secondary education;

                  c) official transcripts of high school grades will be required for applicants entering without a credential from an accredited post-secondary institution;

                  d) completed Letter of Intent; and

                  e) For ADGIS and BGIS, two personal reference forms completed by a current or previous instructor, counselor or employer, e.g., supervisor. Personal references should be submitted by the referee directly to the Admissions Office (photocopies are not acceptable).

                  2. Deadline for completing the application file is normally one month prior to the commencement of the program.

                  3. Late applications will be accepted if space is available.

                  4. Part time applications for the Advanced Certificate will be accepted.

                  Graduation and Promotion

                  In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00.


                  1. Each semester must be completed with a Grade Point Average of 2.00 ("C" average) or better with no more than two grades below a "C" to continue into the next semester. GPA will be based on all grades for courses scheduled for a given year and semester as per the course calendar. All grades below a "C" grade must be raised to a satisfactory level in order to graduate (see below).

                  2. Students not eligible to continue to the next semester will not be permitted to upgrade any marks but must repeat all courses with grades below a "C" prior to proceeding to the next semester.

                  3. Students receiving a final grade of "C-" or lower in the prerequisite course will be required to withdraw from the subsequent course requiring the prerequisite. Students receiving the "C-" or lower grade must re- register in, and successfully complete the course with a "C" grade or better before going on to the subsequent course.

                  4. Students receiving a final grade of "C-" or lower in a course will be required to withdraw from the subsequent course requiring the course as a prerequisite. Students receiving the "C-" or lower grade must re- register in, and successfully complete the course with a "C" grade or better before going on to the subsequent course.


                  All programs: All courses must have at least a “C” grade, except for GIS 320 which needs a “CRG” to be eligible for graduation.

                  BGIS: All courses from the ADGIS program as listed above, plus 60 additional credits (normally, these credits would be earned previously to meet the admission requirements for entry to the program) are required plus the following:

                  Note: Students completing the BGIS following the ADGIS will be deemed to have completed sufficient new work notwithstanding Policy 8617

                  Term 1

                  GIS 302 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems is an introduction to GIS theory and application. Emphasis will be placed on understanding how geospatial features are represented and captured as data and how these data can be managed, analyzed and presented using state-of-the-art GIS tools. Hands-on expertise will be developed with ESRI's ArcGIS for Pro software. This material is continued in GIS 303. This course or equivalent credit is required to continue in the ADGIS program.

                  Admission into ADGIS/GWAC/BGIS program

                  GIS 303 GIS Analysis and Automation will build upon the fundamentals of GIS theory by examining geodata models, data management and metadata, advanced analysis (raster and vector), 3D models, batching and scripting. The lab portion of this course will focus on the use of ArcGIS and its extensions for vector and raster analysis, Model Builder for analysis workflow control, and Python scripting for automation.

                  GIS 302 with a minimum of 60% or equivalent

                  GIS 306 Introduction to Remote Sensing will introduce the fundamentals of the basic physical principle of remote sensing and demonstrate the current applications of the technology. Students will become familiar with the basic image processing techniques for image pre-processing and data extraction. The course is designed to stimulate the current remote sensing activities in natural resource management.

                  Admission into ADGIS/BGIS program
                  GIS 302

                  GIS 310 GIS Data Management. Over the last few decades, geospatial technologies have evolved and infiltrated into an exponential number of organizations' and people's lives to the point where they are ubiquitous. Along with this great expansion of use comes an even greater need to access the right data and to manage and utilize it appropriately for each unique project. This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of dealing with spatial data and data management principles. We will explore key topics related to working with spatial data including data discovery, data dissemination and data use. Along with these topics comes the need to discuss ethics of data use and data use guidelines, data formats, standards and translation, metadata, as well as general data management and maintenance principles. The commercial software - FME will be introduced for data manipulation and translation from one format to the other.

                  Admission into ADGIS/BGIS program

                  GIS 316 Introduction to CAD for GIS Professionals. This course provides an introduction to Autodesk's computer-assisted design and drafting software for GIS students. Students will learn the fundamentals of the drafting environment, including setting up their workspace, utilizing common tools, creating and modifying entities and text, and crafting print layouts. AutoCad Map3D will be explored for LiDAR data manipulation. This course will frequently touch upon the differences and similarities of CAD and GIS as well as when and how GIS professionals may use CAD in their career and how transitions between the two environments may occur. By the end of the course students should gain appreciation of the complementary technology that CAD offers alongside GIS

                  Acceptance to ADGIS Program

                  GIS 318 Cartography and Geovisualization is the art and science of map making and map use. Preparation of high quality maps that readily reveal land management, planning, environmental or other concerns is critical to ensure that important messages are conveyed in an easily interpretable fashion. This course introduces the concepts and methods of cartographic communication, design, and geovisualization. Mapping fundamentals will address subjects such as coordinate systems, projections, datums, cartographic generalization, map types, and map design considerations. All cartographic principles and practices will be examined in relationship to GIS and other geospatial technologies. We will use ArcGIS software to complete most of the activities.

                  Admission to ADGIS Program
                  GIS 302

                  GIS 329: Principles of Programming for GIS assumes no prior programming knowledge. Students will learn how to set and use variables, write and import modules, and use selection and repetition to control program flow as implemented in the Python language. At a more advanced level, students will learn to write programs that embed functions and object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as the use of objects, properties, and methods. Topics of scripting in Python and the usage of ESRI's ArcPy module for the automation of geoprocessing and mapping tasks will be introduced.

                  Admissions into ADGIS/BGIS program
                  GIS 302

                  GIS 390 Applied Research Methods involves the design and planning of a project idea from initial concept to anticipated final outputs. Topics include an overview of the steps necessary to successfully integrate GIS into the project decision-making process. Specific skills will be developed in project scoping and research proposal development, reference material management, and project presentation methods, including oral, poster, and written project documents. This course is a prerequisite for Co-op 301, GIS 491, and GIS 492.

                  Admission into ADGIS/BGIS program
                  Term 2

                  GIS 307 Remote Sensing in Resource Management. Building upon the skills introduced in Introduction to Remote Sensing (GIS 306), this course will cover topics in the biophysical, geophysical, and human activity applications of remote sensing as well as change detection, object-oriented analysis, and active and passive imaging. Lectures will be integrated with labs emphasizing practical experience in remote sensing software applications using ENVI 5.x and QGIS 3.x. This course consists, in part, of an independent project designed and conducted by individual students to foster a scientific research approach in executing a remote sensing project. Each student will identify a project to be approved by the instructor during the first week of the class. Students are expected to work individually to complete their chosen project. The instructor will periodically discuss project progress and provisional results in the class.

                  GIS 305 or GIS 306. Note: Pre-requisite(s) may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.

                  GIS 313 Database Systems is an integral part of GIS, an associated relational database system is used for query and analysis operations that aid in solving spatial problems. This introduction to relational database systems includes topics of: database concepts, data definition, structured query language (SQL), and data integration.

                  Admission into ADGIS/BGIS program

                  GIS 314 Database II.  This course is a continuation of Database Systems I, and will cover relational database geodatabase skills using mainly Microsoft Access and ESRI Geodatabases with ArcSDE and a PostgreSQL backend. The purpose of this course is to introduce both conceptual and practical aspects of designing and developing both a database and a geodatabase. The course will provide an overview of some design methodologies and models. Following this overview, the course will cover database and geodatabase design and implementation using Access/Geodatabases and optionally ArcSDE on top of PostgreSQL.

                  GIS 313

                  GIS 320 GIS Professional Development. Current and relevant professional development in GIS is essential for new graduates and experienced practitioners to achieve and maintain success in the continually changing GIS field. During this seminar course we will invite local GIS industry expert guest speakers to learn how their organization uses GIS technology and what skills are most required for success. We will also cover designation upon graduation, developing a professional development plan, and identify various GIS organizations.

                  GIS 302 with a minimum of 60% or equivalent

                  GIS 321 New Media for GIS. In our continually evolving digital world, employers and clients often expect GIS graduates to have an online presence. We need a venue to showcase what we do and what we are capable of, and how we format and present our online portfolio can be make or break a new position or contract award. This New media course consists of a series of workshops designed to build digital presentation and presence skills using some popular New media tools, graphics editors, video editing software, websites and blogs plus additional freeware social media tools like Twitter and LinkedIn. At the end of this course students will have built their own websites hosting creative self-produced media and begun the process of building an online GIS network to begin or further their GIS careers.

                  Admission into ADGIS/BGIS program

                  GIS 323 Introduction to Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles will first introduce the fundamental concepts of Global Navigation Satellite Systems with specific emphasis on Global Positioning System (GPS) and the applied technologies for GPS data collection and GIS integration. Through interactive instruction and hands-on course exercises, students will work with a variety of GPS tools and field collection techniques to learn how to create, edit, update and manage geographic information. Emphasis areas will include familiarity with GPS receivers, GPS processing software, data collection standards and cartography. The second part of the course will introduce Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) technology. More specifically, this includes introduction to photogrammetry, characteristics of images obtained from UAV, mission planning, acquiring images using UAV and digital image processing. Students will work on series of assignments to get the hands on experience on data acquisition and image processing.

                  GIS 302 (if online version of GIS 323)
                  GIS 302

                  GIS 325 Internet Mapping investigates the full range of Internet and intranet mapping, including static maps, online data, and web map (image) and feature services. Most of the emphasis of the course will be on the use of ESRI's ArcGIS Server software to serve maps over the Internet. Free mass media applications Google Earth and Google Map applications will be introduced. Web map OpenGIS Consortium standards and freeware server and viewer software will be discussed. The course curriculum will be delivered using lectures and hands-on class exercises. Students will author, administer, design and manage interactive Web Mapping projects through a number of lab assignments, and through a term project. The term project will be the development of a site which will be served through the campus intranet and/or through the SGRC public server. The course requires prior knowledge of GIS theory, BC datasets, and ArcGIS software which students have previously acquired in ADGIS courses GIS 302, 303, 310 and 318.

                  GIS 302, GIS 303, GIS 310, and GIS 318 with a minimum of 60%

                  In GIS 331 Advanced GIS Application we will learn about and practice applying GIS to spatial problems; arguably one of the most challenging parts of putting this powerful technology into action. We will focus on GIS for Health Analysis as well as other applications of GIS (such as crime analysis) by utilizing sophisticated analysis techniques including hotspot analysis, Getis-Ord G* statistic, exploratory regression, Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Geographically weighted regression (GWR).

                  Admissions into ADGIS/BGIS program
                  Term 3

                  GIS 491 Technical Project builds on the specific skills developed in GIS 390 and involves building a project database, conducting analyses with a variety of geoprocessing tools, and producing final products. This course provides an opportunity for students to integrate their knowledge of CAD, GIS, remote sensing and databases to solve a specific problem. Students will combine practical application with project management skills to complete their project with the guidance of a supervisor.

                  GIS 390 with a minimum of 60%

                  COOP 301 is a (paid) work-term which fosters partnerships between students, employers and institution; to bring classroom learning into the workplace. Co-op Education is a process of education that formally integrates students’ academic study with periods of related work experience. By connecting with employers, students will gain valuable hands-on experience in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

                  The student must have completed a minimum of one semester in the School of Environment and Geomatics, GIS Program with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0, completion of all courses. Any student with one (1) or more failing grades must have Advisor approval to enter into a Co-op Work Term.

                  All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

                  Effective Term:


                  Effective Year:


                  Advanced Standing:


                  1. A student may obtain credit for a maximum of 75% of program requirements by Transfer Credit, Advanced Placement, Prior Learning Assessment or combination thereof, with the exception of BGIS, which has a minimum residency requirement of 56 credits taken at Selkirk College in semesters one through 5; this generally includes the ADGIS 300 and BGIS 400 level courses.

                  2. Application for advanced credit is to be made prior to entry into the program and students are advised to attend all classes for which they are seeking advanced credit until the credit is formally approved.


                  Re-Entry Instructions:

                  1. Students normally must complete the entire program within 24 calendar months of initial entry to qualify for a diploma. Re-entry applicants who cannot meet this deadline will be required to retake courses which have changed.

                  2. Re-entry is permitted only when space is available.

                  3. Students in good standing who must interrupt their program may apply to re-enter the program within one year of departure.

                  4. Students who fail to complete a course successfully may apply to re-enter the course the next time it is offered.

                  5. Priority for re-entry will be given as follows:

                  a) students who interrupted their program for illness or compassionate reasons; and

                  b) students who failed to meet program requirements for promotion.




                  Grades and the calculation of the grade point average will be based on the Standard Academic and Career Grading table. With the exception of GIS 320 – GIS Professional Development and a 300 level COOP course which will be assigned a credit/no credit grade (CRG/NCG) as described in the Competency Based Grades table. This non-grade status is recorded on the transcript and is not calculated in the grade point average. To view the grading tables see Policy 8612: Grading.


                  Grading Table:

                  Standard Academic and Career Programs

                  Types of Assessments:

                  a) Assessments will occur as specified in course outlines and will be four or more events per course.

                  b) GIS 320 assessment occurs on a weekly basis. All activities in which students participate may be considered assessment events. Informal verbal and/or written feedback and formal, written feedback is regularly provided by the instructor or field supervisor. Formal, written performance appraisals are summaries of assessment events to date and there may be one or more of these events as well as the written feedback on the practicum project included in the assessment process.

                  c) In both theory and lab courses assessment events will normally include assignments, presentations, reports, examinations, tests and quizzes. These will be specified in the course outlines.

                  d) In the practicum, formal written appraisals will be given using a tool, which is based entirely on the stated performance criteria for the program practicum activity level and/or to write all exams in order to receive credit for the course.

                  e) No single assessment can be worth more than 50% of the final grade of any course.

                  f) Presentations will be required for GIS 492: BGIS thesis.


                  1. The schedule for midterm examinations will be published in the course outlines. Final Exam schedules will be published via the Registrar's Office.

                  2. Regulations for invigilated examinations at Selkirk College sites or other designated sites include the following:

                  (a) tests, quizzes, exams must be written at the scheduled appointment time when invigilation services are available

                  (b) students leaving the exam room before the conclusion of the exam without the permission of the invigilator may forfeit their right to return and complete the exam

                  (c) no books or other material may be brought into the examination room unless consent of the invigilator has been given

                  (d) no material relating to the examination may be removed from the examination room. Under no circumstances may materials upon which answers are written be removed

                  (e) making use of materials, books or notes without the approval of the invigilator, speaking or communicating in other ways with other students, or exposing written papers to the view of other students is not permitted

                  (f) students in violation of the above items will be required to leave the examination room immediately and will forfeit the right to have the examination evaluated

                  (g) any questions must be directed to the invigilator

                  (h) all completed tests must be returned to the instructor/invigilator and will be kept on file for the required time period

                  3. Regulations pertinent to face-to-face laboratory and practicum testing will be according to course outline details and as previously described.

                  Supplemental Assessment(s)

                  a) Supplemental final examinations/activities will only be considered upon written request by the student to the course instructor and will need to be approved by both the instructor and the school chair.

                  b) At no time will the mark on a supplemental examination/activity exceed the equivalent of a "C" grade for the evaluative event.

                  c) Normally, only one supplemental final examination/activity will be allowed in the program.



                  1. Attendance at all scheduled laboratories, practicum experiences, examinations and other learning experiences is mandatory. Upon the recommendation of the course instructor to the School Chair, students who have been absent from either two labs and/or four lectures, without a prior and/or confirmed acceptable excuse, may be required to withdraw from the course,

                  2. Students absent from any Advanced Diploma in GIS or BGIS course, for any reason, are responsible for the work they have missed. They must make up assignments as required.

                  3. Absences from learning experiences may preclude the student from meeting the requirements for that course.

                  4. Students claiming illness, accidents or compassionate reasons for absence from learning experiences must contact the instructor concerned as soon as possible.

                  5. Students may be required to supply a medical professional certificate to substantiate claims of illness. A student who must be absent from a practicum experience is responsible for notifying the agency and/or instructor at least one hour prior to the scheduled time for the experience to begin.


                  Professional Requirements:

                  1. Students enrolled in the Online Advanced Certificate will need to have access to their own personal computer. This computer will need to be capable of running the most recent version of ESRI’s ArcGIS Pro software. Students will receive minimum specifications required of this computer when they register, but typically it needs to be able to run on a recent windows operating system, with adequate graphic capabilities and ample RAM and hard drive space.

                  2. Should a student make inappropriate use of the equipment including theft or vandalism, they will be required to withdraw from the program.

                  3. Student behaviour in the physical or online classroom that disrupts the class, upsets the learning environment of other students or poses a threat to other persons in the learning environment is unacceptable. Students behaving in such a manner will be given a verbal warning for the first offence and placed on probation for the second offence. Any subsequent similar behaviour is grounds for the compulsory withdrawal from the course in question. Subsequent misconduct will result in the student being withdrawn from the program.

                  4. Students are expected to be on time and prepared for all face-to-face classes prior to entering the classroom. Assigned materials are to be read by students; such materials and textbooks are not necessarily reviewed in class by the instructor.

                  5. The student is responsible for researching and obtaining notes of missed sessions. Instructors are not expected to give personal reviews to students who miss a class.


                  Other Regulations:


                  See Policy 8619: Probation for more information.







                  Mental Health and Addictions - Associate Certificate

                  Focus on the needs of clients coping with mental health and substance use challenges.
                  Program at a Glance
                  3 courses over 3 terms
                  Delivery Method
                  Intake Dates
                  Ellen Strelaeff
                  Program Coordinator, Instructor
                  1 (250) 365-7292
                  1 (250) 365-1439

                    If you are already studying or working in the human service or health care fields, you can earn an associate certificate in Mental Health and Addictions to take your career to a new level. Focused on the specific needs of clients coping with mental health and substance use challenges, you’ll be ready for a variety of workplace settings and challenges.

                    In this program, you will complete two online courses that examine current research about the causes and treatment of mental health and substance use challenges for marginalized populations and participate in a two-day experiential workshop focused on motivational interviewing skills.

                    This certificate is designed for those who wish to focus their practice in the area of mental health and addictions and may be of interest to:

                    • Human Services students
                    • Human Services workers
                    • Degree holders looking for work-related skills and/or credentials
                    • Nurses wishing to practice in the area of Mental Health and Addictions
                    Program Outcomes

                    Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

                    1. Demonstrate professionalism in practice consistent with the code of ethics and standards of practice of their respective disciplines
                    2. Use effective interpersonal skills, including active listening, collaboration, self-awareness and conflict resolution within multi-faceted roles and contexts
                    3. Understand and respect cultural differences and multiple ways of knowing
                    4. Practice from an ethic of inclusivity
                    5. Establish and maintain wellness strategies to assure work/life balance both personally and professionally
                    6. Engage in critical thinking, problem-solving and reflective practice

                    Completion of the Health and Human Services diploma or two years of a relevant program; or completion of a certificate program in Health and Human Services or relevant field and two years of experience in the field; or five years of experience in the Health and Human Services field and permission from the instructor and chair of Health and Human Services.

                    • English Studies 12 or equivalent, with a minimum of 60% or higher
                    Additional Requirements

                    The below listed documents need to be submitted to apply for this program.

                    If the admission requirement for the certificate or diploma was completed at Selkirk College, the below information is not required.

                    • A letter from the applicant’s employer stating their position and employment history
                    • Resumé
                    • Official copy of secondary and post-secondary transcripts
                    • Two letters of reference

                    APPLICATION PROCESS


                    Students applying to the diploma program immediately following completion of a Human Services Certificate Program, may request that the contents of their file be transferred.


                    a) Acceptance to an individual course does not constitute admission to the program. All program admissions will be considered according to Part I, A: Admissions Requirements.

                    b) The ECCE, EACSW, SSW Certificate programs and the Human Services Diploma program may be completed on a part-time basis depending on number of spaces available. Students choosing to complete a program on a part time basis must meet with a program coordinator, councillor and/or School Chair at the time of acceptance to plan a course of studies.

                    c) Students who have been accepted for part time studies and are in good standing academically will normally be accepted upon re-application to the next term. Refer to Part II, Section B, Promotions re: academic requirements.

                    Graduation and Promotion

                    In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.00 and a grade of a “C” or better in all semester courses.

                    In order to graduate with Honors students must meet all program requirements with no grades less than a B- and a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.

                    Term 1

                    ADD 384 Addictions Theory and Practice is designed to provide students with an overview of current and emerging research/expertise in the field. The course will cover diverse definitions and understandings of addiction, as informed by current findings in the fields of neuroscience and social science. Pharmacology basics and the biological, psychological, social, spiritual and environmental dimensions of addiction will be reviewed from a number of perspectives. Current research on attachment, trauma and brain development will be examined in relation to addiction from both developmental and environmental perspectives. A critical examination of the link between policy and practice provides context for the emergence of recovery strategies such as harm reduction and motivational techniques. Special attention will be given to the role of colonization and stigma as it is experienced through ethnicity, gender and culture, and the important role of advocacy in this context.

                    3rd year standing in Advanced Diploma in Rural Pre-Medicine (ADRPM), or 3rd year standing in Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), or enrolment in Mental Health and Addictions Associate Certificate, or Mental Health and Substance Use Advanced Certificate, or ADD 184. Note: Pre-requisite(s) may be waived with permission of the instructor.
                    Term 2

                    HSER 257 Mental Health Issues: Practical Responses provides instruction in a variety of rehabilitative and treatment modalities used in work with individuals facing mental health challenges. Attitudes toward mental health and substance use problems and how they impact helper effectiveness are explored in a supportive milieu. Evidence-based practices such as Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Harm Reduction are used as frameworks for the development of skills and knowledge. Students are introduced to strategies for overcoming stigma and supporting client empowerment in a variety of community and facility settings.

                    English Studies 12 or equivalent or enrolment in Mental Health and Addictions Associate Certificate or Mental Health and Substance Use Advanced Certificate
                    Term 3

                    HSER 600 Motivational Interviewing - Brief Interventions and Support Strategies. This 12-hour lecture format exponential workshop is designed to provide practitioners and students with basic Motivational Interviewing Skills in order to enhance the effectiveness of their work with both mental health, addiction and concurrent conditions in a variety of settings. Motivational Interviewing is a directive, clients centered counseling style for eliciting behaviour change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. It is both client-centered and goal-directed, and complements most theoretical approaches and styles in the helping professions. This has 2 six hour modules face-to-face.

                    HS Certificate or Instructor's permission.

                    All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

                    Effective Term:


                    Effective Year:


                    Advanced Standing:

                    ADVANCE OR TRANSFER CREDIT

                    a) Transfer credit will be given for university transfer courses equivalent to Selkirk College courses, providing a grade of "C" or better was achieved.

                    b) Applications for transfer credit from other ECCE, SSW or EACSW programs will be reviewed with provincial articulation agreements and considered on an individual basis; applicants may be required to provide detailed course outlines.


                    a) Advance credit in core program courses (i.e., SSW, ECCE, EACSW and HSER) may be granted by the School Chair or designate after evaluation of the applicant’s mastery of course objectives. See program specific guidelines for PLA.

                    b) Credit for Final Practicum will not be awarded through PLA in Human Services programs.


                    Re-Entry Instructions:

                    1. An application is required for enrolment in program courses in subsequent years.

                    2. Normally, students who must interrupt their program may apply for re-admission, within one year of departure, on the basis of the following priorities:

                    a) Students in good standing who interrupted their program for illness or other personal reasons.

                    b) Students who failed to meet program requirements for promotion.

                    c) Students transferring from another program within BC.

                    3. Students who fail to complete a semester successfully may apply to re-enter and repeat the incomplete semester when it is next offered. (Normally, there is a period of 12 months between offerings of a course or semester.)

                    4. Normally, a student returning in one year or less will retain full credit for all courses previously completed. After more than one year's absence, students may be required to update or repeat courses previously completed. A grade of "C" or credit granted in each repeated course is required for re-entry.

                    5. Students who withdraw for medical or psychological reasons will provide evidence to the School Chair from a licensed practitioner regarding the suitability of his/her return to the program.

                    6. Students must complete the program in its entirety within 60 calendar months from the time of initial entry into the program.

                    7. Students who have successfully completed their Selkirk College Human Services certificate within the previous year are considered to be a re-entry student.

                    8. Re-entry full-time students who have successfully completed their previous year are given priority over part time students.



                    Grading for theory courses will be as per the Standard Academic and Career Grading Table as defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612 Grading. Grading for practicum courses will be as per the Competency Based Grades as defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612 Grading.


                    Grading Table:


                    Program Specific Regulations:



                    1. Students absent for 20% or more in a given course may be placed on behavioural probation. If a student arrives more than 10 minutes late or leaves more than 10 minutes early, they may be recorded as absent.

                    2. Students absent from any courses are responsible for the work they have missed and must make up assignments as required.

                    3. Students are responsible to inform the instructor in advance of any absences.

                    4. Students participating in on-line classes are expected to access and read all materials posted on their course site. If any aspect of the course has not been opened and/or participated in the student will be considered absent for that class.



                    (i) A minimum of three evaluative events will occur as specified in course outlines.

                    (ii) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as indicated in the respective course outline.

                    (iii) Assignments are due on the date stated on course or assignment outlines. A student may request one extension per course. The request must be made in writing no less than 24 hours before the due date. If the instructor grants permission for the extension the revised due date will be determined by the instructor.

                    (iv) Under extenuating circumstances further requests for extensions may be granted only after the student has participated in a mandatory consultation with the Department Head of Student Access and Support or designate and has presented the instructor with a written plan outlining how they intend to complete their work in a timely manner.

                    (v) A penalty of 10% per day will be assessed against late assignments. All assignments must be handed in by the last day of classes in order to achieve a passing grade and advance to the practicum.

                    (vi) All course assignments must be completed to achieve a passing grade.

                    (vii) All assignments must be typed.

                    (viii) Students may, at the discretion of the instructor, rewrite a maximum of one assignment per course. Rewrites must be submitted for marking within 14 calendar days of the return of the original assignment to the student. Rewritten assignments will receive a maximum grade of 75%.

                    (ix) Students are expected to write tests on the designated dates. If, for legitimate absences, the student misses a test, he/she must write the test as soon as possible with the permission of the instructor.


                    (i) Exams, labs, projects, assignments, and other evaluative activities are weighted and averaged as indicated in the respective course outline.

                    (ii) No single evaluative event shall be worth more than 50% of the final grade.

                    (iii) For courses involving practicum placements (ECCE 195, 286, 292, 294; SSW 163, 168; EASC 195, 196; HSER 270, 280) evaluation occurs on a continuous basis and graded CRG or NCG as per the Competency Based Selkirk Grading Table in Selkirk College Policy 8612 Grading. All practicum activities may be considered evaluative events. Informal verbal and/or written feedback is regularly provided by the instructor and practicum supervisors. Depending on the length of the course there may be one or more performance appraisals or evaluations.


                    Professional Requirements:

                    1. Codes of Ethics and Competencies

                    Students are expected to know, understand and abide by the applicable Codes of Ethics:

                    a) Child and Youth Care Worker;

                    b) Social Service Worker;

                    c) Early Childhood Educator.

                    d) Education Assistant & Community Support Worker.

                    2. Guidelines for Professional Conduct

                    In addition students are expected to consistently demonstrate professional conduct based on the following guidelines:

                    e) exercise personal discipline, accountability and judgement,

                    f) accept personal responsibility for continued competency and learning,

                    g) assist and serve the public, client or patient and place them before oneself,

                    h) recognize the dignity and worth of all persons in any level of society,

                    i) assist others in learning,

                    j) recognize one’s own limitations and areas for development, and

                    k) maintain confidentiality of information appropriate to the purpose and trust given when that information is acquired.

                    Professional Conduct will be measured by: one’s professional abilities, personal integrity, and the attitude one demonstrates in relationship with others.

                    3. Students who violate these professional standards may be required to withdraw from their Program.

                    4. Students may be required to withdraw when ethical, medical or other reasons interfere with the satisfactory completion of their Program.


                    Metal Fabricator Foundation - Certificate

                    This 23-week program prepares learners for entry-level positions as metal fabricators employed in fabrication shops associated with manufacturing, shipbuilding, forestry, mining, construction, transportation, and oil and gas industries.
                    Program at a Glance
                    23 weeks
                    Delivery Method
                    On Campus
                    Silver King
                    Intake Dates
                    Rob Schwarzer
                    School Chair
                    1 (250) 352-6601
                    1 (250) 354-3212

                      Students engage in a variety of classroom and shop activities. They learn theoretical principals of the trade in the classroom and then apply their knowledge in the shop, where they master the skills employed in the fabrication of steel structures, vessels, containers and equipment.

                      Students earn Level 1 technical training credit toward the metal fabricator apprenticeship. Additionally, graduates of the program receive credit for 450 work-based hours of the practical on-the-job component of the metal fabricator apprenticeship.


                      Graduates of the Metal Fabricator Foundation Program may find employment as apprentice metal fabricators engaged in the fabrication of buildings, bridges, ships, boilers, vessels, containers and heavy equipment.

                      Selkirk College offers Metal Fabricator (Fitter) technical foundation training in cooperation with the Industry Training Authority (ITA). The Foundation Program consists of Level 1 technical training in addition to practical and essential skills related to the Metal Fabricator (Fitter) apprentice program.

                      Practical Training

                      • Reading drawings and blueprints 
                      • Materials burning and welding 
                      • Metallurgy 
                      • Plate and structural pattern development, section fabrication and layout techniques 
                      • Safe work practices 
                      • Surface prep and finishing methods 
                      • Trade math solutions 
                      • Trade tool and shop equipment usage 

                      Metal Fabrication is also an excellent program for welders to expand on their skills and increase employment options in the industry across Canada.

                      Youth Train in Trades

                      The Youth Train in Trades program is designed to help secondary school students get a head start on careers in the trades while earning credit towards their high school graduation. Learn more online at Skilled Trades BC.

                      For more information, speak with your high school guidance counsellor or get in touch with Selkirk College’s Industry and Trades administrative assistant.

                      Program Outcomes

                      Upon successful completion of this program, learners will be able to:

                      1. Perform safety-related functions
                      2. Use tools and equipment
                      3. Interpret plans, drawings and specifications
                      4. Perform quality control
                      5. Handle materials
                      6. Perform trade mathematics and layout
                      7. Form materials
                      8. Fabricate components
                      9. Perform welding activities
                      • Graduation from a British Columbia Senior Secondary School or equivalent
                      • Workplace Math 11, or Selkirk AUD Math 46, with minimum of 60% or better
                      • Consideration will be given to mature individuals (19 years or older) who are not senior secondary school graduates, provided they are working to complete the recommended education:

                      - Grade 10 or equivalent including English 10, Mathematics 10

                      - Grade 12 preferred

                      • All applicants are required to complete a computerized placement test using the College Readiness Tool (CRT) in reading, writing and mathematics once they have submitted their application.
                      • Employers may require higher level of Math as part of their hiring policies
                      Additional Requirements
                      • Basic computer are skills highly recommended.
                      • A refundable tool deposit of $100 will be required at the start of the program.
                      • An interview (in person or by telephone) with the school chair or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.

                      1. General

                      a) Applicants must submit a completed admission application form and other required documents (i.e. secondary school and any post-secondary transcripts) to the admissions office, Selkirk College.

                      b) Applicants, except those with Welder qualifications and those laddering from Level C Welder, are required to complete pre-admission College Readiness Tool in reading, writing and mathematics.

                      c) Consideration will be given to mature students (see below).

                      2. Mature Student (see Policy 8611: Admissions)

                      a) A "mature student" is at least 19 years and has been out of the school system for at least one year on or before the first day of classes of the program.

                      b) A mature student with reasonable potential for success on the basis of work experience or other criteria may be admitted, notwithstanding some deficiency in prior formal education, at the School Chair’s discretion.

                      c) A mature student shall normally meet the specific program or course prerequisites.


                      Applications will be separated into two levels as identified in Selkirk College Policy 8611: Admissions

                      namely "fully qualified" and "partially qualified".

                      1. Fully Qualified

                      The applicant meets all of the requirements stated in Part I, A, above.

                      2. Partially Qualified

                      The applicant is deficient in meeting some or all of the admission requirements stated in Part I, A, above.

                      3. Laddering Level C Welder Students

                      Space permitting, applications from Level C Welder students will be accepted no sooner than 30 days before the program start date.

                      a) Level C Welder students can ladder into the program up to a month after its start date only if program scheduling is such that they miss no more than the last month of the Level C Welder program by doing so.

                      4. Order of Selection: See Policy 8611 Section 5.2 (8) and (9)

                      APPLICATION PROCEDURE

                      1. Before an applicant's file is considered to be complete, the following must have been received by the Admissions office:

                      a) Completed application form.

                      b) Official transcripts of high school grades (an interim statement of grades is acceptable if applicant is currently a student).

                      c) Official transcripts of all post-secondary education grades.

                      d) The results of College Readiness Tool (Welders and laddering Level C Welder students exempt).

                      2. An interview (in person or by telephone) with the School Chair or designate may be required before entry to the program. Interview results are not used as criteria for admission.

                      Graduation and Promotion

                      In order to receive your credential in your program, you must maintain a minimum of 70% average.

                      1. Students should keep records of their grades and strive to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better. Students should be aware of their Progress Grade at all times.

                      A. GRADUATION

                      Certificate Requirements

                      a) Completion of all courses required by the Industry Training Authority (ITA) with a Cumulative Average of 70% or better. (Refer to ITA web site). At the time of writing the ITA required courses are:

                      NOTE: Courses of study, course content, course weightings, and learning outcomes for all Metal Fabricator Foundation Program classes are prescribed by the BC Industry Training Authority (ITA) and subject to change without notice.

                      All amounts are estimates and are subject to change. Tuition amounts are based on a full-time course load. Please note that many programs have additional costs beyond those listed here. For more information, please visit Tuition & Fees.

                      Effective Term:


                      Effective Year:



                      Grading will be based on the categories defined in Selkirk College Policy 8612: Grading.


                      Grading Table:

                      Standard Trades Programs

                      Types of Assessments:

                      a) Types and Frequency of Evaluation (Selkirk College Policy 8613: Student Evaluation)

                      b) Students are evaluated and graded in each subject or course topic as detailed in the Program Outline.

                      (i) Students will complete a series of weighted Subject Exams as scheduled in the Program Outline.

                      (ii) Students will complete an ongoing series of Practical Competencies to be evaluated on a day-to-day basis.

                      (iii) Students will complete the Program Final Examination at the conclusion of the program.


                      Examination Policy

                      a) Students may be allowed to make alternative exam arrangements with the appropriate instructor for valid and verifiable reasons such as medical emergency, family bereavement, or jury duty.

                      b) Any alternate arrangements for Final Examinations must be approved by the School Chair or designate.

                      c) Requests for supplemental Subject Examinations will not be approved.

                      d) Where the BC Industry Training Authority provides access to apprenticeship level Challenge Examinations, requests for Supplemental Final Exams at Selkirk College will not be approved. Otherwise, Supplemental Final Exam requests will be approved only under extenuating circumstances.

                      e) All tests and exams are the property of the College and will be retained by the College.


                      Cheating and Plagiarism: (Policy 8618: Cheating and Plagiarism


                      Program Specific Regulations:

                      Health and Safety

                      • Students are required to follow the safety directions of Selkirk College staff and the safety guidelines specific to their program. Additionally, students must wear prescribed personal protective equipment (PPE) in all designated areas. Failure to follow safety directions may result in the suspension of shop access. Only the School Chair may reinstate access.
                      • Students are encouraged to complete the Voluntary Disclosure of Health History form for any health (physical and/or mental) conditions (e.g., anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies), or prescription medications which could lead to concerns in an industrial environment. This information is for safety reasons only and will be kept confidential.
                      • Students are required to complete all mandatory safety training prior to using program equipment. Students are responsible for adhering to correct usage of equipment and for informing staff when the equipment is damaged or unsafe to operate.
                      • Students who are unsafe or impact the safety of others will be required to leave the class or shop area until remediation has been met.
                      • The use of personal electronic devices in a learning environment can be disruptive and is unsafe in an industrial setting. Usage and restrictions will be identified in the program safety guidelines.
                      • No alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or cannabis products are to be consumed on the college property during or before a college activity. If a student appears to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol they will be required to leave the premises and subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct.
                      • When participating in program field trips or other off-campus college-related activities, students are required to comply with the health and safety guidelines of both Selkirk College and those of their hosts. See College Policy 8350: Educational Field Trips.



                      1. Attendance at all scheduled lectures, shop activities, examinations and other learning experiences is mandatory.

                      2. Where possible, students who are absent from a learning experience (including testing) must notify the program instructor prior to the absence. If advance notice is not possible, the student will contact the instructor about missed or late assignments as soon as possible upon return to school. Students are responsible to make up missed work as required.

                      3. The Metal Fabricator program will not undertake to provide substitute learning opportunities in program courses when students have been absent, for any reason.

                      4. Students claiming illness or absence for compassionate reasons from learning experiences must contact the instructor directly. Students may be required to supply a doctor's certificate to substantiate claims of illness.

                      5. Students who are excluded from a lesson, class or course for reasons outlined in Part II, D will be considered absent from those classes.

                      A student whose absenteeism exceeds 7.5% at any time, may be required to withdraw from the program.




                      1. All Subject Exams and the Program Final Examination must be written at the time designated by the program instructor. Failure to do so will result in a zero percentage (0%) grade on that examination. Except in extenuating circumstances, requests for rescheduling exams will not be granted.

                      2. All Shop Assignments must be completed and submitted at the time designated by the program instructor.


                      Other Regulations:

                      A. PROBATION (Policy 8619: Student Probation)

                      1. Purpose

                      The purpose of probation is to create an awareness of the seriousness of unsuitable student conduct and/or performance, as well as to reinforce that students have obligations above and beyond those specified in the course outlines.


                      2. Criteria for placement on academic probation

                      A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory academic performance in the first two-thirds of the term (or 2/3 of the training time i.e. apprenticeship training), under the following circumstances:

                      a) Failure to maintain a Progress Grade of 70% or better.

                      b) Failure to complete shop assignments as assigned.

                      c) Criteria for placement on behavioural probation

                      A student may be assigned probationary status for unsatisfactory behaviour at any time during the program, Refer to Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct-Rights and Responsibilities.


                      3. Criteria for removal from probation

                      a) Conditions for removal from probation will be specified in the written Notification of Probation.

                      b) Any student assigned probationary status must meet the following requirements:

                      (i) Complete attendance.

                      (ii) Complete and submit course work as assigned.

                      (iii) Acceptable academic performance in all courses.

                      (iv) Satisfactory behaviour.

                      (v) Any other conditions specified in the Notification of Probation.


                      4. Failure to meet conditions of probation

                      A student placed on probation who does not meet the requirements specified by the letter of probation may be required to withdraw.


                      5. Number of probationary periods.

                      Students are limited to two probationary periods. A student whose behavioural or academic performance necessitates a third probationary period will be required to withdraw.


                      B. PROGRAM EXCLUSION/DISMISSAL (Refer to Policy 3400: Student Code of Conduct - Rights and Responsibilities)

                      An instructor may exclude a student from participating in a class, lab, field trip, shop session, or other learning opportunities for violating Policy 3400 or if s/he lacks appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as required in the program outline.


                      C. APPEAL (Refer to Policy 8400: Student Appeals for procedures and timelines)









                      Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

                      Program at a Glance
                      4 months
                      Intake Dates

                        This program is currently suspended and not accepting applications.

                        The Selkirk College TESOL Advanced diploma and certificate program is for students interested in teaching English as a second or foreign language either domestically or internationally. Classes are offered in one intensive semester of study, during which time students gain both theoretical and practical knowledge in teaching language. Upon completion of both Theory and Practicum, students, with a degree, are eligible for TESL Canada Professional 1 Certification.

                        The program includes course work in the areas of second language acquisition theory and linguistics, curriculum design, materials development for core skill areas - reading writing, speaking, listening and pronunciation, classroom management, and assessment. In addition to the 18 hours a week of class time, students observe and teach in Selkirk College’s multicultural adult English Language Program on the Castlegar campus. TESOL students also have the opportunity to participate in language partnerships with ESL students and gain work experience as ESL tutors. There are two program options:

                        TESOL Advanced Diploma

                        Students complete 250 hours of methodology coursework plus a 20-hour practicum which includes 10 hours of observation and 10 hours of practice teaching in one of Selkirk’s skill-based, multicultural ESL classrooms.

                        Students who hold a degree and successfully complete Selkirk’s TESOL Advanced Diploma program are eligible to apply for TESL Canada Professional 1 Certification.


                        TESL Advanced Certificate

                        Students complete 250 hours of methodology coursework, but they do not participate in the Practicum component. This program does not meet all the requirements needed to apply for TESL Canada recognition. If students who have completed the Advanced certificate program and wish to complete the practicum component and convert their Advanced Certificate to an Advanced Diploma, they can do so within one year and with the approval of the School Chair. There is an additional charge for this practicum experience.

                        Practicum Options

                        Extended Practicum

                        For those interested in TESL Canada Professional 2 Certification, Selkirk College offers an Extended Practicum (usually 8 weeks) which includes an additional 20 hours of observation and 10 hours of teaching in one of Selkirk’s skill-based, multicultural ESL classrooms. Students must have successfully completed the Advanced Diploma before commencing this program. There is an additional charge for the extended practicum.

                        International Practicum

                        An international teaching practicum experience provides students with an opportunity to live and teach in an international setting with the support of Selkirk College. During their practicum students will apply the theories and methods studied in the Selkirk College TESOL program in a work environment.

                        Please note: TSOL 120 is an additional practicum for graduates of the Selkirk College TESOL Advanced diploma program. It is not a requirement for graduation. This course may not be offered every year. Enrolment is limited.

                        Visiting Practicum

                        The visiting practicum program also offers external TESOL students an opportunity to complete their classroom observations and practicum teaching experience at Selkirk College. Students who have completed a minimum of 100 hours of TESOL course work at another institution, approved by TESL Canada, and some related experience can apply for the visiting practicum. Students work one on- one with an experienced ESL instructor as they observe, plan, deliver, and reflect on lessons in one of Selkirk’s skill-based, multicultural ESL classrooms.

                        Practical Studies in TESOL

                        The Practical Studies in TESOL program is a 4-week program available in the Winter term between January and March or in July to international TESOL students or instructors who are interested in working alongside an experienced, Canadian instructor in one of Selkirk’s skill-based, multicultural ESL classrooms. Students shadow a mentor teacher, observe a variety of classes, participate in all student events, and plan and deliver a number of practicum language lessons.

                        Program Outcomes
                        • Select and generate learning materials that meet course outcomes and support learners’ goals.
                        • Create, develop and deliver effective language lessons based on knowledge of SLA theory, curriculum design and best practice methodology.
                        • Demonstrate familiarity with a range of approaches, strategies and techniques for teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, pronunciation and grammar.
                        • Manage classrooms that foster a stimulating and inclusive learning environment.
                        • Exhibit intercultural competence, cultural awareness and sensitivity.
                        • Recognize and utilize the central concepts and conventions of the English language (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse).
                        • Reflect critically on teaching practices and demonstrate professional conduct.
                        • Utilize appropriate technology in lesson planning and delivery.
                        • Design and conduct assessments linked to learning outcomes.

                        In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, the applicant must meet the following TESOL/TESL Program requirements to be considered fully-qualified:


                        Advanced Diploma and Advanced Certificate

                        • Applicants must have successfully graduated from a degree or diploma program from a recognized institution or completed at least two years of post-secondary education.
                        • Entrance requirements include an average of 68% in prior course work.
                        • Applicants who are speakers of other languages must provide evidence of a minimal TOEFL score of 213 (CBT), an IELTS score of 6.5, or have completed the Selkirk Advanced English Language program and English 60 or EASL 067 with a minimum 76% or higher average.

                        NOTE: To be eligible for TESL Canada Professional Standard One or Two Certification, applicants who are speakers of other languages must have an IELTS score of 7.0 or equivalent and all applicants must have a bachelor's degree.

                        Extended Practicum

                        • Applicants must have successfully completed Selkirk’s Advanced diploma program and received a grade of 68% or higher in their Practicum Course and Seminar (TSOL 110) to be eligible for this additional program option.

                        Visiting Practicum

                        • Successfully completed a minimum of 100 hours of coursework at a TESL Canada Certified institution and have previous education-related work or volunteer experience.

                        International Practicum

                        • Applicants must be graduates of Selkirk College’s TESOL Advanced diploma program.

                        Teaching English to Young Learners

                        • Applicants should have TESOL training completed or in progress or approval of the School Chair.
                        Additional Requirements
                        • Prior work or volunteer educational experience, preferably with second language learners, and/or coursework in education.

                        The following must be received:

                        • All post-secondary transcripts
                        • English proficiency test scores as indicated above
                        • Current resumé
                        • Letter of reference
                        • Letter of intent

                        When the submission is complete, interviews will be arranged. Where circumstances make a personal interview impractical, a Skype or video interview will be conducted.

                        Graduation and Promotion

                        In order to received your certificate or diploma, you must receive a minimum grade of ‘C’ (60-62%) in all required courses. Promotion to do an Extended Practicum requires a minimum grade of B- (68-71%) in the TSOL 110 Practicum course.

                        Required Courses

                        TSOL 101 Introduction to Teaching the English Language Learners introduces students to the TESOL profession. Both theoretically and practically, students will explore the needs and challenges of effective classroom organization, management, and teaching, with the goal of creating a learner-centered classroom. Principles learned will be applied and further developed in the courses Teaching Listening and Speaking, and Teaching Reading and Writing.


                        TSOL 103 Teaching Listening and Speaking is a course for pre-service teachers that focuses on methodology and resources for teaching listening and speaking to learners of English. Participants will discuss the key principles of teaching these skills, and investigate a variety of methods and techniques. They will have the opportunity to create and use communicatively-based, learner-centred activities for the classroom.


                        TSOL 105 Teaching Reading and Writing focuses on teaching theory and methodology used to develop ESL students' reading and writing skills in a second language classroom. It also offers practical knowledge on materials development, teaching activities and techniques, lesson and unit plan design, and the development of assessment tools.

                        Full time enrolment in the Selkirk College TESOL Program

                        TSOL 107 Topics in English Language Teaching will support, enrich and expand learners' study of TESOL with exploration into the current trends in the field. Topics will include but are not limited to: teaching young learners, effective tutoring, developing e-portfolios, using technology in the classroom, navigating a job search, and strategies for teaching multi-level classes.


                        TSOL 109 Teaching Pronunciation is a course that focuses on teaching how to improve the intelligibility of learners' spoken English. Participants in the course learn to identify features in spoken language that block or slow down comprehension on the part of the listener. Corrective activities that can be used within a communicative framework are emphasized.


                        TSOL 112 Grammar for Teachers is an introduction to the fundamental structures of grammar as well as to the different approaches and techniques for grammar instruction in a second language context. This course will create a bridge between being a speaker of English and being a teacher of the language.

                        Full time enrolment in the Selkirk College TESOL Program

                        To receive a TESOL Advanced Diploma you are required to take the course below in addition to all of the Advanced Certificate courses

                        Required Courses

                        TSOL 110 Practicum Experience and Seminar, students gain first-hand experience observing in one of Selkirk's multicultural, skill-based ESL classes on campus. Students will be supported by experienced ESL instructors who provide one-on-one guidance, supervision and feedback. A weekly seminar provides the opportunity for students to share and reflect on their experience.

                        Accepted into the TESOL program.
                        The following courses are optional courses that may be taken.

                        TSOL 120 International Practicum is an international teaching practicum experience provides students with an opportunity to live and teach in an international setting with the support of Selkirk College. During their practicum students will apply the theories and methods studied in the Selkirk College TESOL Program in a work environment.

                        Please Note: TSOL120 is an additional practicum for graduates of the Selkirk College TESOL Advanced Diploma Program. It is not a requirement for graduation. This course may not be offered every year. Enrolment is limited.


                        In the TSOL 121 Extended Practicum course, students gain first-hand experience observing and teaching in one of Selkirk's multicultural, skill-based ESL classes on campus. Students will be supported by experienced ESL instructors who provide one-on-one guidance, supervision and feedback.


                        In the TSOL 122 Visiting Practicum course, students who have completed a minimum of 100 hours of TESOL coursework at an institution other than Selkirk College can gain first-hand experience observing and teaching in one of Selkirk's multicultural, skill-based ESL classes on campus. Students will be supported by experienced ESL instructors who provide one-on-one guidance, supervision and feedback.

                        Minimum of 100 hours of TESOL coursework at another institution and education-related work/volunteer experience. (related work/volunteer experience to be reviewed by the School Chair.)

                        TSOL 123 Practical Studies in TESOL is designed to give visiting TESOL students or teachers first-hand experience observing and teaching in Selkirk's multicultural, skill-based ESL classes on campus. Students will work closely with one of Selkirk's experienced ESL instructors. As a teaching assistant, students will plan, prepare and conduct instructional activities with one-on-one guidance, supervision and feedback from their sponsor teacher. In addition, students will observe a variety of classes in the program.

                        Previous TESOL training (related work/volunteer experience to be reviewed by the School Chair.)


                        University Arts and Sciences Courses by Discipline

                        Program at a Glance
                        2 years for most UAS programs
                        All Campuses
                        Intake Dates

                          Browse all the disciplines and courses offered by the School of University Arts and Sciences. Depending on your program, you may need to take one or more of these courses as a required or elective course.

                          Areas of Study

                          For support with course selection, please contact a Selkirk College counsellor or your school chair. Explore options to take these courses as part of an associate degree or liberal arts diploma, as electives or through Open Studies.


                          Creative Writing

                          Creativity is a buzz word for a reason—the ability to inspire through well-crafted narrative is at the centre of our culture. Whether your aspirations are to write books, articles, film scripts, video games, web content or advertising pitches, there needs to be power behind your words. Our instructors can help you find that power through writing craft.


                          English literature refers to written works in the English language, including novels, short stories, poetry and plays, created by authors not just from England, but also from various cultures and time periods. Studying English literature enriches one's understanding of diverse perspectives, cultures and human experiences, fostering critical thinking and communication skills, essential for personal growth and success in various careers.

                          English composition refers to the art of expressing thoughts and ideas in written form using the English language. It involves organizing and structuring information coherently to communicate effectively. Studying English composition enhances communication skills, fosters clear and persuasive writing, and prepares students for academic and professional success in various fields that require strong written communication and research abilities.


                          Learning to understand and speak more than one language is considered an important part of a broad liberal arts and sciences education.  Many universities encourage or require proficiency in a foreign language for students seeking degrees.  Speaking another language can open the door to a myriad of possibilities here and abroad.


                          Indigenous Languages

                          Indigenous Studies

                          Law and Justice Studies

                          The Law and Justice Studies courses prepare students for further legal education or a career in law enforcement. Students can take a range of courses emphasizing conflict resolution, critical thinking and legal problem-solving, and are exposed to a variety of guest lecturers who provide first-hand accounts of working with law in a rural context.

                          Peace and Justice Studies


                          Philosophy can make a difference in people’s lives. Critical thinking pushes us to reflect on our background assumptions, and it helps us to sharpen the analytic tools we use in many areas of life. Moreover, a hike through the history of philosophy can illuminate ideas and values that underlie our cultural traditions and social practices. Studying philosophy can prepare us to make and defend careful judgements about our lives, our society and our world. In short, as Plato might put it, philosophy can help us to live "the examined life."


                          Learning to understand and speak more than one language is considered an important part of a broad liberal arts and sciences education.  Many universities encourage or require proficiency in a foreign language for students seeking degrees.  Speaking another language can open the door to a myriad of possibilities here and abroad.

                          Social Sciences


                          Anthropologists study humans and non-human primates. Anthropology is both a science and a social science, depending on the area of focus. Anthropologists study all peoples (and primates), in all places, throughout time. The difference between anthropology and other disciplines is the way anthropologists approach their studies: comparatively and holistically. At Selkirk College, the focus is more on the social science side of the discipline.


                          Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources (including our time, our energy, our built capital and our natural resources). Economics examines ways to get the most benefit out of our resources. If you are interested in a structured system of thought that allows for rational, well-thought our decision-making, economics will interest you.


                          People who are curious about the world around them and who enjoy being outdoors are natural geographers. Geography students study the spatial relationships between natural and built environments and culture. Studying geography is a hands-on experience, and the learning is applicable to everyday life whether is observing how landscapes are changing or seeking to understanding cultural differences. 


                          Psychology studies behaviour, emotion, motivation and how our minds think. Because the field is so fascinating, psychology courses are the most popular ones across North America. The practical and theoretical science of psychology is directly applicable to careers in marketing, economics, education, environmental protection and health care.  


                          Sociology is the analysis of human social relationships, cultures and institutions that profoundly shape both our lives and human history. Sociology helps us make sense of the rapidly changing world in which we live.

                          Women's Studies

                          These courses provide a unique perspective on the world and your place in it. You will have the opportunity to explore categories such as gender, class, race and sexual orientation and how these interact with the world around you.



                          Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes that occur within living organisms. Understanding the molecular-level interactions gives us insight into how biological systems work and how we can influence them. Biochemists play vital roles in drug development, agriculture, medical research and biotechnology. 


                          Biology is the study of life.  The cell is the fundamental unit of life and has unique chemistry, anatomy and behaviour as it interacts with its environment. In aggregate, cells form populations and communities that are part of environments, from the air, the oceans, soils and even 5 to 10 kilometres below the surface of the earth.


                           Chemistry is the study of matter. What isn't chemistry? An understanding of matter at the atomic level allows us to understand the properties of materials on a larger scale. Chemists work not only in research labs but also in food, pharmacology, toxicology and more. Training in chemistry is essential for medical professionals, engineers and environmental scientists. Chemistry truly is the "central science."

                          Computer Sciences


                          Geology uses science to investigate the materials that form our planet and the processes that act to change it over time. Geology is a synthesis of many scientific disciplines and seeks to explain the nature and evolution of our planet. Our planet is an intricate, interconnected web of earth, water, air and life that is always changing. Currently, this state of flux is accelerating and to know where we are headed, we have to understand the Earth’s past. Geology tells this story. 

                          Geoscience pathways

                          Interested in becoming a geoscientist?

                          Understanding Earth's processes is the first step toward protecting our planet and adapting to a changing climate. Begin your studies at Selkirk College and continue on to complete a geoscience degree.

                          • Selkirk College, Geographic Information System – bachelor's degree

                          • Simon Fraser University, Earth Sciences Major

                          • University of British Columbia, Geology Major

                          • University of British Columbia Okanagan, Earth and Environmental Sciences Major

                          • University of Victoria, Earth Science Major


                          Mathematics lets us model and analyze the world in a quantitative and rigorous way. University degree programs often use math courses to help students develop skills in analysis and inquiry. Math is also a study of patterns and beauty, with connections to art, music and poetry. If you are a creative problem-solver and appreciate an intellectual challenge, then there are math courses you will enjoy.



                          In a world of big data, statistics gives us the tools to see patterns that would escape us otherwise, to summarize large data sets and to prove or disprove hypotheses using data-driven arguments. In today's age, a good foundational knowledge of statistics is vital to research of any kind and will allow us to think critically about howe data can be used and manipulated.

                          Applied Sciences


                          Engineering drives the modern world and permeates all aspects of our lives, from the electricity grid to agriculture and transportation. As an engineering student, you will learn about how mathematics, science and design are used to ethically solve everyday problems while preserving the safety of the public and environment.

                          Program Outcomes
                          In addition to meeting the general admission requirements to Selkirk College, applicants to the University Arts and Sciences programs must meet the requirements of their specific program to be considered fully qualified.
                          Additional Requirements
                          • Students whose first language is not English must fulfill Selkirk College’s English language proficiency requirement. See Policy 8611: Admissions.
                          • Mature students must meet the English 12 requirement.
                          • If you are a student who lacks the admission requirements, you may still gain entry to the program by taking a combination of Academic Upgrading and university courses in your first year. This may extend the length of your program.
                          Creative Writing

                          CWRT 100 Introduction to Creative Writing I.  This course offers an introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of poetry and creative non-fiction. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in poetry and creative nonfiction, as well as an objective appreciation of their own ''voice'' in the context of those aesthetics.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          CWRT 101 Introduction to Creative Writing II.  This course offers an introduction to composition and experimentation in the genres of fiction and drama. Students will develop a working knowledge of modern aesthetics in fiction and drama, as well as an objective appreciation of their own ''voice'' in the context of those aesthetics.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          CWRT 200 Manuscript Development I. The emphasis of this second year creative writing course will be on portfolio development and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students will submit their own imaginative writing for workshop in any of the four genres – poetry, drama, fiction, or non-fiction. Students will also begin to develop professional practices through self-directed projects. Lectures will mirror the assigned readings and serve to initiate theoretical discussions on form, theory, and craft.

                          Two semesters of first-year University English or Creative Writing with a minimum of 60%.

                          CWRT 201 Manuscript Development II. The emphasis of this second year creative writing course will be on portfolio development and preparation of manuscripts for publication. Students will submit for workshop their own imaginative writing in any of the four genres being taught – poetry, drama, fiction, and non-fiction. Allowances for other genres will be made with the permission of the instructor. Lectures, both face to face and online, will mirror the assigned readings and serve to initiate theoretical discussions on form and theory, and principles and elements of craft.

                          Two semesters of first-year University English or Creative Writing with a minimum of 60%.

                          ENGL 110 introduces students to the world of scholarly writing -- reading it, thinking about it, and producing it as academic researchers. Students will explore how professional and/or academic writers across disciplines communicate to a variety of audiences. Students will practice active reading, writing and critical thinking skills by conducting scholarly research on a topic. This course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge they need to write effectively within academic contexts.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ENGL 111 Introduction to Literature is about living more intensely. Rather than providing answers, literature prompts us to ask better questions of ourselves and each other. Drama, poetry, short stories, and novels will guide us in discussion, reflection, and writing about literature.

                          English 110, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ENGL 200 A Survey of English Literature I. ''In spring folk long to go on pilgrimage'' so begins Geoffrey Chaucerï's 14th century masterpiece of the English tradition, The Canterbury Tales. In English 200, we will set out on a pilgrimage which honours the living beauty of the English language and its greatest writers such as Spenser, Shakespeare and Donne, ending in the 17th century with Milton.

                          ENGL 111, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ENGL 201 A Survey of English Literature II. From the calm reason of the Enlightenment to the passion of the Romantics, we still live out the questions first asked by the brilliant writers of 18th and 19th Centuries. In the company of such authors as Pope, Swift, Wollstonecraft, Keats, Wordsworth, and Austen, we continue our pilgrimage into culture, belief, and literary achievement begun in the previous semester with English 200.

                          ENGL 200 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ENGL 202 Canadian Literature I: Indigenous Voices. From the earliest narratives, Euro Canadian writing has framed our understanding of Indigenous peoples. We will examine the works of Indigenous writers from across Canada. Reading and discussion will give us an opportunity to understand First People's literature, including the response to colonialism, and to experience the vitality of First People's cultures, imaginations, and ways of knowing.

                          ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Note: Pre-requisites may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.

                          ENGL 203 Canadian Literature II: Contemporary Voices. In our multicultural society and globalized world, what is so Canadian about Canadian literature? In this course we trace the emergence of Canadian literature on the world stage and how such writers frame connections between literature, nation, identity and culture.

                          ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or written permission of the Instructor and School Chair.

                          ENGL 204 Children's Literature I - From Rags to Riches and Worlds of Magic. From folktales and urban legends to traditional and literary fairy tales, particularly the collections of Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm as well as Hans Christian Andersen and others, this course explores the roots of children's literature, including modern fantasy, such as J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan, Kenneth Graeme's The Wind in the Willows, and Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.

                          ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Note: Pre-requisites may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.

                          ENGL 205 Children's Literature II: From Hell to Heaven and Everything in Between. From medieval to modern times, this course traces the development of literature enjoyed by and written for children. Early works include the ''Hell-fire'' tales of the Puritans to the Golden Age stories of the nineteenth century. We explore landmark novels such as Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, and Lucy Maud Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables. We'll also examine the social issues and controversies provoked by poetry, picture books, and prose.

                          ENGL 110 or ENGL 111 or ENGL 112 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                          ENGL 209 Introduction to Comics and Graphic Novels introduces students to the genre of comics and the graphic novel. Students will consider the history of the genre and explore how comics and graphic novels reflect and represent diverse social, political, and popular cultures. Students will learn how to write about graphic narratives and will have the opportunity to experiment with the form through hands-on activities.

                          ENGL 110 and ENGL 111 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or written permission of the School Chair.

                          FREN 102 Beginner's French I is an introductory language course designed for the absolute beginner with little or no knowledge of French. The focus of this course is to help students become functionally proficient in the French language through the development of the basic communication skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture.


                          FREN 103 Beginner's French II is designed to develop the communication skills learned by students in French 102. Students will further their knowledge of the French language and awareness of French-speaking cultures. The focus of this course is to help students become functionally proficient in the French language through the development of the basic communication skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture.

                          FREN 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Note: This pre-requisite may be waived with the permission of the Instructor.

                          HIST 100 World History, 1900-1945 introduces students to key issues and events in the first half of the twentieth century. The course will ground students’ understanding of those decades as ones of profound change and contestation, the oftentimes global dimensions of which were expressed through multiple imperial, national, local, regional, and indigenous contexts. Topics typically addressed in the course include the evolution of empires and nations; processes of colonization and decolonization; the First and Second World Wars; Capitalism, Communism, and Fascism as competing political and economic ideologies; democratic and authoritarian systems of governance; political revolutions; developments in the arts and sciences; technological change; human interactions with the environment; tensions and developments in areas of human rights, indigenous, racialized, ethnic, and gender identities; and efforts toward the establishment of international networks and institutions. Upon the course’s conclusion, students will be able to identify and understand the significance of key issues and events from this period and to consider their role in shaping the world in the decades that followed.


                          HIST 101 World History, 1945-Present introduces students to key issues and events that have unfolded since the end of the Second World War. The course will develop student's understanding of the period as one of ongoing change and contestation at global, national, regional, and local levels, the ramifications of which continue to impact us today. Topics typically addressed in the course include efforts toward the establishment of a postwar international order, including the United Nations; the Cold War; colonization, decolonization and the changing imperial and national political landscape; the evolution of political and economic systems and ideologies including Communism, Capitalism, Democracy, and Authoritarianism; globalization; developments in the arts and sciences; technological change; social movements; tensions and developments in areas of human rights, indigenous, racialized, ethnic, and gender identities; and human interactions with the environment. Upon the course’s conclusion, students will be able to identify and explain the significance of key issues and events from this period and to consider their ongoing influence.


                          HIST 104 Canada Before Confederation. A survey of Canadian history from the pre-contact societies of the First Nations to the creation of Canadian Federation in 1867. European expansion and settlement in northern North America, relations between Europeans and First Nations, and the development of the colonial societies that formed Canada are examined. Emphasis is placed on fostering student interest in history by examining the historical experiences of a diversity of Canadians.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 105 Contemporary Canada is a survey of modern Canada from confederation to the end of the second millennium. The post-1867 consolidation of a transcontinental Canada, the marginalization of aboriginal peoples, and the rapid transformation of Canadian society by immigration, industrialization, urbanization, the two world wars, and the Great Depression are examined. The effects of broad economic and social change on party politics, relations between French and English Canada, and the attitudes, values, and living and working patterns of Canadians are also explored. Emphasis is placed on fostering student interest in history by examining the historical experiences of a diversity of Canadians.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 106 Western Civilization I introduces students to some of the major themes in the history of Western Society from the Neolithic to the early modern European worlds. Human experience and relations in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece, the expansion the of the Hellenistic empire of Alexander the Great, the rise of the Roman Empire, the making of early European society, and the origins and spread of the Renaissance and Reformation are examined. By the conclusion of the course, students will be able to view the development of ''the West'' from an historical perspective.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 107 Western Civilization II introduces students to major themes and problems in Western society from the rise of absolutism in the early 18th century to the aftermath of World War Two. As part of this, students will gain an understanding of the origins and impact of the French and Industrial revolutions, the rise of the nation state in the 19th century, and the origins and effects of World War One including the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression, and the rise of authoritarian regimes in the 1930s. By the conclusion of the course, students will be able to view World War Two from an historical perspective.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 203 A History of British Columbia is designed to introduce students to the history of British Columbia from the pre-contact societies of the native peoples to the present. Relations between Europeans and First Nations, the development of the European resource and settlement frontiers, and the eventual transformation of British Columbia's society and economy as a result of industrialization, immigration, and urbanization are examined within a broader Canadian and North American context. Emphasis is placed on fostering student interest in the history of British Columbia by examining the historical experiences of a diversity of peoples.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 210 A History of the First Nations of Canada examines the history of the First Nations of Canada from the pre-contact period to the present. The changes and continuities within the societies and economies of the First Nations as a result of European contact, trade, warfare, and settlement are examined within a broader hemispheric context. The course gives particular emphasis to the historical roots of contemporary First nations' issues in Canada and the contributions that aboriginal people have made to the development of Canada and to their own distinct societies.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 215 A History of the West Kootenay is designed to introduce students to the history of the West Kootenay from the pre-contact societies of the native peoples to the present. Relations between Europeans and First Nations, the development of the resource and agricultural frontiers, work and settlement patterns, and 20th and 21st century social and economic change are also examined within the broader Canadian and North American context. Emphasis is placed on fostering student interest in the history of the West Kootenay by examining the historical experiences of a diversity of people who have lived in the region.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          History 220 Latin America: Pre-1821 surveys the Spanish and Portuguese Empires America from their 15th century beginnings in the conquest of aboriginal empires and peoples to their break-up in the early 19th century by independence movements of Creoles. Major themes examined include the pre-contact native societies and empires, the establishment and administration of Spanish and Portuguese overseas empires, the economies and societies of the colonies, the impact and influence of the Church, European power struggles for control of Latin America, and the origins and emergence of American independence movements.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          HIST 221 Latin America: Post-1821 a survey of Latin American history from independence to the present. Major themes examined include post-colonial efforts to develop and modernize new nation-states, the development and impact of neocolonialism, the rise, impact and responses to both nationalist and revolutionary movements in the 20th century, and the impact of the United States foreign policy on Latin America and its peoples.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
                          Indigenous Languages

                          NSLX 101 Beginners n̓səl̓xčin  1 is designed to encourage students to develop the following communication skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to some aspects of the Sinixt culture.


                          NSLX 102 Beginners n̓səl̓xčin  2 is designed to help students to continue to develop Salish communication skills including: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to some aspects of Sinixt culture.

                          NSLX 101
                          Indigenous Studies

                          INDG 100 Regional Perspectives on Language and Cultures. Staff, students and community members are encouraged to take this introductory course so that they may experience the voices, cultures, histories, values, beliefs, oral traditions, literature, and art of Lakes-Sinixt, Okanagan-Syilx, Ktunaxa and Metis peoples. In light of the national Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the College's signature on the Canadian Institutes and Colleges Indigenous Education Protocol, it is important that residents, employees and students consider indigenous worldviews in their studies, work, and lives. Introductions to important historical, cultural, social and political realities that have and continue to impact the lives of Indigenous peoples should help course participants better navigate intercultural relations and inclusivity at school, work and home.


                          INDG 101 Indigenous People's Relationships: Once You've Heard the Story. Students are introduced to how colonial policies and legislation has and continues to impact relationships between Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Metis, Inuit), settlers and the Canadian and Provincial governments, and the broader western world view. The oral system of historical documentation, Indigenous stories, testimonies, and other evidence are critically examined. Students will explore and analyze how Indigenous resilience and resurgence is building self-determination and supporting reconciliation. Students will build awareness and insight into Indigenous worldview, teachings, protocols, and methodologies. Circle pedagogy and oral presentation are key components. This is an interactive relational course that requires committed respectful class community engagement with the composition of a commitment statement. This course is foundational to INDG100 and certain topics will be explored further in other programs.

                          A 65% or better in English at the grade 12 level

                          INDG 102 Walk the Talk: Indigenous Worldview Applications. Students will build awareness and insight into Indigenous worldview, teachings, protocols, and methodologies through experiential learning and application. Indigenous ways of learning such as circle pedagogy, oral presentation, research, and various Indigenous methodologies make this an interactive relational course. Students are required to conduct themselves respectfully with elders and cultural ambassadors. This course expands on Indigenous worldviews identified in INDG100 and INDG101.

                          INDG 101

                          INDG 202 Canadian Literature I: Indigenous Voices. From the earliest narratives, Euro Canadian writing has framed our understanding of Indigenous peoples. We will examine the works of Indigenous writers from across Canada. Reading and discussion will give us an opportunity to understand First People's literature, including the response to colonialism, and to experience the vitality of First People's cultures, imaginations, and ways of knowing.

                          ENGL 111 or ENGL 114, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          INDG 287 Introduction to Indigenous Teachings and Practices. This course will provide students with an introduction to Indigenous studies, including key concepts, themes and topics relevant to Indigenous histories and contemporary practices. The history and impact of colonialism, residential schools and oppression will be explored. We will explore Indigenous Worldview and ways in which we can respectfully participate in creating a future vision which embodies respect for cultural diversity and the health of our planet. Local wisdom keepers will be invited to share stories.

                          ENGL 110 or equivalent, with a minimum of 60%

                          INDG 302 Indigenous Health and Healing introduces students to the topic of Aboriginal health and healing from the time prior to first contact with European newcomers through to the present. We will also focus on cultural awareness and critical thinking on current Aboriginal health and healing issues. Aboriginal health and healing will be explored from within a variety of Aboriginal perspectives that are inclusive of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of health and well-being. Skill-based training in cultural safety and anti-racism based on the recommendations and information provided by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission results and the 'calls to action' will be emphasized. Aboriginal worldviews and 'ways of knowing' will be embedded in the course delivery as well as course content.

                          Third year standing in Advanced Diploma in Rural Pre-Medicine (ADRPM), or Third year standing in Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN).
                          Law and Justice Studies

                          LAW 120 Rural Legal Issues I is a one-credit course designed to introduce learners to the legal profession. Information will be provided on pathways into the legal profession and the career potentials in the legal field. Students will also learn about the Canadian legal system and law in general.

                          Acceptance into the Law and Justice Studies Program.

                          LAW 121 Rural Legal Issues II is a one-credit course which will build upon the knowledge gained in LAW 120. In particular, the course will focus on the unique challenges facing legal professionals in a rural area, including the need to have a broad understanding of a variety of legal issues and the challenges surrounding equal access to justice in rural areas.

                          LAW 120

                          LAW 122 Rural Legal Issues III is a one-credit course which builds on the knowledge gained in LAW 120 and 121 with an emphasis on professionalism and both oral and written communication. Learners will complete a major legal research and writing project in this course as well as an oral presentation.

                          LAW 121
                          Peace and Conflict Studies

                          PACS (PEAC) 100 Introduction to Peace Studies I offers an introduction to the foundational concepts of peace studies: peace, conflict, violence and non-violence. Students will gain an understanding and engage in critical analysis of historical and current nonviolence movements for social change with the goal of equipping them to help build cultures of peace.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PACS (PEAC) 101 Peace Studies II is the second of two introductory core courses in Peace Studies at Selkirk College. This course will focus on traditional and non-traditional approaches to Conflict Resolution transformation. Students will be introduced to conflict theory and conflict analysis, as well as conflict transformation strategies ranging from general principles and key concepts in arbitration, negotiation non-violent action, mediation, reconciliation and forgiveness, and alternative dispute resolution including, non-violent communication, peacemaking circles, conflict transformation, and conflict free conflict resolution. Students will practice identifying, analyzing, role playing, mapping, and peacefully resolving or transforming conflicts that range from the interpersonal to the international.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. PEAC 100 is recommended.

                          PACS (PEAC) 201 From Water to Chocolate: Environment, Conflict and Justice is an examination of selected global political-ecological issues, including conflict minerals, child slavery, climate change, and water wars; as well as the power and potential of various pathways to peace, including nonviolent direct action, Indigenous solidarity, fair trade, international accompaniment, ecological restoration, and environmental peace-building.

                          Second-year standing. PACS (PEAC) 100 is recommended.

                          PACS (PEAC) 202 Leadership for Peace: The Individual and Social Transformation begins with the understanding that leadership for peace is, at its foundations, leadership for human rights and social justice; and with the further insight that social transformation is always joined with inner transformation, to the individual who ''can change the world''. PACS (PEAC) 202 examines leadership and peace in relation to issues of authority, power, legitimacy, and the will to truth, reconciliation, compassion, and healing. A significant part of this course is a service learning assignment to be determined by the student in conjunction with faculty.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with minimum of 60%. Successful completion of, or concurrent study in PACS (PEAC) 100 or PACS (PEAC) 101 strongly recommended.

                          PACS (PEAC) 203 Introduction to Restorative Justice: Theory and Practice explores the theory and practice of restorative justice. Themes include retribution, punishment and deterrence; Indigenous approaches to justice; trauma and healing; shame and empathy; community, belonging, forgiveness, and reconciliation. Students will gain familiarity with the process models of victim-offender mediation, family-group conferencing, and peacemaking circles; and will learn how restorative practices are being used in our schools.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. PACS (PEAC) 100 and PACS (PEAC) 101 are recommended.

                          PACS (PEAC) 205 Global Perspectives in Peace: An independent Studies Course provides an opportunity for students to learn about peace, justice and related topics from a practical, local to global, and/or cross-cultural perspective through self-initiated travel abroad or self-initiated contact with a peace related NGO. For example, as part of this course, students may participate in one of two international peace institutes (Mindanao Peace Building Institute in the Philippines and African Peace Building Institute in Zambia) with which Selkirk College has a partnership. Alternatively, students may design their own independent international peace and justice learning experience, with support, as needed, from the instructor.

                          PACS (PEAC) 100 or PACS (PEAC) 101. PACS (PEAC) 201 is recommended.

                          PHIL 100 Introductory Philosophy I focuses on reality and its relationship with human consciousness. In this course we explore questions about truth, objectivity and subjectivity, the existence of God, and the nature and limits of human knowledge.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PHIL 101 Introductory Philosophy II focuses on the nature of human reality. We explore metaphysical issues such as self-identity, free will, and the relationship between the mind and body. We examine questions about taste in aesthetic judgment, and we discuss issues in ethical theory including relativism, subjectivism, and egoism. We end the course by looking at theories and problems of justice.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PHIL 120 Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking is designed to improve students' ability to reason well. Students will study the nature, structure, and purpose of valid arguments, identify common fallacies and mistakes, and determine when to use various forms of reasoning (e.g., deductive, inductive, and abductive). Students will sharpen their understanding of these concepts by analyzing and assessing arguments in the courts, news, and other contemporary media.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PHIL 210 Biomedical Ethics explores ethical moral questions that arise in the context of healthcare. Students will engage with these questions by learning ethical theory and by studying challenging cases. They will outline the relevant features of real life examples, weigh moral considerations, and practice articulating recommendations about what to do. The course covers biomedical topics such as autonomy, informed consent, surrogate decision-making, traumatic brain injury, refusing care, medical assistance in dying, assisted reproduction, abortion, public health, organ donation, genetic screening and therapy, research and experimentation, rural medicine, and global health intervention. While this course is geared primarily to Rural Pre-Medicine students, it may be of interest to anyone concerned with biomedical research and healthcare.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. English 110 is recommended.

                          SPAN 102 Beginner's Spanish I is an introductory language course designed for the absolute beginner with little or no knowledge of Spanish. The focus of this course is to help students become functionally proficient in the Spanish language through the development of the basic communication skills speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture.


                          SPAN 103 Beginner's Spanish II is designed to develop the communication skills learned by the students in Spanish 102. Students will further their knowledge of the Spanish language and awareness of Spanish culture. The focus of this course is to help students become functionally proficient in the Spanish language through the development of the basic communication skills speaking, listening, reading, and writing, as well as the study of vocabulary, grammar, and culture.

                          SPAN 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
                          Social Sciences

                          ANTH 100 Introduction to Anthropology I is an introduction to the major areas within the discipline: physical and cultural anthropology, linguistics, and archaeology.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ANTH 101 Introduction to Anthropology II: Cultural Anthropology is an introduction to cultural anthropology in western and non-western societies. Through ethnographic accounts students will study world cultures both at home and abroad.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum 60%

                          ANTH 110 Introduction to Biological Anthropology introduces theories, methods, and research in biological anthropology. Topics include the study of genetics, human and non-human primates, morphological variations, the human fossil record, trends and debates in human evolution, and bio cultural adaptations.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ANTH 201 Ethnic Relations is an introduction to the comparative study of 'race' from local to international contexts. The course explores social stratification according to race and ethnicity and looks at the motivations and consequences of such classifications and their relationships to other forms of stratification.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. ANTH 100 or ANTH 101 recommended.

                          ANTH 205 Anthropology of Religion provides an introduction to the comparative study of religious beliefs, practices, and movements. Classic and contemporary approaches in the anthropology of religion are explored in ethnographic context, examining the similarities and variations in systems of religious belief.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. ANTH 100 or ANTH 101 recommended.

                          ANTH 210 Introduction to Archaeology outlines the basic concepts and terms and short history of the discipline; field concepts and methods; survey, excavation, stratigraphy and other recording, artifact cataloguing and conservation; sampling and approached to dating; seriation, behavioural patterning; classical, prehistoric and historical archaeology.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent minimum of 60%. ANTH 100 or ANTH 110 are strongly recommended. ANTH 101 is recommended.

                          ANTH 211 Archaeology Field Methods provides students with instruction and practical experience in basic methods and techniques of archaeological fieldwork, including mapping, excavation, recording, processing of artifacts, analysis and reporting. This is a field methods class requiring students to live and work together as a group while they learn field methods and contribute to the success of an archaeological research project.

                          English Studies 12, ANTH 100, ANTH 101 and ANTH 110 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.
                          ANTH 210

                          CMNS 200 Intercultural Communications explores the inherent relationship between culture, language, and communication, as well as examines basic concepts such as identity, assumptions, stereotypes, beliefs, value systems, and globalization. Barriers to effective intercultural communication are identified and strategies for overcoming them explored. The focus of this course is to help students develop meaningful strategies to communicate in today's culturally diverse communities.


                          ECON 104 Economic Analysis for Small Business is designed to engage students with contemporary global and Canadian issues, and with some of the region's competitive markets. Students will survey contemporary news publications and other data sources, analyzing their contents to identify economic concepts and management implications. Focus will be on identifying the economic impacts on business resulting from the cloud of seemingly chaotic global events.

                          Program Admission Standards. Acceptance to PGBM program

                          ECON 106 Principles of Macroeconomics covers: national income accounts, national income determination model, monetary system, monetary and fiscal policy, problems with the Macro System, inflation, unemployment, etc.; international trade - balance of payments, exchange rates, capital flows.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          ECON 107 Principles of Microeconomics usually taken following Economics 106 Principles of Macroeconomics. Topics covered include: supply and demand - price supports, the agricultural problem, value theory, theory of the firm - competition, pollution, industrial organization - monopoly, public utilities, advertising, income distribution - labour unions, productivity.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          GEOG 136 Geography of British Columbia. British Columbia is one of the most diverse and richly endowed provinces in Canada, both in terms of its natural resources and the diversity of its people. This introductory course will cover the physical geography (physiographic regions, geomorphology, climatology, and biogeography), resource issues (natural resources, industry, and conservation) and cultural geography (First Nations, ethnic diversity, rural and urban communities) of British Columbia.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          GEOG 140 Introduction to Cultural Geography studies the relationships between culture, space, place, and the environment. A wide variety of cultures, their landscapes, and the changes they are undergoing will be examined through a geographic lens. Through Cultural Geography we will begin to understand cultural differences and open up new possibilities for solving our own problems as well as for viewing the rest of the world in less judgmental terms.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PSYC 100 Introductory Psychology I is an introduction to the methods, theory and practice of psychology as a science. Among others, topics will include motivation and emotion, learning and memory, biological foundations, sensation and perception. Other topics are added at the discretion of the individual instructor. Class demonstrations and activities are used to illustrate concepts. Teaching methods and resources in the course vary with the instructor.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PSYC 101 Introductory Psychology II covers topics include thinking and other cognitive processes, development of the individual, personality, mental disorders, health and social psychology. Other topics are added at the discretion of the instructor. Class demonstrations and activities are used to illustrate concepts. Teaching methods and resources in the course vary with the instructor.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PSYC 200 Biological Psychology is recommended for majors in psychology or other biological sciences. It will emphasize fundamental neurological processes which underlie sensation, perception, learning, and motivation, and will also explore selected topics in other areas.

                          PSYC 100 and PSYC 101. Students may enrol PSYC 101 and PSYC 200 concurrently.

                          PSYC 202 Research Methods. This course introduces prospective Psychology majors to the major methodological principles that guide research in Psychology. The primary focus is on experimental design, but students will be exposed to some elementary statistics. Topics include critical thinking and scientific reasoning, principles of measurement, types of variables, validity and reliability, and research ethics. Weekly labs offer hands-on applications of basic concepts to the design of research.

                          PSYC 100 and PSYC 101. Students may enrol in PSYC 101 and PSYC 200 concurrently.

                          PSYC 230 Mental Health and Psychological Disorders I is the study of Abnormal Behaviour. Initially we will study the key concepts of major personality theories as they apply to abnormal psychology. This is followed by an introduction to the DSMIV (or DSMV) Classification System and research strategies used in abnormal psychology. The course begins its examination of specific disorders by considering disorders related to anxiety, trauma and stress. The final unit looks at Depressive and Bipolar disorders and Suicide.

                          Two semesters of Introductory Psychology with a minimum of 60%

                          PSYC 231 Mental Health and Psychological Disorders II is the second of two courses which study psychological disorders. In this course we will examine psychotic, pervasive and other major psychological disorders. We will consider the causes, prognoses and treatments of such disorders as: affective disorders; the schizophrenias; developmental disorders; eating disorders; substance-abuse disorders; and sexual disorders.

                          PSYC 230 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          PSYC 240 Child Development is an introduction to normal child development; this course explores selected aspects of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and moral development of children from birth to middle childhood; and examines the major theories of child development.

                          PSYC 100 or equivalent

                          PSYC 241 Adult Development is an introduction to teenage and adult development. This course explores selected aspects of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and moral development from adolescence thru late adulthood.

                          PSYC 100 or equivalent

                          SOC 120 Introduction to Sociology I introduces students to the discipline. The sociological perspective is examined, along with the associated concepts and methods. Attention is directed to major areas such as culture, socialization, stratification and deviance. Students have an opportunity to research topics of interest.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          SOC 121 Introduction to Sociology II examines the social life as it occurs in families, formal organizations, religion, political movements and other social systems. Student research projects are part of the course.

                          SOC 120 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          SOC 200 Deviance and Social Control analyzes the processes by which some behaviour comes to be identified as deviant and the social means of control of such behaviour through the criminal justice system are examined analytically.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with minimum of 60%

                          SOC 205 Introduction to Social Research introduces students to research methods in the social sciences. Students will be introduced to the major procedures for carrying out systematic investigation of the social world. It will encourage students to critically evaluate the methods, strategies and data that are used by social scientists and provide training in analysis of a range of qualitative and quantitative data.

                          Second year students (min. 30 completed credits)

                          SOC 215 Canadian Social Structure is a macro level analysis of factors such as (but not limited to) ethnicity, region, gender and class as a basis for understanding contemporary Canadian society.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          SOC 225 Introduction to Sociological Theory is designed to introduce students to the major nineteenth and twentieth century thinkers who shaped the development of sociological theory. In exploring sociology's theoretical heritage, the course seeks also to foster an appreciation of what theory is and how necessary and useful it is for studying and understanding the social world.

                          SOC 120 and SOC 121(Selkirk College), or the equivalent of 6 units of Introductory Sociology from other institutions.
                          Women's Studies

                          WS 100 Women's Studies I is an inter-disciplinary course designed to introduce students to the study of women in global cultures as portrayed through literature and sociological studies. Topics to be covered include the women's movement, sexuality, ''herstory'', gender roles, philosophy, and law.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          WS 101 Women's Studies II is a continuation of Women's Studies 100, WS 101 is an interdisciplinary course designed to expand on the study of women in global cultures as portrayed through literature and sociological studies; however, students do not need WS 100 as a prerequisite. Topics to be covered include women and religion, politics, health and reproductive technologies, and inequality in paid and unpaid labour.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          BIOC 302 General Biochemistry builds on principles of biochemistry explored in BIOL 206. The biosynthesis of lipids, amino acids and nucleotides will be discussed. DNA, RNA and protein metabolic pathways will be explored, along with regulatory mechanisms. The laboratory component uses techniques introduced in BIOL 206 to study the fundamental components of cellular function.

                          BIOL 204, BIOL 206, CHEM 212 and CHEM 213 or equivalent with a minimum of 60% in all.

                          BIOL 101 Current Issues in Biology is a course designed for non-science majors who need a laboratory science as a required course for their program of studies. This course examines major themes in biology in the context of current issues, and allows students to apply the knowledge, skills and concepts learned in order to make informed decisions about their everyday lives. The course will have an overarching theme of human wellness, and will examine topics such as disease and health, the gut microbiome, genetically modified organisms, climate change, and overpopulation, while incorporating biological topics such cell structure and function, anatomy and physiology, genetics, evolution, and ecology. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, examining current scientific events, and through laboratory analysis. This course does not fulfill the requirements for a science major's course and cannot be substituted for Biology 104 or Biology 106.

                          English Studies 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Math 11 is recommended.

                          BIOL 104 Biology I is a course designed for those students who require first year Majors biology in their program of study or who wish to go on to further study in biology. The course includes cell biology, biochemistry, and an examination of the processes of life in the plant and animal body. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, a scientific research proposal, and laboratory analysis.

                          Biology 12 and Chemistry 11 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                          BIOL 106 Biology II. Along with BIOL 104 (Biology I), this course provides an overview of the study of living things. Biology 106 presents topics in population, community and ecosystem ecology, and classical and molecular genetics. Evolution provides a unifying theme for the course. A strong emphasis is placed on the development of critical thinking skills through problem solving, case studies and laboratory investigation.

                          Biology 12 and Chemistry 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                          BIOL 164 Human Anatomy and Physiology I. This course provides an integrative approach to the normal structure and function of the human body. Repair and replication, structural support, nervous integration, movement and metabolism are examined at the cellular, tissue and system levels. Recent scientific discoveries are presented as a means of relating the systems studied to various applied disciplines including health care and Kinesiology.

                          Biology 12 and Chemistry 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. One of Biology 11, Chemistry 12, or Physics 12 . (Biology 11 is recommended.)

                          BIOL 165 Human Anatomy and Physiology II is a continuation of Biology 164. This course covers the cardiovascular, respiratory, lymphatic, urinary and digestive systems. Endocrinology is discussed throughout as a means of integrating the various systems to the function of the body as a whole. The focus remains on application of knowledge gained in this course.

                          BIOL 164 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          BIOL 200 Principles of Ecology provides an introduction to the major principles of ecology.  Ecology is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment and how these interactions determine the distribution and abundance of organisms.  Interactions between biotic and abiotic systems are discussed as they apply to individuals, populations, communities, and ecosystems.  Topics include patterns in the physical environment, behavioural ecology, population dynamics, interactions between species, ecosystem energetics and global biodiversity.  In the laboratory, basic statistical methods for ecology are used to analyse data gathered in field and laboratory experiments.

                          BIOL 106 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          BIOL 202 Principles of Genetics. This course provides the student with a knowledge of classical and reverse genetics. Topics covered include Mendelian inheritance, chromosome theory of heredity, sex determination, mutation, the structure and function of genes, molecular genetics, and the genetic structure of populations. Experimental techniques used in molecular genetics are also introduced.

                          BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%.

                          BIOL 204 Cell Biology provides the student with a thorough knowledge of cell structure and function. Topics covered include biomolecules, membranes, organelles, cell movement, cell signaling, gene regulation, and transcription and translation. Experimental techniques used in modern cellular and molecular biology are also introduced.

                          BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          BIOL 206 Introductory Biochemistry provides an introduction to biochemistry including protein structure and function, and representative catabolic and anabolic pathways. Topics covered include water, enzyme kinetics and enzyme structure and function. Experimental techniques used in biochemistry and molecular biology are also introduced.

                          BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. NOTE: Students are advised to take CHEM 212 as a prerequisite and CHEM 213 concurrently with BIOL 206.

                          BIOL 212 Introduction to Microbiology is a survey of the microbial world, with discussions of the medical and ecological significance of key organisms. The biology of micro-organisms (including bacteria and viruses) is a key focal point, but there will also be discussions of immunology and pathology. The laboratory component will build basic skills necessary to perform and interpret research in the fields of medical microbiology, industrial microbiology, environmental microbiology, immunology and virology. A basic knowledge of biology will be presumed, including basic cell biology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism.

                          BIOL 104 and BIOL 106, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%, or another six credits of 100-level Biology.

                          CHEM 110 Fundamentals of Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have taken CHEM 11 (or equivalent) or who need improvement to their chemistry background. It provides an extensive review of the fundamentals of chemical nomenclature, reactions and stoichiometry involving solids, gases and solutions. Current theories for atomic and molecular structure are introduced. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab portion of this course is the same as CHEM 122.

                          Chemistry 11 and Pre-calculus Math 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          CHEM 122 General Chemistry I is an introductory general chemistry course leading into science or engineering programs for students who have a solid chemistry background, including Chemistry 12 or equivalent. After a short review of fundamental chemistry, classical and quantum mechanical concepts are used to discuss atomic and molecular structure. The course ends with an investigation of intermolecular forces in liquids and solids. The lab work stresses scientific observations and measurements using chemical syntheses and quantitative analyses.

                          Chemistry 12 or CHEM 110 and Pre-calculus 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%. Pre-calculus 12 or equivalent is recommended.

                          CHEM 125 Fundamentals of Chemistry II is the continuation for either CHEM 110 or CHEM 122. The course consists of two major units: physical chemistry and organic chemistry. The study of physical chemistry begins with an investigation of reaction rates (kinetics), followed by the principles of equilibria applied to pure substances and aqueous solutions, and an introduction to the laws of thermodynamics. The second major unit is a survey of the field of organic chemistry; topics include the physical and chemical properties of alkanes and alkenes, stereochemistry, and addition, substitution, and elimination reactions. The laboratory work involves the measurement of physical and chemical properties as well as chemical syntheses.

                          CHEM 110 or CHEM 122, or equivalent with a minimum of 60 %

                          CHEM 212 Organic Chemistry I explores the relationship between the structures of carbon-containing molecules and their physical and chemical properties. Some topics from 1st-year general chemistry are reviewed briefly: alkanes, stereochemistry, alkenes, and nucleophilic substitution and elimination reactions of alkyl halides. The correlation between structure and acidity is investigated, and the chemistry of alkynes and alcohols is examined. Structure-determination techniques, including IR and NMR, are explored. The laboratory work for this course provides practical experiences with separation/purification techniques, molecular synthesis, and qualitative analytical methods applied to organic compounds.

                          CHEM 125 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          CHEM 213 Organic Chemistry II is a continuation of CHEM 212. The survey of organic families is continued with a study of aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acid derivatives, aromatics and amines. The chemistry of a variety of compounds of biological interest is also discussed. The laboratory work involves synthesis and organic structure determination.

                          CHEM 212, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          CHEM 225 Physical Chemistry for Biosciences presents the basic concepts of chemical thermodynamics and kinetics that apply to biological systems. Students will explore why gases would behave differently at different conditions (e.g. deep sea diving, high altitude, other planets), how ideal engines function, why some reactions spontaneous, how do we explain the effect of salting roads in winter, how batteries and our metabolism generate energy, how kinetics is related to thermodynamics (why diamonds do not break down into graphene) and how we use of spectroscopy to explore biological structures. In the laboratory, quantitative properties of systems are measured, to illustrate the theory discussed in lectures.

                          CHEM 125 and MATH 101, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
                          Computer Sciences

                          CPSC 100 Introduction to Computer Programming I is an introductory object-oriented (OO) programming course with emphasis on basic programming constructs, algorithms, program design, and good programming practices. This course will introduce a high-level language to illustrate programming basics. Students will develop and test small OO programs which loop, make decisions, access arrays, define classes, instantiate objects, and invoke methods.

                          Math 12

                          CPSC 101 Introduction to Computer Programming II course is a continuation of CPSC 100 with emphasis on more advanced programming techniques and design, development and test of large applications. Students will write programs which make use of library functions to display graphical user interfaces, manage collections of data, access files and databases, and interact with other programs.

                          CPSC 100, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          GEOG 130 Introduction to Physical Geography (Lab Science) is a study of the natural processes which occur at/or near Earth's surface in the biosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere. Emphasis is placed on our local and regional physical geography as we examine: weather, climate, ocean currents, climate change; biogeography, soils, hydrology, and the development of slopes and fluvial landforms. An important component of the course is the integrated aspect of these natural processes and the influence of human activities on our landscapes. Throughout the course students will develop skills reading and interpreting data from maps, remotely sensed images, tables, graphs and text. Students will use this information to recognize patterns and solve problems. Students will practice making field observations and taking field notes.

                          Pre-calculus 11, Foundations 11, or Principles of Math 11. or equivalent with minimum of 60%.

                          GEOG 232 Geomorphology. Our planet is undergoing a period of accelerated change. As such, GEOG 232 is a timely lab science course in which students will learn about the dynamic processes that shape the Earth’s surface. We will explore the geomorphic forces that are at play in various environments such as alpine and continental glaciers, permafrost areas, river systems, deserts, and coastal regions, and discover the resultant landforms. We will also examine anthropogenic effects on different landscapes and how climate change is altering the face of the Earth.

                          GEOG 130 or GEOL 132 or ENVR 164

                          GEOL 132 Physical Geology, earth's origin, composition, structure and natural resources. Global and local examples of plate tectonics as the driving force for volcanism, mountain building and earthquakes. Imaging Earth's interior and exploring its dynamic interaction with the surface. Introduction to rock and mineral identification. Surficial processes such as weathering, erosion and mass wasting and their relationship to the rock cycle.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent, with a minimum of 60%

                          Geology 142 Introduction to Historical Geology introduces basic concepts for measuring geological time by applying stratigraphic principles, paleontology and radioactive decay. The course explores the geological and paleontological record of the Earth, with particular reference to North America and Western Canada. Other topics include adaptation and extinction of life forms as seen in the fossil record, the interaction of geological processes and biological evolution and mechanisms of past global environmental and climate change.

                          English Studies 12, or equivalent, with a minimum of 60%

                          MATH 097 Calculus Refresher is a refresher for MATH 100 and is held one week before fall classes start. This courses takes a quick look at critical skills/topics needed to be successful in calculus: a review of graphs of basic functions algebra solving equations trigonometry exponential and logarithmic functions.


                          Math 99 Environment and Geomatics Math Refresher course will help prepare you for the math skills needed to complete the Environment and Geomatics program at Selkirk College. Topics include solving equations, trigonometry, and problem solving skills.


                          MATH 100 Calculus I is a course designed to provide students with the background in calculus needed for further studies. This course includes a review of functions and graphs; limits; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; applications of the derivative including related rates, maxima, minima, velocity and acceleration; the definite integral; an introduction to elementary differential equations; and applications of integration including velocity, acceleration, areas, and growth and decay problems.

                          Pre-Calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          MATH 101 Calculus II is a sequel to Math 100 for students who wish to major in science, math or engineering and includes the definite integral, applications of the definite integral to volume, arc length and surface area of revolution; inverse trig functions; techniques of integration; improper integrals; parametric equations and polar coordinates; linear first order differential equations; and an introduction to infinite series; convergence and power series; Taylor Polynomials.

                          MATH 100, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          MATH 140 Calculus I for Social Sciences is an introductory course in calculus designed to provide students majoring in business, the life sciences or the social sciences with the necessary mathematical background for further study in these areas. The course includes functions, limits, the derivative and its application, anti-differentiation and the indefinite integral and an introduction to differential equations.

                          Pre-calculus 12, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          MATH 180 Mathematics for Teachers, introduces future elementary school teachers and others to the Mathematical content and principals of British Columbia elementary school curriculum. In the process of taking a theoretical and historical, in depth look at the curriculum, students will be encouraged to develop comfort and confidence with mathematics as well as the ability to communicate mathematically and solve mathematical problems.

                          Foundations of Mathematics 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          Math 181 Problem Solving is designed to follow Math 180 and introduces students to more in-depth problem solving. Students will solve problems in class in smaller groups and out of class individually. Students will develop problem-solving ability as well as oral and written presentation skills. This course is intended for all non-science majors. It may be especially useful for students who want to prepare to teach math at the elementary school level and have completed MATH 180.

                          Foundations of Mathematics 11, or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          Math 221 Introductory Linear Algebra. Topics covered in the course include the solution of systems of linear equations through Gaussian elimination; matrices and matrix algebra; vector spaces and their subspaces; coordinate mappings and other linear transformations; eigenvalues and eigenvectors; similarity and diagonalization; and constructions involving inner products such as orthogonal projections, the construction of Gram-Schmidt bases and least-square approximations. Although the course devotes a substantial amount of time to computational techniques, it should also lead the student to develop geometrical intuitions, to appreciate and understand mathematical abstraction, and to construct some elementary proofs.

                          Math 100 or equivalent, with a minimum of 60%

                          Physics 102 Basic Physics I is an algebra-based survey of mechanics. Course material includes basic concepts of vectors, particle kinematics and dynamics, energy, momentum, circular and rotational motion, thermal properties of matter, vibrations and sound, and fluids.

                          Physics 11 or Math 12 or equivalent

                          PHYS 103 Basic Physics II is an algebra-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism and modern physics. This course is suitable for those pursuing studies in the life sciences or others who do not plan to pursue careers in the physical sciences or engineering. We first study electrostatics of particles. This leads into electric circuits involving resistors and capacitors. Next we look at magnetism. Finally we investigate topics applicable to life sciences, such as electromagnetic waves, sound, and nuclear physics. The lab component of the course is an opportunity to reinforce concepts and content from the course, and to develop experimental method and reporting results.

                          PHYS 102 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          Physics 104 Fundamental Physics I is a calculus based overview of the fundamentals of classical mechanics. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Classical mechanics describes the physical phenomena occurring in the real world around us. We study linear and rotational motion of objects, and then consider how forces cause motion, using Newton's laws. We next use conservation of energy and conservation of momentum to describe the motion of objects. Finally we investigate heat transfer and simple harmonic motion. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

                          Physics 12 or equivalent with a minimum of 60%
                          MATH 100

                          PHYS 105 Fundamental Physics II is a calculus-based survey of the basics of electromagnetism. This course is suitable for those interested in further study in the physical sciences and in engineering. Electricity and magnetism form the basis for all modern electrical devices we utilize today and design for the future. We first study electrostatics of particles and simple objects. Then we investigate circuits involving electrical devices such as resistors, capacitors, and inductors. We next study how electricity and magnetism interact with each other both in circuits and in waves. Finally we look at modern subjects in physics such as semiconductors or nuclear physics. These topics form a basis for future physical science and engineering courses.

                          PHYS 104 and MATH 100 with a minimum of 60%
                          MATH 101

                          PHYS 200 Principles of Mechanics, is an introduction to equilibrium mechanics. It is the study of the forces required to maintain equilibrium of a rigid body. Vectors, free body diagrams, forces, and moments will be introduced to provide the mathematical framework for setting up equations to solve equilibrium problems in three dimensions. Some applications include analysis of beams, trusses, frames, distributed loads, dry friction, and centroids. This course is generally for students enrolled in the engineering transfer program.

                          PHYS 105, MATH 101 or equivalent with minimum of 60%, or admission to the First-year Engineering Transfer Program.

                          STAT 105 Introduction to Statistics is intended for social, environmental science, and business students, or others who would benefit from a one-term statistics course. Topics include estimation of means and hypothesis testing. Applications are explored.

                          Math 11 at any level or equivalent with a minimum of 60%

                          STAT 206 Probability and Statistics is an introductory applied statistics course for math, science, and engineering students. Topics include: set theory, probability, discrete and continuous variables and their distributions, joint probability distributions, point estimates, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing based on one or two samples. If time permits, we will discuss ANOVA tests as well as correlation and regression.

                          MATH 100
                          Applied Sciences

                          ENGR 100 Engineering Design and Communication I is an introduction to the principles of engineering design, engineering drawing and sustainable practice. This knowledge will be applied to practical projects to be undertaken by teams of learners. Learners experience integrated development and demonstrate writing, research, design and presentation skills through research and a design project.


                          ENGR 100 is a requirement for all students completing the First-Year Engineering Transfer program.

                          Admission to the First-Year Engineering Transfer program.

                          ENGR 101 Engineering Design and Communication II integrates instruction and activities in technical communications (written and oral) with engineering design. The learner will be introduced to fundamental principles and practical aspects of mechanical, electrical, and software engineering and will apply this knowledge in developing and implementing designs. The design methodology first covered in the ENGR 100 Engineering Design and Communication I course will continue to be developed. Learners will work in teams to execute a design project. Major written assignments will be based primarily on the design work done in this course.

                          ENGR 100

                          Effective Term:

                          Fall, Winter, Spring

                          Grading Table:

                          Standard Academic and Career Programs

